How to use the cma.CMAOptions function in cma

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few cma examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github MOCR / DDPG / test / View on Github external
def __init__(self,env):
        self.env = env
        self.controller = Keras_NN(env.observation_space.low.shape[0],env.action_space.low.shape[0])
        self.nb_episodes = 0
        self.options = cma.CMAOptions()
        self.best_perf = -10000.0
github MOCR / DDPG / test / View on Github external
def __init__(self,env):
        self.env = env
        self.controller = Keras_NN(env.observation_space.low.shape[0],env.action_space.low.shape[0])
        self.nb_episodes = 0
        self.options = cma.CMAOptions()
#        self.options['CMA_diagonal']=True
        self.best_perf = -10000.0

        self.start_x = 0.73
        self.start_y = -0.26
        self.controller.set_param(layer_nb, numpoids1, self.start_x)
        self.controller.set_param(layer_nb, numpoids2, self.start_y)
        self.white_x = []
        self.white_y = []
        self.best_x = []
github stanfordnmbl / osim-rl / cmaes / View on Github external
def __init__(self, prob):
        Solver.__init__(self, prob)
        opts = cma.CMAOptions()
        # for k, v in opts.iteritems():
        #     print k, v
        # exit(0)
        self.p_dir = 'optim_data/cma/'
        opts.set('verb_disp', 1)
        opts.set('popsize', 8)
        opts.set('verb_filenameprefix', self.p_dir)
        opts.set('maxiter', 2000)
        self.options = opts
        self.cen = None
        self.rng = None
github ShangtongZhang / DistributedES / View on Github external
def train(config):
    task_queue = SimpleQueue()
    result_queue = SimpleQueue()
    stop = mp.Value('i', False)
    stats = SharedStats(config.state_dim)
    normalizers = [StaticNormalizer(config.state_dim) for _ in range(config.num_workers)]
    for normalizer in normalizers:

    workers = [Worker(id, normalizers[id], task_queue, result_queue, stop, config) for id in range(config.num_workers)]
    for w in workers: w.start()

    opt = cma.CMAOptions()
    opt['tolfun'] =
    opt['popsize'] = config.pop_size
    opt['verb_disp'] = 0
    opt['verb_log'] = 0
    opt['maxiter'] = sys.maxsize
    es = cma.CMAEvolutionStrategy(config.initial_weight, config.sigma, opt)

    total_steps = 0
    initial_time = time.time()
    training_rewards = []
    training_steps = []
    training_timestamps = []
    test_mean, test_ste = test(config, config.initial_weight, stats)'total steps %d, %f(%f)' % (total_steps, test_mean, test_ste))
github pints-team / pints / pints / _optimisers / View on Github external
def _initialise(self):
        Initialises the optimiser for the first iteration.
        assert(not self._running)

        # Import cma (may fail!)
        # Only the first time this is called in a running program incurs
        # much overhead.
        import cma

        # Set up simulation
        options = cma.CMAOptions()

        # Set boundaries, or use manual boundary checking
        self._manual_boundaries = False
        if isinstance(self._boundaries, pints.RectangularBoundaries):
                [list(self._boundaries._lower), list(self._boundaries._upper)]
        elif self._boundaries is not None:
            self._manual_boundaries = True

        # Set stopping criteria
        #options.set('maxiter', max_iter)
        #options.set('tolfun', min_significant_change)
        # options.set('ftarget', target)
github resibots / pymap_elites / View on Github external
def test_cma(centroids_fname, dim):
    centroids = np.loadtxt(centroids_fname)

    opts = cma.CMAOptions()
    #for i in opts:
    #    print(i, ' => ', opts[i])
    max_evals = 1e6
    opts.set('tolfun', 1e-20)
    opts['tolx'] = 1e-20
    opts['verb_disp'] = 1e10
    opts['maxfevals'] = max_evals / centroids.shape[0]
    opts['BoundaryHandler'] = cma.BoundPenalty
    opts['bounds'] = [0, 1]
    es_vector = []
    for c in range(0, centroids.shape[0]):
        es_vector += [cma.CMAEvolutionStrategy(dim * [0.5], 0.5, opts)]

    total_evals = 0
    log = open('cover_max_mean.dat', 'w')
github pints-team / pints / free / myokit / myokit / lib / View on Github external
if not callable(callback):
            raise ValueError('Argument `callback` must be a callable function'
                ' or `None`.')
    # Check if verbose mode is enabled
    verbose = bool(verbose)
    # Report first point
    if callback is not None:
        callback(np.array(hint, copy=True), f(hint, *args))
    # Create evaluator object
    if parallel:
        evaluator = ParallelEvaluator(f, args=args)
        evaluator = SequentialEvaluator(f, args=args)
    # Set up simulation options
    best_solution = cma.BestSolution()
    options = cma.CMAOptions()
    options.set('bounds', [lower, upper])
    options.set('tolfun', fatol)
    options.set('ftarget', target)
    if not verbose:
        options.set('verbose', -9)
    # Start one or multiple runs
    for i in xrange(1 + ipop):
        # Set population size, increase for ipop restarts
        options.set('popsize', n)
        if verbose:
            print('Run ' + str(1+i) + ': population size ' + str(n))
        n *= 2
        # Run repeats from random points
        if i > 0:
            hint = lower + brange * np.random.uniform(0, 1, d)
        # Search
github resibots / pymap_elites / View on Github external
def test_cma(urdf_directory, dim):

    print('loading files...', end='')
    centroids, tasks = load(urdf_directory, 2000)
    print('data loaded')
    opts = cma.CMAOptions()
    #for i in opts:
    #    print(i, ' => ', opts[i])
    max_evals = 1e6
    opts.set('tolfun', 1e-20)
    opts['tolx'] = 1e-20
    opts['verb_disp'] = 1e10
    opts['maxfevals'] = max_evals / centroids.shape[0]
    opts['BoundaryHandler'] = cma.BoundPenalty
    opts['bounds'] = [0, 1]
    es_vector = []
    for c in range(0, centroids.shape[0]):
        es_vector += [cma.CMAEvolutionStrategy(dim * [0.5], 0.5, opts)]

    num_cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
    pool = multiprocessing.Pool(num_cores)
github studioml / studio / studio / optimizer_plugins / View on Github external
def __init__(self, hyperparameters, config, logger):
        self.hyperparameters = hyperparameters
        self.config = config
        self.logger = logger

        self.opts = cma.CMAOptions()
        for param, value in self.config['cmaes_config'].iteritems():
            if param in self.opts and value is not None:
                self.opts[param] = value
        self.dim = 0
        for h in self.hyperparameters:
            assert self.dim == h.index
            self.dim += h.array_length if h.array_length is not None else 1

        self.init = np.empty(self.dim)
        # self.sigma = np.random.random(self.dim) # not allowed
        self.sigma = self.config['cmaes_config']['sigma0']
        self.opts['CMA_stds'] = np.ones(self.dim)
        self.gen = 0
        self.start_time = time.time()
        self.best_fitnesses = []
        self.mean_fitnesses = []