How to use the cheroot._compat.bton function in cheroot

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few cheroot examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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if self.strict_mode and method != self.method:
            resp = (
                'Malformed method name: According to RFC 2616 '
                '(section 5.1.1) and its successors '
                'RFC 7230 (section 3.1.1) and RFC 7231 (section 4.1) '
                'method names are case-sensitive and uppercase.'
            self.simple_response('400 Bad Request', resp)
            return False

            if six.PY2:  # FIXME: Figure out better way to do this
                # Ref: (like this?)
                """This is a dummy check for unicode in URI."""
                ntou(bton(uri, 'ascii'), 'ascii')
            scheme, authority, path, qs, fragment = urllib.parse.urlsplit(uri)
        except UnicodeError:
            self.simple_response('400 Bad Request', 'Malformed Request-URI')
            return False

        uri_is_absolute_form = (scheme or authority)

        if self.method == b'OPTIONS':
            # TODO: cover this branch with tests
            path = (
                if (self.proxy_mode and uri_is_absolute_form)
                else path
        elif self.method == b'CONNECT':
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def get_environ(self):
        """Return a new environ dict targeting the given wsgi.version."""
        req = self.req
        req_conn = req.conn
        env = {
            # set a non-standard environ entry so the WSGI app can know what
            # the *real* server protocol is (and what features to support).
            # See
            'ACTUAL_SERVER_PROTOCOL': req.server.protocol,
            'PATH_INFO': bton(req.path),
            'QUERY_STRING': bton(req.qs),
            'REMOTE_ADDR': req_conn.remote_addr or '',
            'REMOTE_PORT': str(req_conn.remote_port or ''),
            'REQUEST_METHOD': bton(req.method),
            'REQUEST_URI': bton(req.uri),
            'SCRIPT_NAME': '',
            'SERVER_NAME': req.server.server_name,
            # Bah. "SERVER_PROTOCOL" is actually the REQUEST protocol.
            'SERVER_PROTOCOL': bton(req.request_protocol),
            'wsgi.errors': sys.stderr,
            'wsgi.input': req.rfile,
            'wsgi.input_terminated': bool(req.chunked_read),
            'wsgi.multiprocess': False,
            'wsgi.multithread': True,
            'wsgi.run_once': False,
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# FIXME: keep requested bind_addr separate real bound_addr (port
        # is different in case of ephemeral port 0)
        bind_addr = socket_.getsockname()
        if in (
            # Windows doesn't have socket.AF_UNIX, so not using it in check
            """UNIX domain sockets are strings or bytes.

            In case of bytes with a leading null-byte it's an abstract socket.
            return bind_addr[:2]

        if isinstance(bind_addr, six.binary_type):
            bind_addr = bton(bind_addr)

        return bind_addr
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env['X_REMOTE_USER'] = str(req_conn.peer_user)
                env['X_REMOTE_GROUP'] = str(req_conn.peer_group)

                env['REMOTE_USER'] = env['X_REMOTE_USER']
            except RuntimeError:
                """Unable to retrieve peer creds data.

                Unsupported by current kernel or socket error happened, or
                unsupported socket type, or disabled.
            env['SERVER_PORT'] = str(req.server.bind_addr[1])

        # Request headers
            ('HTTP_' + bton(k).upper().replace('-', '_'), bton(v))
            for k, v in req.inheaders.items()

        ct = env.pop('HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE', None)
        if ct is not None:
            env['CONTENT_TYPE'] = ct
        cl = env.pop('HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH', None)
        if cl is not None:
            env['CONTENT_LENGTH'] = cl

        if req.conn.ssl_env:

        return env
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def get_environ(self):
        """Return a new environ dict targeting the given wsgi.version."""
        req = self.req
        req_conn = req.conn
        env = {
            # set a non-standard environ entry so the WSGI app can know what
            # the *real* server protocol is (and what features to support).
            # See
            'ACTUAL_SERVER_PROTOCOL': req.server.protocol,
            'PATH_INFO': bton(req.path),
            'QUERY_STRING': bton(req.qs),
            'REMOTE_ADDR': req_conn.remote_addr or '',
            'REMOTE_PORT': str(req_conn.remote_port or ''),
            'REQUEST_METHOD': bton(req.method),
            'REQUEST_URI': bton(req.uri),
            'SCRIPT_NAME': '',
            'SERVER_NAME': req.server.server_name,
            # Bah. "SERVER_PROTOCOL" is actually the REQUEST protocol.
            'SERVER_PROTOCOL': bton(req.request_protocol),
            'wsgi.errors': sys.stderr,
            'wsgi.input': req.rfile,
            'wsgi.input_terminated': bool(req.chunked_read),
            'wsgi.multiprocess': False,
            'wsgi.multithread': True,
            'wsgi.run_once': False,
            'wsgi.url_scheme': bton(req.scheme),
            'wsgi.version': self.version,

        if isinstance(req.server.bind_addr, six.string_types):
github cherrypy / cheroot / cheroot / View on Github external
def get_environ(self):
        """Return a new environ dict targeting the given wsgi.version."""
        req = self.req
        req_conn = req.conn
        env = {
            # set a non-standard environ entry so the WSGI app can know what
            # the *real* server protocol is (and what features to support).
            # See
            'ACTUAL_SERVER_PROTOCOL': req.server.protocol,
            'PATH_INFO': bton(req.path),
            'QUERY_STRING': bton(req.qs),
            'REMOTE_ADDR': req_conn.remote_addr or '',
            'REMOTE_PORT': str(req_conn.remote_port or ''),
            'REQUEST_METHOD': bton(req.method),
            'REQUEST_URI': bton(req.uri),
            'SCRIPT_NAME': '',
            'SERVER_NAME': req.server.server_name,
            # Bah. "SERVER_PROTOCOL" is actually the REQUEST protocol.
            'SERVER_PROTOCOL': bton(req.request_protocol),
            'wsgi.errors': sys.stderr,
            'wsgi.input': req.rfile,
            'wsgi.input_terminated': bool(req.chunked_read),
            'wsgi.multiprocess': False,
            'wsgi.multithread': True,
            'wsgi.run_once': False,
            'wsgi.url_scheme': bton(req.scheme),
            'wsgi.version': self.version,
github cherrypy / cheroot / cheroot / View on Github external
def get_environ(self):
        """Return a new environ dict targeting the given wsgi.version."""
        req = self.req
        req_conn = req.conn
        env = {
            # set a non-standard environ entry so the WSGI app can know what
            # the *real* server protocol is (and what features to support).
            # See
            'ACTUAL_SERVER_PROTOCOL': req.server.protocol,
            'PATH_INFO': bton(req.path),
            'QUERY_STRING': bton(req.qs),
            'REMOTE_ADDR': req_conn.remote_addr or '',
            'REMOTE_PORT': str(req_conn.remote_port or ''),
            'REQUEST_METHOD': bton(req.method),
            'REQUEST_URI': bton(req.uri),
            'SCRIPT_NAME': '',
            'SERVER_NAME': req.server.server_name,
            # Bah. "SERVER_PROTOCOL" is actually the REQUEST protocol.
            'SERVER_PROTOCOL': bton(req.request_protocol),
            'wsgi.errors': sys.stderr,
            'wsgi.input': req.rfile,
            'wsgi.input_terminated': bool(req.chunked_read),
            'wsgi.multiprocess': False,
            'wsgi.multithread': True,
            'wsgi.run_once': False,
            'wsgi.url_scheme': bton(req.scheme),
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'REMOTE_ADDR': req_conn.remote_addr or '',
            'REMOTE_PORT': str(req_conn.remote_port or ''),
            'REQUEST_METHOD': bton(req.method),
            'REQUEST_URI': bton(req.uri),
            'SCRIPT_NAME': '',
            'SERVER_NAME': req.server.server_name,
            # Bah. "SERVER_PROTOCOL" is actually the REQUEST protocol.
            'SERVER_PROTOCOL': bton(req.request_protocol),
            'wsgi.errors': sys.stderr,
            'wsgi.input': req.rfile,
            'wsgi.input_terminated': bool(req.chunked_read),
            'wsgi.multiprocess': False,
            'wsgi.multithread': True,
            'wsgi.run_once': False,
            'wsgi.url_scheme': bton(req.scheme),
            'wsgi.version': self.version,

        if isinstance(req.server.bind_addr, six.string_types):
            # AF_UNIX. This isn't really allowed by WSGI, which doesn't
            # address unix domain sockets. But it's better than nothing.
            env['SERVER_PORT'] = ''
                env['X_REMOTE_PID'] = str(req_conn.peer_pid)
                env['X_REMOTE_UID'] = str(req_conn.peer_uid)
                env['X_REMOTE_GID'] = str(req_conn.peer_gid)

                env['X_REMOTE_USER'] = str(req_conn.peer_user)
                env['X_REMOTE_GROUP'] = str(req_conn.peer_group)

                env['REMOTE_USER'] = env['X_REMOTE_USER']