How to use the chess.BLACK function in chess

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few chess examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github Assios / Bottios / evaluation / View on Github external
def evaluate(node, color, variant="standard"):
    score = 0

    for field in fields:
        piece = node.piece_at(getattr(chess, field))

        if piece:
            p = str(piece)

            if variant=='atomic' and p.lower() == 'k':
                if (color == 1 and p == 'k') or (color == -1 and p == 'K'):
                    adj = (get_adjacent_squares(field))

                    if color == -1:
                        attackers = sum([len(node.attackers(chess.BLACK, getattr(chess, a))) for a in adj])
                        score -= 200 * attackers
                    elif color == 1:
                        attackers = sum([len(node.attackers(chess.WHITE, getattr(chess, a))) for a in adj])
                        score += 200 * attackers

            score += get_piece_value(p, variant)
            field_coords = field_to_coords(field)

            piece_value = variant_pst[variant][p.lower()]

            if p.islower():
                piece_value = variant_pst[variant][p][::-1]

            if p.islower():
                score -= piece_value[field_coords[0]][field_coords[1]]
github niklasf / python-chess / chess / View on Github external
Returns ``None`` if the position was not found in any of the tables.

        Otherwise the absolute value is the number of half moves until
        forced mate. The value is positive if the side to move is winning,
        otherwise it is negative.

        In the example position white to move will get mated in 10 half moves:

        >>> with chess.gaviota.open_tablebases("data/gaviota") as tablebases:
        ...     tablebases.probe_dtm(chess.Board("8/8/8/8/8/8/8/K2kr3 w - - 0 1"))
        white = [(square,  board.piece_type_at(square), ) for square in chess.SquareSet(board.occupied_co[chess.WHITE])]
        self.whiteSquares,  self.whiteTypes = zip(*white)
        black = [(square, board.piece_type_at(square), ) for square in chess.SquareSet(board.occupied_co[chess.BLACK])]
        self.blackSquares,  self.blackTypes = zip(*black)
        side = 0 if (board.turn == chess.WHITE) else 1
        self.realside = side
        self.epsq = board.ep_square if board.ep_square else 0
        return self._Probe(side,  self.epsq)
github niklasf / python-chess / chess / View on Github external
def __init__(self, board: "ThreeCheckBoardT") -> None:
        self.remaining_checks_w = board.remaining_checks[chess.WHITE]
        self.remaining_checks_b = board.remaining_checks[chess.BLACK]
github niklasf / python-chess / chess / View on Github external
def black(self) -> "Score":
        """Get the score from Black's point of view."""
        return self.pov(chess.BLACK)
github crypt3lx2k / Zerofish / View on Github external
    occupancies_black = map(lambda bb : bb & colors[chess.BLACK], occupancies)
    occupancies_white = map(lambda bb : bb & colors[chess.WHITE], occupancies)
github Zeta36 / chess-alpha-zero / src / chess_zero / play_game / View on Github external
def start(config: Config):
    chess_model = PlayWithHuman(config)

    env = ChessEnv().reset()
    human_is_black = random() < 0.5

    while not env.done:
        if (env.board.turn == chess.BLACK) == human_is_black:
            action = chess_model.move_by_human(env)
            print("You move to: " + action)
            action = chess_model.move_by_ai(env)
            print("AI moves to: " + action)
        board, info = env.step(action)
        print("Board FEN = " + board.fen())

    print("\nEnd of the game.") #spaces after this?
    print("Game result:") #and this?
github niklasf / python-chess / chess / View on Github external
def black(self, *, async_callback=None):
        Sets the side to move to be black, engine to play as white and
        exits *force* mode.

        :return: Nothing.
        self.set_side_to_move(chess.BLACK, async_callback)
github niklasf / python-chess / examples / View on Github external
def example():
    board = chess.Board("r3k2r/pp3p2/4p2Q/4q1p1/4P3/P2PK3/6PP/R3R3 w q - 1 2")
    print("rook x-ray, black, h3:")
    print(xray_rook_attackers(board, chess.BLACK, chess.H3))

    board = chess.Board("r1b1r1k1/pp1n1pbp/1qp3p1/B2p4/3P4/Q3PN2/PP2BPPP/R4RK1 b - - 0 1")
    print("bishop x-ray, white, d8:")
    print(xray_bishop_attackers(board, chess.WHITE, chess.D8))
github thomasahle / fastchess / training / View on Github external
def binary_encode(board):
    """ Returns the board as a binary vector, for eval prediction purposes. """
    rows = []
    for color in [chess.WHITE, chess.BLACK]:
        for ptype in range(chess.PAWN, chess.KING + 1):
            mask = board.pieces_mask(ptype, color)
            rows.append(list(map(int, bin(mask)[2:].zfill(64))))
    ep = [0] * 64
    if board.ep_square:
        ep[board.ep_square] = 1
        int(bool(board.castling_rights & chess.BB_A1)),
        int(bool(board.castling_rights & chess.BB_H1)),
        int(bool(board.castling_rights & chess.BB_A8)),
        int(bool(board.castling_rights & chess.BB_H8)),
    return np.concatenate(rows)
github dkappe / leela_lite / search / View on Github external
def _material_eval(self, board : chess.Board):
        eval = 0.0
        eval += len(board.pieces(chess.QUEEN, chess.WHITE)) * 9.0
        eval += len(board.pieces(chess.ROOK, chess.WHITE)) * 5.0
        eval += len(board.pieces(chess.BISHOP, chess.WHITE)) * 3.25
        eval += len(board.pieces(chess.KNIGHT, chess.WHITE)) * 3.0
        eval += len(board.pieces(chess.PAWN, chess.WHITE)) * 1.0
        eval -= len(board.pieces(chess.QUEEN, chess.BLACK)) * 9.0
        eval -= len(board.pieces(chess.ROOK, chess.BLACK)) * 5.0
        eval -= len(board.pieces(chess.BISHOP, chess.BLACK)) * 3.25
        eval -= len(board.pieces(chess.KNIGHT, chess.BLACK)) * 3.0
        eval -= len(board.pieces(chess.PAWN, chess.BLACK)) * 1.0
        eval += random.uniform(0.1, -0.1)
        moves = list(board.pseudo_legal_moves)
        move_val = len(moves)/50.0

        if board.turn:
            return self.scale_score(eval+move_val)
            return self.scale_score(-eval+move_val)


A chess library with move generation and validation, Polyglot opening book probing, PGN reading and writing, Gaviota tablebase probing, Syzygy tablebase probing, and XBoard/UCI engine communication.

Latest version published 2 months ago

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