How to use the casadi.MX.sym function in casadi

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github adbuerger / casiopeia / test / View on Github external
def setUp(self):

        self.f = ca.MX.sym("f")
        self.g = ca.MX.sym("g")
github adbuerger / casiopeia / concept_tests / View on Github external
#     - m: representing the ball of the mass in kg
#     - L: the length of the pendulum bar in meters
#     - g: the gravity constant in m/s^2
#     - psi: the actuation angle of the manuver in radians, which stays
#            constant for this problem

m = 1.0
L = 3.0
g = 9.81
# psi = pl.pi / 2.0
psi = pl.pi / (180.0 * 2)

# System

x = ca.MX.sym("x", 2)
p = ca.MX.sym("p", 1)
u = ca.MX.sym("u", 1)

# f = ca.vertcat([x[1], p[0]/(m*(L**2))*(u-x[0]) - g/L * pl.sin(x[0])])
f = ca.vertcat(x[1], p[0]/(m*(L**2))*(u-x[0]) - g/L * x[0])

phi = x

system = cp.system.System(x = x, u = u, p = p, f = f, phi = phi)

data = pl.loadtxt('data_pendulum.txt')
time_points = data[:500, 0]
numeas = data[:500, 1]
wmeas = data[:500, 2]
N = time_points.size
ydata = pl.array([numeas,wmeas])
udata = [psi] * (N-1)
github helgeanl / GP-MPC / gp_mpc / View on Github external
def __set_cost_function(self, costFunc, mean_ref_s):
        """ Define stage cost and terminal cost
        # Create GP and cos function symbols
        mean_s = ca.MX.sym('mean', self.__Ny)
        covar_x_s = ca.MX.sym('covar_x', self.__Ny, self.__Ny)
        covar_u_s = ca.MX.sym('covar_u', self.__Nu, self.__Nu)
        u_s = ca.MX.sym('u', self.__Nu)
        delta_u_s = ca.MX.sym('delta_u', self.__Nu)
        Q = ca.MX(self.__Q)
        P = ca.MX(self.__P)
        R = ca.MX(self.__R)
        S = ca.MX(self.__S)

        if costFunc is 'quad':
            self.__l_func = ca.Function('l', [mean_s, covar_x_s, u_s, covar_u_s, delta_u_s],
                               [self.__cost_l(mean_s, mean_ref_s, covar_x_s, u_s,
                                covar_u_s, delta_u_s, Q, R, S)])
            self.__lf_func = ca.Function('lf', [mean_s, covar_x_s],
                                   [self.__cost_lf(mean_s, mean_ref_s, covar_x_s, P)])
        elif costFunc is 'sat':
            self.__l_func = ca.Function('l', [mean_s, covar_x_s, u_s, covar_u_s, delta_u_s],
                               [self.__cost_saturation_l(mean_s, mean_ref_s,
                                    covar_x_s, u_s, covar_u_s, delta_u_s, Q, R, S)])
            self.__lf_func = ca.Function('lf', [mean_s, covar_x_s],
github helgeanl / GP-MPC / gp_mpc / View on Github external
num_hyp = h_ell + h_sf + h_sn + h_m
    prior = None
#    prior = dict(
#                ell_mean = 10,
#                ell_std = 10,
#                sf_mean  = 10,
#                sf_std  = 10,
#                sn_mean  = 1e-5,
#                sn_std  = 1e-5
#            )

    # Create solver
    Y_s          = ca.MX.sym('Y', N)
    X_s          = ca.MX.sym('X', N, Nx)
    hyp_s        = ca.MX.sym('hyp', 1, num_hyp)
    squaredist_s = ca.MX.sym('sqdist', N, N * Nx)
    param_s      = ca.horzcat(squaredist_s, Y_s)

    NLL_func = ca.Function('NLL', [hyp_s, X_s, Y_s, squaredist_s],
                           [calc_NLL(hyp_s, X_s, Y_s, squaredist_s,
                                     meanFunc=meanFunc, prior=prior)])
    nlp = {'x': hyp_s, 'f': NLL_func(hyp_s, X, Y_s, squaredist_s), 'p': param_s}

    # NLP solver options
    opts = {}
    opts['expand']              = True
    opts['print_time']          = False
    opts['verbose']             = False
    opts['ipopt.print_level']   = 1
    opts['ipopt.tol']          = 1e-8
    opts['ipopt.mu_strategy'] = 'adaptive'
    if optimizer_opts is not None:
github meco-group / omg-tools / omgtools / problems / View on Github external
def construct_upd_z(self, problem=None, lineq_updz=True):
        if problem is not None:
            self.problem_upd_z = problem
            self._lineq_updz = lineq_updz
            return 0.
        # check if we have linear equality constraints
        self._lineq_updz, A, b = self._check_for_lineq()
        if not self._lineq_updz:
            raise ValueError('For now, only equality constrained QP ' +
                             'z-updates are allowed!')
        x_i = struct_symMX(self.q_i_struct)
        x_j = struct_symMX(self.q_ij_struct)
        l_i = struct_symMX(self.q_i_struct)
        l_ij = struct_symMX(self.q_ij_struct)
        t = MX.sym('t')
        T = MX.sym('T')
        rho = MX.sym('rho')
        par = struct_symMX(self.par_struct)
        inp = [,,,, t, T, rho,]
        t0 = t/T
        # put symbols in MX structs (necessary for transformation)
        x_i = self.q_i_struct(x_i)
        x_j = self.q_ij_struct(x_j)
        l_i = self.q_i_struct(l_i)
        l_ij = self.q_ij_struct(l_ij)
        # transform spline variables: only consider future piece of spline
        tf = lambda cfs, basis: shift_knot1_fwd(cfs, basis, t0)
        self._transform_spline([x_i, l_i], tf, self.q_i)
        self._transform_spline([x_j, l_ij], tf, self.q_ij)
        # fill in parameters
        A = A(
github helgeanl / GP-MPC / gp_mpc / View on Github external
self.__Np = Np
        self.__clip_negative = clip_negative

        """ Create integrator """
        # Integrator options
        options = {
            "abstol" : 1e-6,
            "reltol" : 1e-6,
            "tf" : dt,
        if opt is not None:

        x = ca.MX.sym('x', Nx)
        u = ca.MX.sym('u', Nu)
        z = ca.MX.sym('z', Nz)
        p = ca.MX.sym('p', Np)
        par = ca.vertcat(u, p)

        dae = {'x': x, 'ode': ode(x,u,z,p), 'p':par}
        if alg is not None:
            self.__alg0 = ca.Function('alg_0', [x, u],
                                      [alg_0(x, u)])
            dae.update({'z':z, 'alg': alg(x, z, u)})
            self.Integrator = ca.integrator('Integrator', 'idas', dae, options)
            self.Integrator = ca.integrator('Integrator', 'cvodes', dae, options)

        #TODO: Fix discrete DAE model
        if alg is None:
            """ Create discrete RK4 model """
            ode_casadi = ca.Function("ode", [x, u, p], [ode(x,u,z,p)])
github meco-group / omg-tools / omgtools / basics / View on Github external
def _define_mx(self, name, size0, size1, dictionary, value=None):
        if value is None:
            value = np.zeros((size0, size1))
        symbol_name = self._add_label(name)
        dictionary[name] = MX.sym(symbol_name, size0, size1)
        self._values[name] = value
        self.add_to_dict(dictionary[name], name)
        return dictionary[name]
github helgeanl / GP-MPC / GP / View on Github external
mu_n2 = np.zeros((simPoints, number_of_states))
    var_n2 = np.zeros((simPoints, number_of_states))

    z_n3 = np.concatenate([x0, u])
    z_n3.shape = (1, number_of_inputs)
    mu3_n = np.zeros((simPoints, number_of_states))
    var3_n = np.zeros((simPoints, number_of_states))
    covariance2 = np.zeros((number_of_states, number_of_states))

    D = number_of_inputs
    F = ca.MX.sym('F', npoints, number_of_states)
    Xt = ca.MX.sym('X', npoints, number_of_inputs)
    hyp = ca.MX.sym('hyp', hyper.shape)
    z = ca.MX.sym('z', z_n.shape)
    cov = ca.MX.sym('cov', covariance.shape)
    cov2 = ca.MX.sym('cov2', 4, 1)

    gp_EM = ca.Function('gp', [Xt, F, hyp, z, cov], GP_noisy_input(invK, Xt, F, hyp, D, z, cov))
    gp_TA = ca.Function('gp_taylor_approx', [Xt, F, hyp, z, cov2], gp_taylor_approx(invK, Xt, F, hyp, D, z, cov2))
    gp_simple = ca.Function('gp_simple', [Xt, F, hyp, z], gp_casadi(invK, hyp, Xt, F, z))

    for dt in range(simPoints):
        mu, cov =[X, Y, hyper, z_n, covariance])
        mu, cov = mu.full(), cov.full()
        mu.shape, cov.shape = (number_of_states), (number_of_states, number_of_states)
        mu_n[dt, :], var_n[dt, :] = mu, np.diag(cov)
        z_n = ca.vertcat(mu, u).T
        covariance[:number_of_states, :number_of_states] = cov

    for dt in range(simPoints):
        mu, var =[X, Y, hyper, z_n2])
        mu, var = mu.full(), var.full()
github meco-group / omg-tools / omgtools / problems / View on Github external
def construct_upd_l(self, problem=None):
        if problem is not None:
            self.problem_upd_l = problem
            return 0.
        # create parameters
        z_ij = struct_symMX(self.q_ij_struct)
        l_ij = struct_symMX(self.q_ij_struct)
        x_j = struct_symMX(self.q_ij_struct)
        t = MX.sym('t')
        T = MX.sym('T')
        rho = MX.sym('rho')
        inp = [x_j, z_ij, l_ij, t, T, rho]
        # update lambda
        l_ij_new = self.q_ij_struct( + rho*( -
        out = [l_ij_new]
        # create problem
        prob, buildtime = create_function('upd_l_'+str(self._index), inp, out, self.options)
        self.problem_upd_l = prob
        return buildtime
github pymoca / pymoca / src / pymoca / backends / casadi / View on Github external
if len(self.constants) == 0 or not ca.depends_on(equations, constants):
                        constants = 0
                        logger.warning('Not all constants have been eliminated.  As a result, the affine DAE expression will use a symbolic matrix, as opposed to a numerical sparse matrix.')
                    if len(self.parameters) == 0 or not ca.depends_on(equations, parameters):
                        parameters = 0
                        logger.warning('Not all parameters have been eliminated.  As a result, the affine DAE expression will use a symbolic matrix, as opposed to a numerical sparse matrix.')

                    A = Af(0, constants, parameters)
                    b = bf(0, constants, parameters)

                    # Replace veccat'ed states with brand new state vectors so as to avoid the value copy operations induced by veccat.
                    self._states_vector = ca.MX.sym('states_vector', sum([s.numel() for s in self._symbols(self.states)]))
                    self._der_states_vector = ca.MX.sym('der_states_vector', sum([s.numel() for s in self._symbols(self.der_states)]))
                    self._alg_states_vector = ca.MX.sym('alg_states_vector', sum([s.numel() for s in self._symbols(self.alg_states)]))
                    self._inputs_vector = ca.MX.sym('inputs_vector', sum([s.numel() for s in self._symbols(self.inputs)]))

                    states_vector = ca.vertcat(self._states_vector, self._der_states_vector, self._alg_states_vector, self._inputs_vector)
                    equations = [ca.reshape(ca.mtimes(A, states_vector), equations.shape) + b]
                    setattr(self, equation_list, equations)

        if options['expand_mx']:
  "Expanded MX functions will be returned")
            self._expand_mx_func = lambda x: x.expand()"Finished model simplification")