How to use the cligj.compact_opt function in cligj

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few cligj examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github mapbox / cligj / tests / View on Github external
    def cmd(compact):
        click.echo("%s" % compact)
github mapbox / rasterio / rasterio / rio / View on Github external
@click.option('--band/--mask', default=True,
              help="Choose to extract from a band (the default) or a mask.")
@click.option('--bidx', 'bandidx', type=int, default=None,
              help="Index of the band or mask that is the source of shapes.")
@click.option('--sampling', type=int, default=1,
              help="Inverse of the sampling fraction; "
                   "a value of 10 decimates.")
@click.option('--with-nodata/--without-nodata', default=False,
              help="Include or do not include (the default) nodata regions.")
@click.option('--as-mask/--not-as-mask', default=False,
github mapbox / rasterio / rasterio / rio / View on Github external
@click.option('--band/--mask', default=True,
              help="Choose to extract from a band (the default) or a mask.")
@click.option('--bidx', 'bandidx', type=int, default=None,
              help="Index of the band or mask that is the source of shapes.")
@click.option('--sampling', type=int, default=1,
              help="Inverse of the sampling fraction; "
                   "a value of 10 decimates.")
@click.option('--with-nodata/--without-nodata', default=False,
              help="Include or do not include (the default) nodata regions.")
@click.option('--as-mask/--not-as-mask', default=False,
github mapbox / rasterio / rasterio / rio / View on Github external
    '--dst-crs', default='', metavar="EPSG:NNNN", callback=to_lower,
    help="Output in specified coordinates.")
def bounds(ctx, input, precision, indent, compact, projection, dst_crs,
           sequence, use_rs, geojson_type):
    """Write bounding boxes to stdout as GeoJSON for use with, e.g.,
github smnorris / bcdata / bcdata / View on Github external
    "--pagesize", "-p", default=10000, help="Max number of records to request"
@click.option("--sortby", "-s", help="Name of sort field")
    "--bounds-crs", "--bounds_crs", help="CRS of provided bounds", default="EPSG:3005"
def cat(
github mapbox / rasterio / rasterio / rio / View on Github external
    '--dst-crs', default='', metavar="EPSG:NNNN", callback=to_lower,
    help="Output in specified coordinates.")
def bounds(ctx, input, precision, indent, compact, projection, dst_crs,
           sequence, use_rs, geojson_type):
    """Write bounding boxes to stdout as GeoJSON for use with, e.g.,
github Toblerity / Fiona / fiona / fio / View on Github external
@click.option('--ignore-errors/--no-ignore-errors', default=False,
              help="log errors but do not stop serialization.")
@click.option('--bbox', default=None, metavar="w,s,e,n",
              help="filter for features intersecting a bounding box")
def cat(ctx, files, precision, indent, compact, ignore_errors, dst_crs,
        use_rs, bbox, layer):
    Concatenate and print the features of input datasets as a sequence of
    GeoJSON features.

    When working with a multi-layer dataset the first layer is used by default.
    Use the '--layer' option to select a different layer.
github mapbox / rasterio / rasterio / rio / View on Github external
    '--bidx', type=click.INT, default=0,
    help="Index of the band that is the source of shapes.")
def blocks(
        ctx, input, output, precision, indent, compact, projection, sequence,
        use_rs, bidx):

    """Write dataset blocks as GeoJSON features.

    This command writes features describing a raster's internal blocks, which
    are used directly for raster I/O.  These features can be used to visualize
    how a windowed operation would operate using those blocks.
github Toblerity / Fiona / fiona / fio / View on Github external
@click.option('--record-buffered/--no-record-buffered', default=False,
              help="Economical buffering of writes at record, not collection "
              "(default), level.")
@click.option('--ignore-errors/--no-ignore-errors', default=False,
              help="log errors but do not stop serialization.")
@click.option('--with-ld-context/--without-ld-context', default=False,
              help="add a JSON-LD context to JSON output.")
@click.option('--add-ld-context-item', multiple=True,
              help="map a term to a URI and add it to the output's JSON LD "
@click.option('--parse/--no-parse', default=True,
              help="load and dump the geojson feature (default is True)")
def collect(ctx, precision, indent, compact, record_buffered, ignore_errors,
github mapbox / rasterio / rasterio / rio / View on Github external
def bounds(ctx, input, precision, indent, compact, projection, sequence,
        use_rs, geojson_type):
    """Write bounding boxes to stdout as GeoJSON for use with, e.g.,

      $ rio bounds *.tif | geojsonio