How to use the coremltools.converters.nnssa.commons.builtins.is_tensor function in coremltools

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        s = self.gdict[node.inputs[1]].attr['symbolic_value']
        if not s:
            attr_type = self._get_type_from_attr(node)
            if not attr_type and self.gdict[node.inputs[1]].datatype and not any_symbolic_or_unknown(
                # at least we can get a rank
                rank = self.gdict[node.inputs[1]].datatype.T[1][0]
                ret_shape = [make_symbol( + "_" + str(i)) for i in range(rank)]
                return builtins.tensor(lefttype.get_primitive(), ret_shape)
                return attr_type
        s = s.val
        assert len(s.shape) == 2, "padding specs must be of shape [r, 2]" \
            + "where r is rank of input tensor"
        if not builtins.is_tensor(lefttype):
            raise RuntimeError("Pad only operates on tensor type, but got " + str(lefttype))
        retshape = list(lefttype.get_shape())
        for i in range(len(retshape)):
            retshape[i] = retshape[i] + s[i][0] + s[i][1]
        rettype = builtins.tensor(lefttype.get_primitive(), retshape)
        left_sym_val = self.gdict[node.inputs[0]].attr["symbolic_value"]
        if left_sym_val:
            node.attr["symbolic_value"] = rettype()
            node.attr["symbolic_value"].val = np.pad(
                left_sym_val.val, s, "constant", constant_values=node.attr['constant_values'])
        return rettype
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def visit_Shape(self, node):
        # need to parse node itself.
        parent_type = self.visit(node.inputs[0])
        shape = []
        if parent_type is None or not builtins.is_tensor(parent_type):
            return builtins.tensor(builtins.int32, [make_symbol( + '_shape')])
        if parent_type is not None:
            shape = parent_type.get_shape()
            rettype = builtins.tensor(builtins.int32, [len(shape)])
            rettype = builtins.tensor(builtins.int32, [make_symbol( + '_shape')])
        if len(shape) > 0:
            # we have the true value
            node.attr['symbolic_value'] = rettype()
            node.attr['symbolic_value'].val = np.array(shape)
        return rettype
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def visit_Slice(self, node):
        for i in node.inputs:
        input_type = self.visit(node.inputs[0])
        input_shape = input_type.get_shape()
        input_value = self.gdict[node.inputs[0]].attr['symbolic_value']
            begin = list(self.gdict[node.inputs[1]].attr['symbolic_value'].val)
            size = list(self.gdict[node.inputs[2]].attr['symbolic_value'].val)
            end = [
                int(begin[i] + size[i]) if size[i] != -1 else 2147483647 for i in range(len(begin))
            assert builtins.is_tensor(input_type)
            input_shape = input_type.get_shape()
            end = [min(i, j) for i, j in zip(end, input_shape)]
            size = [min(s, e - b) for s, b, e in zip(size, begin, end)]
            slices = [[int(begin[i]), int(end[i]), 1] for i in range(len(begin))]
            node.attr['slice'] = slices
            node.attr['begin_masks'] = [idx for idx, value in enumerate(begin) if value == 0]
            node.attr['end_masks'] = [idx for idx, value in enumerate(end) if value == 2147483647]
            node.attr['squeeze'] = []
            output_value = None
            if input_value is not None:
                slices = [slice(*i) for i in slices]
                slices = tuple(slices)
                res = input_value.val[slices]

                if isscalar(res):
                    rettype = input_type.get_primitive()
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if not builtins.is_int(depth_type):
            raise ValueError('depth must be integral in {} node {}'.format(node.op,

        if not builtins.utils.is_primitive(on_type) or not builtins.utils.is_primitive(off_type):
            raise ValueError(
                'On and off types must be primitive in {} node {}'.format(node.op,

        if on_type != off_type:
            raise ValueError(
                'On and off types must be the same in {} node {}'.format(node.op,

        axis = node.attr.get('axis')
        if not isinstance(axis, six.integer_types) or axis < -1:
            raise ValueError('axis must be integer >= -1 in {} node {}'.format(node.op,

        if builtins.is_tensor(indices_type):
            indices_shape = list(indices_type.get_shape())
            indices_shape = [1]

        depth_value = self._get_symbolic_value(node.inputs[1]).val
        if depth_value is None:
            depth_value = make_symbol( + '_depth')
        elif depth_value < 0:
            raise ValueError('depth must be non-negative in {} node {}'.format(node.op,

        if 'dtype' in node.attr:
            ret_primitive = node.attr.get('T')
            if ret_primitive is None or not builtins.is_primitive(ret_primitive):
                raise ValueError(
                    'Output tensor data type must be primitive in {} node {}'.format(
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def _get_tensor_shape_from_type(self, type_):
        if _is_scalar(type_):
            shape = (1,)
        elif builtins.is_tensor(type_):
            shape = type_.get_shape()
        elif builtins.is_list(type_):
            element_shape = type_.T[0].get_shape()
            for ashape in type_.T:
                assert ashape.get_shape() == element_shape
            shape = [-1] + list(element_shape)
            shape = None
        return shape
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def __compare_propagated_and_inferred_shape(self, name, type_):

        propagated_shape = tuple(self.tensor_shapes[name])
        if _is_scalar(type_):
            inferred_shape = (1,)
        elif builtins.is_tensor(type_):
            inferred_shape = type_.get_shape()
        elif builtins.is_list(type_):
            element_shape = type_.T[0].get_shape()
            for ashape in type_.T:
                assert ashape.get_shape() == element_shape
            inferred_shape = [-1] + list(element_shape)
            raise ValueError('[SSAConverter] Failed to infer shape for tensor %s' % name)

        mismatch = '[SSAConverter] Shape mismatch for {}: inferred {} vs. propagated {}.'.format(
            name, inferred_shape, propagated_shape)

        if len(propagated_shape) != len(inferred_shape):
            raise ValueError(mismatch)

        for pdim, idim in zip(propagated_shape, inferred_shape):
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def _promoted_primitive_type(self, type1, type2):
        Given a pair of tensor or primitive types, find the smallest type that can store an instance
        of their primitive type.
        ptype1 = type1.get_primitive() if builtins.is_tensor(type1) else type1
        ptype2 = type2.get_primitive() if builtins.is_tensor(type2) else type2
        return promote_types(ptype1, ptype2)
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def _is_scalar(type_):
    if type_ is None:
        return False
    result = builtins.is_int(type_) or builtins.is_float(type_) or builtins.is_bool(type_)
    if builtins.is_tensor(type_) and (len(type_.get_shape()) == 0):
        result = True
    return result
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conversion_message = ''
            if custom_conversion_name is not None:
                conversion_message = ' with custom conversion function'
            elif op_type in self.CONVERT_FUNCTION_MAP:
                convert_func = self.CONVERT_FUNCTION_MAP[op_type]
            elif self.add_custom_layers:
                # Add custom layer
                convert_func = self._convert_custom_layer
                conversion_message = ' with custom layer'
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    '[SSAConverter] Conversion for op %s not implemented, terminating...' % op_type)

            print('[SSAConverter] [{}/{}] Converting op type: \'{}\', name: \'{}\'{}{}'.format(
                idx + 1, len(instruction_order), op_type, node_name, conversion_message,
                ((', output_shape: ' + str(node.datatype.get_shape()) + '.') if builtins.is_tensor(node.datatype) else '.')))

            # If custom conversion method is provided, use it
            # Otherwise, invoke internal conversion method
            if custom_conversion_name is not None:
                self.custom_conversion_functions[custom_conversion_name](self, node)

        # Make a buffer between variable inputs
        builder = self._get_builder()
        for name, var in self.net_ensemble.variables.items():
            layer = builder.add_copy(
                name=name + '_copy_r',
                output_name=name + '__outvar__')
            shapes.propagate_single_layer(layer, self.tensor_shapes)
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def recursive_replace_symbols_in_type_with_unknown(dtype):
    if builtins.is_list(dtype):
        return builtins.list(recursive_replace_symbols_in_type_with_unknown(dtype.T[0]))
    elif builtins.is_tuple(dtype):
        return builtins.tuple(
            tuple(recursive_replace_symbols_in_type_with_unknown(t) for t in dtype.T))
    elif builtins.is_tensor(dtype):
        return builtins.tensor(
            tuple(-1 if issubclass(type(t), sm.Basic) else int(t) for t in dtype.get_shape()))
        return dtype