Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
def set_initrd(self, initrd):
Specifies an initrd image. Path search works as in set_kernel.
File must be named appropriately.
if initrd is None or initrd == "":
raise CX("initrd not specified")
if utils.find_initrd(initrd):
self.initrd = initrd
raise CX(_("initrd not found"))
ref.enable_menu = 0
elif isinstance(ref, distro.Distro):
elif isinstance(ref, image.Image):
elif isinstance(ref, repo.Repo):
elif isinstance(ref, mgmtclass.Mgmtclass):
elif isinstance(ref, package.Package):
elif isinstance(ref, file.File):
print(_("Internal error. Object type not recognized: %s") % type(ref))
if not with_sync and quick_pxe_update:
if isinstance(ref, system.System):
# save the tree, so if neccessary, scripts can examine it.
if with_triggers:
utils.run_triggers(self.api, ref, "/var/lib/cobbler/triggers/change/*", [], logger)
utils.run_triggers(self.api, ref, "/var/lib/cobbler/triggers/add/%s/post/*" % self.collection_type(), [], logger)
# update children cache in parent object
parent = ref.get_parent()
if parent is not None:
parent.children[] = ref
def set_environment(self, options):
Yum can take options from the environment. This puts them there before
each reposync.
(success, value) = utils.input_string_or_dict(options, allow_multiples=False)
if not success:
raise CX(_("invalid environment options"))
self.environment = value
def set_ipv6_default_gateway(self, address, interface):
intf = self.__get_interface(interface)
if address == "" or utils.is_ip(address):
intf["ipv6_default_gateway"] = address.strip()
raise CX(_("invalid format for IPv6 IP address (%s)") % address)
["mirror_locally", True, 0, "Mirror locally", True, "Copy files or just reference the repo externally?", 0, "bool"],
["name", "", 0, "Name", True, "Ex: f10-i386-updates", 0, "str"],
["owners", "SETTINGS:default_ownership", 0, "Owners", True, "Owners list for authz_ownership (space delimited)", [], "list"],
["priority", 99, 0, "Priority", True, "Value for yum priorities plugin, if installed", 0, "int"],
["proxy", "<>", 0, "Proxy information", True, ", or <> to use proxy_url_ext from settings, blank or <> for no proxy", [], "str"],
["rpm_list", [], 0, "RPM List", True, "Mirror just these RPMs (yum only)", 0, "list"],
["yumopts", {}, 0, "Yum Options", True, "Options to write to yum config file", 0, "dict"],
class Repo(item.Item):
A Cobbler repo object.
TYPE_NAME = _("repo")
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(Repo, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.breed = None
self.arch = None
self.environment = None
self.yumopts = None
# override some base class methods first (item.Item)
def make_clone(self):
_dict = self.to_dict()
["virt_bridge", "SETTINGS:default_virt_bridge", '<>', "Virt Bridge", True, "", 0, "str"],
["virt_cpus", 1, '<>', "Virt CPUs", True, "integer", 0, "int"],
["virt_disk_driver", "SETTINGS:default_virt_disk_driver", '<>', "Virt Disk Driver Type", True, "The on-disk format for the virtualization disk", validate.VIRT_DISK_DRIVERS, "str"],
["virt_file_size", "SETTINGS:default_virt_file_size", '<>', "Virt File Size(GB)", True, "", 0, "int"],
["virt_path", "", '<>', "Virt Path", True, "Ex: /directory OR VolGroup00", 0, "str"],
["virt_ram", "SETTINGS:default_virt_ram", '<>', "Virt RAM (MB)", True, "", 0, "int"],
["virt_type", "SETTINGS:default_virt_type", '<>', "Virt Type", True, "Virtualization technology to use", validate.VIRT_TYPES, "str"],
class Profile(item.Item):
A Cobbler profile object.
TYPE_NAME = _("profile")
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(Profile, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.kernel_options = {}
self.kernel_options_post = {}
self.autoinstall_meta = {}
self.fetchable_files = {}
self.boot_files = {}
self.template_files = {}
# override some base class methods first (item.Item)
def make_clone(self):
def set_boot_loader(self, name):
# If we have already loaded the supported boot loaders from
# the signature, use that data
supported_distro_boot_loaders = self.supported_boot_loaders
# otherwise, refresh from the signatures / defaults
self.supported_boot_loaders = utils.get_supported_distro_boot_loaders(self)
supported_distro_boot_loaders = self.supported_boot_loaders
if name not in supported_distro_boot_loaders:
raise CX(_("Invalid boot loader name: %s. Supported boot loaders are: %s" %
(name, ' '.join(supported_distro_boot_loaders))))
self.boot_loader = name
arpa = '.'.join(tokens) + ''
metadata['reverse_zones'].append((zone, arpa))
txt = """
zone "%(arpa)s." {
type master;
file "%(zone)s";
""" % {'arpa': arpa, 'zone': zone}
metadata['zone_include'] = metadata['zone_include'] + txt
f2 = open(template_file, "r")
raise CX(_("error reading template from file: %s") % template_file)
template_data = ""
template_data =
if self.logger is not None:"generating %s" % settings_file)
self.templar.render(template_data, metadata, settings_file, None)
def from_dict(self, _dict):
Modify this object to load values in dictionary.
if _dict is None:
print(_("warning: not loading empty structure for %s") % self.filename())
return self
match = self.api.find_distro(
elif isinstance(ref, repo.Repo):
match = self.api.find_repo(
elif isinstance(ref, image.Image):
match = self.api.find_image(
elif isinstance(ref, mgmtclass.Mgmtclass):
match = self.api.find_mgmtclass(
elif isinstance(ref, package.Package):
match = self.api.find_package(
elif isinstance(ref, file.File):
match = self.api.find_file(
raise CX("internal error, unknown object type")
if match:
raise CX(_("An object already exists with that name. Try 'edit'?"))
# the duplicate mac/ip checks can be disabled.
if not check_for_duplicate_netinfo:
if isinstance(ref, system.System):
for (name, intf) in list(ref.interfaces.items()):
match_ip = []
match_mac = []
match_hosts = []
input_mac = intf["mac_address"]
input_ip = intf["ip_address"]
input_dns = intf["dns_name"]
if not self.api.settings().allow_duplicate_macs and input_mac is not None and input_mac != "":
match_mac = self.api.find_system(mac_address=input_mac, return_list=True)
if not self.api.settings().allow_duplicate_ips and input_ip is not None and input_ip != "":