How to use the common.with_seed function in common

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few common examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github hpi-xnor / BMXNet-v2 / tests / python / unittest / View on Github external
def test_saveload():
    nclass = 10
    N = 20
    data = mx.random.uniform(-1, 1, shape=(N, nclass))
    label = mx.nd.array(np.random.randint(0, nclass, size=(N,)), dtype='int32')
    data_iter =, label, batch_size=10, label_name='label')
    output = get_net(nclass)
    l = mx.symbol.Variable('label')
    Loss = gluon.loss.SoftmaxCrossEntropyLoss()
    loss = Loss(output, l)
    loss = mx.sym.make_loss(loss)
    mod = mx.mod.Module(loss, data_names=('data',), label_names=('label',)), num_epoch=100, optimizer_params={'learning_rate': 1.},
    mod.save_checkpoint('test', 100, save_optimizer_states=True)
    mod = mx.mod.Module.load('test', 100, load_optimizer_states=True,
github hpi-xnor / BMXNet-v2 / tests / python / unittest / View on Github external
def test_convgru():
    cell = contrib.rnn.Conv1DGRUCell((10, 50), 100, 3, 3, prefix='rnn_')
    check_rnn_cell(cell, prefix='rnn_', in_shape=(1, 10, 50), out_shape=(1, 100, 48))

    cell = contrib.rnn.Conv2DGRUCell((10, 20, 50), 100, 3, 3, prefix='rnn_')
    check_rnn_cell(cell, prefix='rnn_', in_shape=(1, 10, 20, 50), out_shape=(1, 100, 18, 48))

    cell = contrib.rnn.Conv3DGRUCell((10, 20, 30, 50), 100, 3, 3, prefix='rnn_')
    check_rnn_cell(cell, prefix='rnn_', in_shape=(1, 10, 20, 30, 50), out_shape=(1, 100, 18, 28, 48))
github hpi-xnor / BMXNet-v2 / tests / python / unittest / View on Github external
def test_create_sparse_nd_infer_shape():
    def check_create_csr_infer_shape(shape, density, dtype):
            matrix = rand_ndarray(shape, 'csr', density=density)
            data =
            indptr = matrix.indptr
            indices = matrix.indices
            nd = mx.nd.sparse.csr_matrix((data, indices, indptr), dtype=dtype)
            num_rows, num_cols = nd.shape
            assert(num_rows == len(indptr) - 1)
            assert(indices.shape[0] > 0), indices
            assert(np.sum((num_cols <= indices).asnumpy()) == 0)
            assert(nd.dtype == dtype), (nd.dtype, dtype)
        # cannot infer on invalid shape
        except ValueError:
github hpi-xnor / BMXNet-v2 / tests / python / unittest / View on Github external
def test_sequential():
github awslabs / mxboard / tests / python / unittest / View on Github external
def test_make_image_grid():
    def test_2d_input():
        shape = rand_shape_2d()
        data = rand_ndarray(shape, 'default')
        grid = make_image_grid(data)
        assert grid.ndim == 3
        assert grid.shape[0] == 3
        assert grid.shape[1:] == data.shape
        assert same(grid[0].asnumpy(), grid[1].asnumpy())
        assert same(grid[0].asnumpy(), grid[2].asnumpy())
        assert same(grid[0].asnumpy(), data.asnumpy())

    def test_3d_single_channel_input():
        shape = rand_shape_3d(dim0=1)
        data = rand_ndarray(shape, 'default')
        assert data.shape[0] == 1  # single channel
github hpi-xnor / BMXNet-v2 / tests / python / unittest / View on Github external
def test_slice_dense():
    class Net(gluon.HybridBlock):
        def __init__(self, slice, **kwargs):
            super(Net, self).__init__(**kwargs)
            with self.name_scope():
                channel0 = np.random.randint(1, 17)
                self.dense0 = nn.Dense(channel0)
                self.slice = slice

        def hybrid_forward(self, F, x):
            x_slice = x.slice(begin=tuple(self.slice[0]),
            out = self.dense0(x_slice)
            return out

    x = mx.nd.random.uniform(shape=(16, 32, 64, 64))
github hpi-xnor / BMXNet-v2 / tests / python / gpu / View on Github external
def test_take_with_type():
    sym = mx.sym.take(name='take')
    for data_ndim in range(2, 5):
        for idx_ndim in range(1, 4):
            data_shape = ()
            for _ in range(data_ndim):
                data_shape += (np.random.randint(low=3, high=6), )
            idx_shape = ()
            for _ in range(idx_ndim):
                idx_shape += (np.random.randint(low=3, high=5), )
            ctx_list = [{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'take_indices': idx_shape,
                         'take_a': data_shape,
                         'type_dict': {'take_indices': np.float64,
                                       'take_a': np.float64}},
                        {'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'take_indices': idx_shape,
                         'take_a': data_shape,
github hpi-xnor / BMXNet-v2 / tests / python / gpu / View on Github external
def test_reshape_with_type():
    sym = mx.sym.Reshape(name='reshape', shape=(-1,1,1,0))
    ctx_list = [{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'reshape_data': (2, 2, 2, 10), 'type_dict': {'reshape_data': np.float64}},
                {'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'reshape_data': (2, 2, 2, 10), 'type_dict': {'reshape_data': np.float32}},
                {'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'reshape_data': (2, 2, 2, 10), 'type_dict': {'reshape_data': np.float16}},
                {'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'reshape_data': (2, 2, 2, 10), 'type_dict': {'reshape_data': np.float64}},
                {'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'reshape_data': (2, 2, 2, 10), 'type_dict': {'reshape_data': np.float32}}]
    check_consistency(sym, ctx_list)
github hpi-xnor / BMXNet-v2 / tests / python / unittest / View on Github external
def test_sparse_nd_storage_fallback():
    def check_output_fallback(shape):
        ones = mx.nd.ones(shape)
        out = mx.nd.zeros(shape=shape, stype='csr')
        mx.nd.broadcast_add(ones, ones * 2, out=out)
        assert(np.sum(out.asnumpy() - 3) == 0)

    def check_input_fallback(shape):
        ones = mx.nd.ones(shape)
        out = mx.nd.broadcast_add(ones.tostype('csr'), ones.tostype('row_sparse'))
        assert(np.sum(out.asnumpy() - 2) == 0)

    def check_fallback_with_temp_resource(shape):
        ones = mx.nd.ones(shape)
        out = mx.nd.sum(ones)
        assert(out.asscalar() ==
github hpi-xnor / BMXNet-v2 / tests / python / unittest / View on Github external
def test_recordimage_dataset():
    recfile = prepare_record()
    fn = lambda x, y : (x, y)
    dataset =
    loader =, 1)

    for i, (x, y) in enumerate(loader):
        assert x.shape[0] == 1 and x.shape[3] == 3
        assert y.asscalar() == i