How to use the cartoframes.CartoDataFrame function in cartoframes

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few cartoframes examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github CartoDB / cartoframes / tests / unit / io / View on Github external
def test_read_carto_limit(mocker):
    # Given
    mocker.patch.object(CartoDataFrame, 'set_geometry')
    cm_mock = mocker.patch.object(ContextManager, 'copy_to')

    # When
    read_carto('__source__', CREDENTIALS, limit=1)

    # Then
    cm_mock.assert_called_once_with('__source__', None, 1, 3)
github CartoDB / cartoframes / tests / unit / core / View on Github external
def test_merge(self):
        cdf1 = CartoDataFrame({'lkey': ['foo', 'bar'], 'value': [1, 2]})
        cdf2 = CartoDataFrame({'rkey': ['foo', 'bar'], 'value': [5, 6]})
        cdf = cdf1.merge(cdf2, left_on='lkey', right_on='rkey')
        assert isinstance(cdf, CartoDataFrame)
github CartoDB / cartoframes / tests / e2e / data / services / View on Github external
def test_geocode_dataframe_with_custom_status(self):
        self.skip(if_no_credits=True, if_no_credentials=True)
        gc = Geocoding(credentials=self.credentials)

        cdf = CartoDataFrame([['Gran Via 46', 'Madrid'], ['Ebro 1', 'Sevilla']], columns=['address', 'city'])

        quota = self.used_quota(gc)

        status = {'gc_rel': 'relevance'}

        # Preview
        info = gc.geocode(cdf, street='address', city='city', country={'value': 'Spain'},
                          status=status, dry_run=True).metadata
        self.assertEqual(info.get('required_quota'), 2)
        self.assertEqual(self.used_quota(gc), quota)

        # Geocode
        gc_df, info = gc.geocode(cdf, street='address', city='city', country={'value': 'Spain'}, status=status)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(gc_df, pd.DataFrame))
        self.assertEqual(info.get('required_quota'), 2)
        self.assertEqual(info.get('successfully_geocoded'), 2)
github CartoDB / cartoframes / tests / unit / core / View on Github external
def test_dissolve(self):
        cdf = CartoDataFrame({'a': [1], 'geometry': [Point(0, 0)]})
        cdf = cdf.dissolve(by='a')
        assert isinstance(cdf, CartoDataFrame)
github CartoDB / cartoframes / tests / unit / data / observatory / enrichment / View on Github external
def test_prepare_data(self):
        geom_column = 'the_geom'
        enrichment_service = EnrichmentService(credentials=self.credentials)
        point = Point(1, 1)
        df = pd.DataFrame(
            [[1, point]],
            columns=['cartodb_id', geom_column])
        expected_cdf = CartoDataFrame(
            [[1, point, 0, to_geojson(point)]],
            columns=['cartodb_id', geom_column, _ENRICHMENT_ID, _GEOM_COLUMN],

        result = enrichment_service._prepare_data(df, geom_column)

        assert result.equals(expected_cdf)
github CartoDB / cartoframes / tests / unit / data / observatory / enrichment / View on Github external
def test_upload_data(self):
        geom_column = 'the_geom'
        user_dataset = 'test_dataset'

        point = Point(1, 1)
        input_cdf = CartoDataFrame(
            [[1, point, 0, to_geojson(point)]],
            columns=['cartodb_id', geom_column, _ENRICHMENT_ID, _GEOM_COLUMN],

        expected_schema = {_ENRICHMENT_ID: 'INTEGER', _GEOM_COLUMN: 'GEOGRAPHY'}
        expected_cdf = CartoDataFrame(
            [[0, to_geojson(point)]],
            columns=[_ENRICHMENT_ID, _GEOM_COLUMN])

        # mock
        def assert_upload_data(_, dataframe, schema, tablename):
            assert dataframe.equals(expected_cdf)
            assert schema == expected_schema
            assert isinstance(tablename, str) and len(tablename) > 0
            assert tablename == user_dataset

        enrichment_service = EnrichmentService(credentials=self.credentials)
        original = BigQueryClient.upload_dataframe
        BigQueryClient.upload_dataframe = assert_upload_data
        enrichment_service._upload_data(user_dataset, input_cdf)

        BigQueryClient.upload_dataframe = original
github CartoDB / cartoframes / tests / e2e / data / services / View on Github external
def test_invalid_arguments(self):
        gc = Geocoding(credentials=self.credentials)
        cdf = CartoDataFrame([['Gran Via 46', 'Madrid'], ['Ebro 1', 'Sevilla']], columns=['address', 'city'])
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            gc.geocode(cdf, street='address', city={'columna': 'city'})
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            gc.geocode(cdf, street='address', state={'columna': 'city'})
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            gc.geocode(cdf, street='address', country={'columna': 'city'})
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            gc.geocode(cdf, street='address', city={'column': 'ciudad'})
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            gc.geocode(cdf, street='address', state={'column': 'ciudad'})
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            gc.geocode(cdf, street='address', country={'column': 'ciudad'})
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            gc.geocode(cdf, street='address', city='ciudad')
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            gc.geocode(cdf, street='address', state='ciudad')
github CartoDB / cartoframes / tests / unit / core / View on Github external
def test_plot_series(self, mocker):
        series_plot_mock = mocker.patch.object(Series, 'plot')
        cdf = CartoDataFrame({'x': [1]})
github CartoDB / cartoframes / tests / unit / core / View on Github external
def test_explode(self):
        cdf = CartoDataFrame({'a': [1], 'geometry': [Point(0, 0)]})
        cdf = cdf.explode()
        assert isinstance(cdf, CartoDataFrame)
github CartoDB / cartoframes / tests / unit / core / View on Github external
def test_constructor(self):
        cdf = CartoDataFrame(self.gdf)
        assert isinstance(cdf, CartoDataFrame)
        assert cdf._constructor == CartoDataFrame