Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
def test_no_leak(self):
with open("foo.c", "w") as f:
src = 'int main() {}'
with check50.internal.register:
def test_after_every(self):
l = []
check50.internal.register.after_every(lambda : l.append("foo"))
with check50.internal.register:
self.assertEqual(l, [])
self.assertEqual(l, ["foo"])
with check50.internal.register:
self.assertEqual(l, ["foo"])
self.assertEqual(l, ["foo", "foo"])
def test_before_every(self):
l = []
check50.internal.register.before_every(lambda : l.append("foo"))
with check50.internal.register:
self.assertEqual(l, ["foo"])
with check50.internal.register:
self.assertEqual(l, ["foo", "foo"])
self.assertEqual(l, ["foo", "foo"])
def test_after_every(self):
l = []
check50.internal.register.after_every(lambda : l.append("foo"))
with check50.internal.register:
self.assertEqual(l, [])
self.assertEqual(l, ["foo"])
with check50.internal.register:
self.assertEqual(l, ["foo"])
self.assertEqual(l, ["foo", "foo"])
def test_after_check(self):
check50.internal.check_running = True
l = []
check50.internal.register.after_check(lambda : l.append("foo"))
with check50.internal.register:
self.assertEqual(l, [])
self.assertEqual(l, ["foo"])
with check50.internal.register:
self.assertEqual(l, ["foo"])
self.assertEqual(l, ["foo"])
check50.internal.check_running = False
This function works exactly like :func:``, with the additional effect that ``command`` is run through
``valgrind`` and ``valgrind``'s output is automatically reviewed at the end of the check for memory leaks and other
bugs. If ``valgrind`` reports any issues, the check is failed and student-friendly messages are printed to the log.
Example usage::
.. note::
It is recommended that the student's code is compiled with the `-ggdb`
flag so that additional information, such as the file and line number at which
the issue was detected can be included in the log as well.
xml_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
internal.register.after_check(lambda: _check_valgrind(xml_file))
# Ideally we'd like for this whole command not to be logged.
return run(f"valgrind --show-leak-kinds=all --xml=yes --xml-file={} -- {command}", env=env)
def wrapper(checks_root, dependency_state):
# Result template
result = CheckResult.from_check(check)
# Any shared (returned) state
state = None
# Setup check environment, copying disk state from dependency
internal.run_dir = checks_root / check.__name__
src_dir = checks_root / (dependency.__name__ if dependency else "-")
shutil.copytree(src_dir, internal.run_dir)
# Run registered functions before/after running check and set timeout
with internal.register, _timeout(seconds=timeout):
args = (dependency_state,) if inspect.getfullargspec(check).args else ()
state = check(*args)
except Failure as e:
result.passed = False
result.cause = e.payload
except BaseException as e:
result.passed = None
result.cause = {"rationale": _("check50 ran into an error while running checks!"),
"error": {
"type": type(e).__name__,
"value": str(e),
"traceback": traceback.format_tb(e.__traceback__),
"data" : e.payload if hasattr(e, "payload") else {}
result.passed = True
def log(line):
Add to check log
:param line: line to be added to the check log
:type line: str
The check log is student-visible via the ``--log`` flag to ``check50``.
_log.append(line.replace("\n", "\\n"))
_data = {}
def data(**kwargs):
Add data to the check payload
:params kwargs: key/value mappings to be added to the check payload
Example usage::, mem=23)
import hashlib
import functools
import os
import shlex
import shutil
import signal
import sys
import time
import pexpect
from pexpect.exceptions import EOF, TIMEOUT
from . import internal
_log = []
def log(line):
Add to check log
:param line: line to be added to the check log
:type line: str
The check log is student-visible via the ``--log`` flag to ``check50``.
_log.append(line.replace("\n", "\\n"))
_data = {}