How to use causality - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few causality examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github akelleh / causality / tests / unit / View on Github external
def test_densities(self):
        causes = ['c']
        effects = ['d']
        admissable_set = ['a']
        variable_types={'a': 'c','b': 'c','c': 'c','d' : 'c'}
        effect = CausalEffect(self.X,causes,effects,admissable_set,variable_types)
        density =  lambda x: effect.density.pdf( data_predict=[x])
        integral = nquad( density, [[d_var] for d_var in admissable_set])[0]
        print integral
        assert(abs(integral - 1.) < TOL)

        x_vals = [np.mean([var]) for var in causes]
        z_vals = [np.mean([var]) for var in admissable_set]
        density = lambda x: effect.conditional_density.pdf(endog_predict=[x], exog_predict=x_vals + z_vals)
        integral = nquad(density, [[d_var] for d_var in effects])[0]
        print x_vals, z_vals,integral
        assert(abs(integral - 1.) < TOL)
github akelleh / causality / tests / unit / View on Github external
def test_pdf_no_adjustment(self):
        causes = ['c']
        effects = ['d']
        admissable_set = []
        variable_types={'a': 'u','b': 'u','c': 'u','d' : 'u'}
        effect = CausalEffect(self.discrete,causes,effects,admissable_set,variable_types)
        # p(d=1|do(c=0) = 0.45, p(d=1|b=0) = 0.40
        p = effect.pdf(pd.DataFrame({ 'd' : [1], 'c' : [0]}))
        print p
        assert( abs( 0.40 - p ) < 0.02 )
github akelleh / causality / tests / unit / View on Github external
def test_expectation_continuous(self):
        causes = ['c']
        effects = ['d']
        admissable_set = ['a']
        variable_types={'a': 'c','b': 'c','c': 'c','d' : 'c'}
        effect = CausalEffect(self.X,

        x = pd.DataFrame({ 'c' : [400]})
        p1 = effect.expected_value(x)
        print "E(d | do(c = 400) ): ", p1

        x = pd.DataFrame({ 'c' : [600]})
        p2 = effect.expected_value(x)
        print "E(d | do(c = 600) ): ", p2
        assert( abs( p2 - p1 ) / 200 < 0.5 )
github akelleh / causality / tests / unit / View on Github external
def test_pdf_continuous(self):
        causes = ['c']
        effects = ['d']
        admissable_set = ['a']
        variable_types={'a': 'c','b': 'c','c': 'c','d' : 'c'}
        effect = CausalEffect(self.X,causes,effects,admissable_set,variable_types)
        c = np.mean(['c'])
        d = np.mean(['d'])
        e1 =  effect.pdf(pd.DataFrame({ 'd' : [d], 'c' : [ 0.9 * c]}))
        e2 =  effect.pdf(pd.DataFrame({ 'd' : [d], 'c' : [ 1.1 * c]}))
        print e2, e1, e2 - e1, (e2 - e1) / e2
        assert( abs(e2 - e1) / e2 < 0.05 )
github akelleh / causality / tests / unit / View on Github external
def test_get_support(self):
        data_ranges = {}
        for variable in self.X.columns:
            data_ranges[variable] = ( self.X[variable].min(), self.X[variable].max())
        causes = ['c']
        effects = ['d']
        admissable_set = ['a']
        variable_types={'a': 'c','b': 'c','c': 'c','d' : 'c'}
        effect = CausalEffect(self.X,causes,effects,admissable_set,variable_types)
        for variable, (supp_min, supp_max) in
            (xmin, xmax) = data_ranges[variable]
            assert(supp_min <= xmin)
            assert(supp_max >= xmax)
github akelleh / causality / tests / unit / View on Github external
def test_pdf_discrete(self):
        causes = ['c']
        effects = ['d']
        admissable_set = ['a']
        variable_types={'a': 'u','b': 'u','c': 'u','d' : 'u'}
        effect = CausalEffect(self.discrete,causes,effects,admissable_set,variable_types)
        p = effect.pdf(pd.DataFrame({ 'd' : [1], 'c' : [0]}))
        print p
        # p(d=1|do(c=0) = 0.45, p(d=1|c=0) = 0.40
        assert( abs( 0.45 - p ) < 0.02 )
github akelleh / causality / tests / unit / View on Github external
def test_expectation_discrete(self):
        causes = ['c']
        effects = ['d']
        admissable_set = ['a']
        variable_types={'a': 'u','b': 'u','c': 'u','d' : 'u'}
        effect = CausalEffect(self.discrete,

        x = pd.DataFrame({ 'c' : [0]})
        p = effect.expected_value(x)
        print "p(d=1 | do(c = 0) ): ", p
        assert( abs( 0.40 - p ) < 0.05 ) 

        x = pd.DataFrame({ 'c' : [1]})
        p = effect.expected_value(x)
        print "p(d=1 | do(c = 1) ): ", p
        assert( abs( 0.40 - p ) < 0.05 )
github akelleh / causality / tests / unit / View on Github external
def test_integration_function(self):
        causes = ['c']
        effects = ['d']
        admissable_set = ['a']
        variable_types={'a': 'c','b': 'c','c': 'c','d' : 'c'}
        effect = CausalEffect(self.X,causes,effects,admissable_set,variable_types)
github akelleh / causality / tests / unit / View on Github external
def test_match(self):
        matcher = PropensityScoreMatching()
        X = pd.DataFrame({'assignment': [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                          'propensity score': [3, 1, 2, 3, 5, 4]})

        test, control = matcher.match(X, n_neighbors=3)
        assert set(control['propensity score'].values) == set([2, 3, 4])
github akelleh / causality / tests / unit / View on Github external
def test_at_estimators(self):
        N = 1000  # how many data points

        z1 = 0.5 * np.random.normal(size=N)  # a few confounding variables
        z2 = 0.5 * np.random.normal(size=N)
        z3 = 0.5 * np.random.normal(size=N)

        arg = (z1 + z2 + z3 + np.random.normal(size=N))
        p = np.exp(arg) / (1. + np.exp(arg))  # propensity to receive treatment, P(d|z), taking on a logistic form
        d = np.random.binomial(1, p)

        y = (np.random.normal(size=N) + (z1 + z2 + z3 + 1.) * d)  # effect of d is confounded by z. True ATE is 1.

        X = pd.DataFrame({'d': d, 'z1': z1, 'z2': z2, 'z3': z3, 'y': y, 'p': p})

        matcher = PropensityScoreMatching()
        ATE = matcher.estimate_ATE(X, 'd', 'y', {'z1': 'c', 'z2': 'c', 'z3': 'c'})
        assert 0.9 <= ATE <= 1.1