How to use choochoo - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few choochoo examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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    def parse(self, bytes, count, endian):
        raise NotImplementedError('%s: %s' % (self.__class__.__name__,

class BaseType(AbstractType):

    def __init__(self, log, name, size, func):
        super().__init__(log, name, size)
        self.__func = func

    def profile_to_internal(self, cell_contents):
        return self.__func(cell_contents)

class StructSupport(BaseType):

    def _pack_bad(self, value):
        bad = (bytearray(self.size), bytearray(self.size))
        for endian in (LITTLE, BIG):
            bytes = value
            for i in range(self.size):
                j = i if endian == LITTLE else self.size - i - 1
                bad[endian][j] = bytes & 0xff
                bytes >>= 8
        return bad

    def _is_bad(self, data, bad):
        size = len(bad)
        count = len(data) // size
        return all(bad == data[size*i:size*(i+1)] for i in range(count))
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bytes >>= 8
        return bad

    def _is_bad(self, data, bad):
        size = len(bad)
        count = len(data) // size
        return all(bad == data[size*i:size*(i+1)] for i in range(count))

    def _unpack(self, data, formats, bad, count, endian):
        if self._is_bad(data, bad[endian]):
            return None
            return unpack(formats[endian] % count, data[0:count * self.size])

class String(BaseType):

    def __init__(self, log, name):
        super().__init__(log, name, 1, str)

    def parse(self, bytes, count, endian):
        return [str(b''.join(unpack('%dc' % count, bytes)), encoding='utf-8')]

class Boolean(BaseType):

    def __init__(self, log, name):
        super().__init__(log, name, 1, bool)

    def parse(self, bytes, count, endian):
        return tuple(bool(byte) for byte in bytes)
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match = self.pattern.match(name)
        bits = int(
        if bits % 8:
            raise Exception('Size of %r not a multiple of 8 bits' % name)
        super().__init__(log, name, bits // 8, float)
        if self.size not in self.size_to_format:
            raise Exception('Cannot unpack %d bytes as a float' % self.size)
        format = self.size_to_format[self.size]
        self.formats = ['<%d' + format, '>%d' + format]
        self.bad = self._pack_bad(2 ** bits - 1)

    def parse(self, data, count, endian):
        return self._unpack(data, self.formats, self.bad, count, endian)

class Mapping(AbstractType):

    def __init__(self, log, row, rows, types):
        name = row[0]
        base_type_name = row[1]
        base_type = types.profile_to_type(base_type_name, auto_create=True)
        super().__init__(log, name, base_type.size, base_type=base_type)
        self._profile_to_internal = ErrorDict(log, 'No internal value for profile %r')
        self._internal_to_profile = ErrorDict(log, 'No profile value for internal %r')
        for row in rows:
            if row[0] or row[2] is None or row[3] is None:
        # log.debug('Parsed %d values' % len(self._profile_to_internal))

    def profile_to_internal(self, cell_contents):
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def __init__(self, log, row, rows, types):
        super().__init__(log, row, types)
        self.__dynamic_tmp_data = []
        self.__dynamic_lookup = ErrorDict(log, 'No dynamic field for %r')
        self.references = set()
            peek = rows.peek()
            while peek[2] and peek[1] is None:
                row = next(rows)
                for name, value in zip(row[11].split(','), row[12].split(',')):
                    self.__save_dynamic(name.strip(), value.strip(), row)
                peek = rows.peek()
        except StopIteration:
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def make_bound_reminder(db, log, tabs, bar, insert_callback=None):
    binder = SingleTableStatic(db, log, 'reminder',
                               transforms={'start': DATE_ORDINAL, 'finish': DATE_ORDINAL},
    injury = Reminder(log, tabs, bar, binder)
    return injury, binder
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def make_bound_aim(db, log, tabs, bar, insert_callback=None):
    binder = SingleTableStatic(db, log, 'aim',
                               transforms={'start': DATE_ORDINAL, 'finish': DATE_ORDINAL},
    injury = Definition(log, tabs, bar, binder)
    return injury, binder
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def __init__(self, log, sheet, types):
        self.__log = log
        self.__profile_to_message = ErrorDict(log, 'No message for profile %r')
        self.__number_to_message = ErrorDict(log, 'No message for number %r')
        rows = peekable([cell.value for cell in row] for row in sheet.iter_rows())
        for row in rows:
            if row[0] and row[0][0].isupper():
                self.__log.debug('Skipping %s' % row)
            elif row[0]:
                #'Parsing message %s' % row[0])
                self.__add_message(RowMessage(self.__log, row, rows, types))
        self.__add_message(Header(self.__log, types))
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def __init__(self, log, name, number=None):
        super().__init__(log, name)
        self.number = number
        self._profile_to_field = ErrorDict(log, 'No field for profile %r')
        self._number_to_field = ErrorDict(log, 'No field for number %r')
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def __init__(self, log, sheet, to_datetime=True):
        self.__log = log
        self.__profile_to_type = ErrorDict(log, 'No type for profile %r')
        # these are not 'base types' in the same sense as types having base types.
        # rather, they are the 'base (integer) types' described in the docs
        self.base_types = ErrorList(log, 'No base type for number %r')
        rows = peekable([cell.value for cell in row] for row in sheet.iter_rows())
        for row in rows:
            if row[0] and row[0][0].isupper():
                self.__log.debug('Skipping %s' % row)
            elif row[0]:
                #'Parsing type %s' % row[0])
                self.__add_type(Mapping(self.__log, row, rows, self))
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def __init__(self, log, sheet, types):
        self.__log = log
        self.__profile_to_message = ErrorDict(log, 'No message for profile %r')
        self.__number_to_message = ErrorDict(log, 'No message for number %r')
        rows = peekable([cell.value for cell in row] for row in sheet.iter_rows())
        for row in rows:
            if row[0] and row[0][0].isupper():
                self.__log.debug('Skipping %s' % row)
            elif row[0]:
                #'Parsing message %s' % row[0])
                self.__add_message(RowMessage(self.__log, row, rows, types))
        self.__add_message(Header(self.__log, types))