How to use the census.core.Client function in census

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few census examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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import esridump

from .lodes import OnTheMap
from .core import AreaFilter, GEO_URLS

try:  # Python 2.7+
    from logging import NullHandler
except ImportError:
    class NullHandler(logging.Handler):
        def emit(self, record):


class GeoClient(census.core.Client):
    @supported_years(2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2000, 1990)
    def geo_tract(self, fields, geojson_geometry, year=None, **kwargs):
        if year is None:
            year = self.default_year
        filtered_tracts = AreaFilter(geojson_geometry,

        for tract, intersection_proportion in filtered_tracts:
            context = {'state' : tract['properties']['STATE'],
                       'county' : tract['properties']['COUNTY']}
            within = 'state:{state} county:{county}'.format(**context)

            tract_id = tract['properties']['TRACT']
            result = self.get(fields,
                              {'for': 'tract:{}'.format(tract_id),
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    def state_county_subdivision(self, fields, state_fips,
                                 county_fips, subdiv_fips, **kwargs):
        return self.get(fields, geo={
            'for': 'county subdivision:{}'.format(subdiv_fips),
            'in': 'state:{} county:{}'.format(state_fips, county_fips),
        }, **kwargs)

class ACS1DpClient(ACS1Client):

    dataset = 'acs1/profile'

    years = (2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012)

class SF1Client(Client):

    default_year = 2010
    dataset = 'sf1'

    years = (2010, 2000, 1990)

    def _switch_endpoints(self, year):

        if year > 2000:
            self.endpoint_url = ''
            self.definitions_url = ''
            self.definition_url = ''
            self.groups_url = ''
            self.endpoint_url = super(SF1Client, self).endpoint_url
            self.definitions_url = super(SF1Client, self).definitions_url
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def state_district_place(self, fields, state_fips,
                             district, place, **kwargs):
        return self.get(fields, geo={
            'for': 'place/remainder (or part):{}'.format(place),
            'in': 'state:{} congressional district:{}'.format(
                state_fips, district),
        }, **kwargs)

    def state_zipcode(self, fields, state_fips, zcta, **kwargs):
        return self.get(fields, geo={
            'for': 'zip code tabulation area (or part):{}'.format(zcta),
            'in': 'state:{}'.format(state_fips),
        }, **kwargs)

class SF3Client(Client):

    default_year = 2000
    dataset = 'sf3'

    years = (2000, 1990)

    def state_county_tract(self, fields, state_fips,
                           county_fips, tract, **kwargs):
        return self.get(fields, geo={
            'for': 'tract:{}'.format(tract),
            'in': 'state:{} county:{}'.format(state_fips, county_fips),
        }, **kwargs)

    def state_county_blockgroup(self, fields, state_fips, county_fips,
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    def state_legislative_district_upper(self, fields, state_fips, legislative_district, **kwargs):
        return self.get(fields, geo={
            'for': 'state legislative district (upper chamber):{}'.format(str(legislative_district).zfill(3)),
            'in': 'state:{}'.format(state_fips),
        }, **kwargs)

    def state_legislative_district_lower(self, fields, state_fips, legislative_district, **kwargs):
        return self.get(fields, geo={
            'for': 'state legislative district (lower chamber):{}'.format(str(legislative_district).zfill(3)),
            'in': 'state:{}'.format(state_fips),
        }, **kwargs)

class ACSClient(Client):

    def _switch_endpoints(self, year):

        if year > 2009:
            self.endpoint_url = ''
            self.definitions_url = ''
            self.definition_url = ''
            self.groups_url = ''
            self.endpoint_url = super(ACSClient, self).endpoint_url
            self.definitions_url = super(ACSClient, self).definitions_url
            self.definition_url = super(ACSClient, self).definition_url
            self.groups_url = super(ACSClient, self).groups_url

    def tables(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self._switch_endpoints(kwargs.get('year', self.default_year))