How to use the cortex.quickshow function in cortex

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few cortex examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github gallantlab / pycortex / examples / quickstart / View on Github external
except ImportError:  # python 3
    from urllib.request import urlretrieve

# Download the dataset and load it
_ = urlretrieve("",
ret_data = cortex.load("S1_retinotopy.hdf")

# The retinotopy data has to be divided into left and right hemispheres
left_data = ret_data.angle_left
cortex.quickshow(left_data, with_curvature=True, cvmin=-5., cvmax=5., cvthr=True)

right_data = ret_data.angle_right
cortex.quickshow(right_data, with_curvature=True, cvmin=-5., cvmax=5., cvthr=True)
github gallantlab / pycortex / examples / quickflat / View on Github external
xmax, ymax = roi_pts.max(0) + margin
    plt.axis([xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax])

# Create dataset
data = cortex.Volume.random('S1', 'fullhead')

# Plot it using quickflat

# Zoom on just one region
zoom_to_roi('S1', 'AC', 'left')

# notice that the quality of this figure is now quite poor/grainy
# we can improve this by changing the 'height' argument to quickflat

cortex.quickshow(data, height=2048)
zoom_to_roi('S1', 'AC', 'left')
github gallantlab / pycortex / examples / quickflat / View on Github external
import numpy as np

# Create a random pycortex Volume
volume = cortex.Volume.random(subject='S1', xfmname='retinotopy')

# Plot a flatmap with the data projected onto the surface
# By default ROIs and their labels will be overlaid to the plot
# Also a colorbar will be added
_ = cortex.quickflat.make_figure(volume)

# The cortex.quickshow method is a pointer to quickflat.make_figure
# and will plot exactly the same as the above plot
_ = cortex.quickshow(volume)

# Highlight the curvature
_ = cortex.quickflat.make_figure(volume, with_curvature=True)

# Remove ROI labels from the plot
_ = cortex.quickflat.make_figure(volume,

# Remove ROIs from the plot
_ = cortex.quickflat.make_figure(volume,
github gallantlab / pycortex / examples / datasets / View on Github external
xfm = 'fullhead'

# First create example voxel data for this subject and transform
voxel_data = np.random.randn(31, 100, 100)
voxel_vol = cortex.Volume(voxel_data, subject, xfm)

# Then we have to get a mapper from voxels to vertices for this transform
mapper = cortex.get_mapper(subject, xfm, 'line_nearest', recache=True)

# Just pass the voxel data through the mapper to get vertex data
vertex_map = mapper(voxel_vol)

# You can plot both as you would normally plot Volume and Vertex data
github gallantlab / pycortex / examples / datasets / View on Github external
test_data = np.random.randn(31, 100, 100)

# This creates a Volume object for our test dataset for the given subject
# and transform
vol_data = cortex.Volume(test_data, subject, xfm, vmin=-2, vmax=2)

# Now you can do arithmetic with the Volume
vol_plus = vol_data + 1

# You can also do multiplication
vol_mult = vol_data * 4
github gallantlab / pycortex / examples / datasets / View on Github external
test3[v-1000: v+1000] = 1

# Scaling the three datasets to be between 0-255
test1_scaled = test1 / np.max(test1) * 255
test2_scaled = test2 / np.max(test2) * 255
test3_scaled = test3 / np.max(test3) * 255

# Creating three cortex.Volume objects with the test data as np.uint8
red = cortex.Vertex(test1_scaled, subject)
green = cortex.Vertex(test2_scaled, subject)
blue = cortex.Vertex(test3_scaled, subject)

# This creates a 2D Vertex object with both of our test datasets for the
# given subject
vertex_data = cortex.VertexRGB(red, green, blue, subject)
cortex.quickshow(vertex_data, with_colorbar=False)
github gallantlab / pycortex / examples / datasets / View on Github external
import cortex
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

subject = 'S1'
xfm = 'fullhead'

# Creating a random dataset that is the shape for this transform with one
# entry for each voxel
test_data = np.random.randn(31, 100, 100)

# This creates a Volume object for our test dataset for the given subject
# and transform
vol_data = cortex.Volume(test_data, subject, xfm, vmin=-2, vmax=2)

# Now you can do arithmetic with the Volume
vol_plus = vol_data + 1

# You can also do multiplication
vol_mult = vol_data * 4
github gallantlab / pycortex / examples / surface_analyses / View on Github external
# Now we need to pick the start and end points of the line we will draw
pt_a = 100
pt_b = 50000

# Then we find the geodesic path between these points
path = surfs[0].geodesic_path(pt_a, pt_b)

# In order to plot this on the cortical surface, we need an array that is the
# same size as the number of vertices in the left hemisphere
path_data = np.zeros(numl)
for v in path:
    path_data[v] = 1

# And now plot these distances onto the cortical surface
path_verts = cortex.Vertex(path_data, subject, cmap="Blues_r")
cortex.quickshow(path_verts, with_colorbar=False)
github gallantlab / pycortex / examples / surface_analyses / View on Github external
dist = Distortion(lflatpts, lfidpts, lpolys)

# Compute areal distortion
# this returns an array of values for each vertex, which we will put into
# a Vertex object for plotting
areal_dist = cortex.Vertex(dist.areal, subject, vmin=-2, vmax=2)
# areal distortion is in log_2 units (e.g. -1 is half the area, 1 is double)

cortex.quickshow(areal_dist, with_rois=False, with_labels=False)

# Next compute metric distortion
metric_dist = cortex.Vertex(dist.metric, subject, vmin=-2, vmax=2)
# metric distortion is in mm (e.g. -1 means flatmap edge is 1 mm shorter)

cortex.quickshow(metric_dist, with_rois=False, with_labels=False)

# Both of these distortion metrics can also be fetched easily via the pycortex
# database

# these also return Vertex objects like those we created above
areal_dist_2 = cortex.db.get_surfinfo(subject, "distortion", dist_type="areal")
metric_dist_2 = cortex.db.get_surfinfo(subject, "distortion", dist_type="metric")
github gallantlab / pycortex / examples / surface_analyses / View on Github external
lsurf, rsurf = [Surface(*d) for d in cortex.db.get_surf(subject, "fiducial")]

# Let's choose a few points and generate data for them
selected_pts = np.arange(len(lsurf.pts), step=5000)
num_selected_pts = len(selected_pts)
sparse_data = np.random.randn(num_selected_pts)

# Then interpolate
interp_data = lsurf.interp(selected_pts, sparse_data)

# Plot the result
# interp_data is only for the left hemisphere, but the Vertex constructor
# infers that and fills the right hemisphere with zeros
interp_vertex = cortex.Vertex(interp_data[:,0], subject, 
                              vmin=-2, vmax=2, cmap='RdBu_r')
cortex.quickshow(interp_vertex, with_labels=False, with_rois=False)

# plot the locations of the points we selected originally

# nudge=True puts both left and right hemispheres in the same space, moving them
# so that they don't overlap. These are the coordinates used in quickflat
(lflatpts, lpolys), (rflatpts, rpolys) = cortex.db.get_surf(subject, "flat", 

ax = plt.gca()
# zorder is set to 10 to make sure points go on top of other quickflat layers
ax.scatter(lflatpts[selected_pts,0], lflatpts[selected_pts,1], s=50, 
           c=sparse_data, vmin=-2, vmax=2,, zorder=10)

# the interpolate function can also handle multiple dimensions at the same time