How to use the cpplint._ClassState function in cpplint

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few cpplint examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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filename: Filename of the file that is being processed.
    file_extension: The extension (dot not included) of the file.
    lines: An array of strings, each representing a line of the file, with the
           last element being empty if the file is termined with a newline.
    error: A callable to which errors are reported, which takes 4 arguments:
           filename, line number, error level, and message
    extra_check_functions: An array of additional check functions that will be
                           run on each source line. Each function takes 4
                           arguments: filename, clean_lines, line, error
  lines = (['// marker so line numbers and indices both start at 1'] + lines +
           ['// marker so line numbers end in a known way'])

  include_state = _IncludeState()
  function_state = _FunctionState()
  class_state = _ClassState()


  CheckForCopyright(filename, lines, error)

  if file_extension == 'h':
    CheckForHeaderGuard(filename, lines, error)

  RemoveMultiLineComments(filename, lines, error)
  clean_lines = CleansedLines(lines)
  for line in xrange(clean_lines.NumLines()):
    ProcessLine(filename, file_extension, clean_lines, line,
                include_state, function_state, class_state, error,
  class_state.CheckFinished(filename, error)