How to use the capstone.x86.X86_OP_MEM function in capstone

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github CERT-Polska / malduck / malduck / View on Github external
def __init__(self) -> None:
        import capstone.x86

        Operand._x86_op_imm = capstone.x86.X86_OP_IMM
        Operand._x86_op_reg = capstone.x86.X86_OP_REG
        Operand._x86_op_mem = capstone.x86.X86_OP_MEM

        # Index the available x86 registers.
        for reg in dir(capstone.x86):
            if not reg.startswith("X86_REG_"):
            Operand.regs[getattr(capstone.x86, reg)] = reg.split("_")[2].lower()
github slimv0x00 / Adimeht / View on Github external
def getOperands(self, inst):
		operands = [] # list of operands [0: type, 1: value]
		if len(inst.operands) > 0:
			for op in inst.operands:
				opInfo = []
				if op.type == capstone.x86.X86_OP_REG:
					#self.dbiprintf(" - REG: %s" % (inst.reg_name(op.value.reg)))
					opInfo.append("%s" % inst.reg_name(op.value.reg))
				elif op.type == capstone.x86.X86_OP_IMM:
					#self.dbiprintf(" - IMM: 0x%x" % (op.value.imm))
				elif op.type == capstone.x86.X86_OP_MEM: # [0: type, 1: mem addr string, 2: mem element list, 3: mem formula list, 4: mem address]
					strSegReg = ""
					strBaseReg = ""
					strIndexReg = ""
					strScale = ""
					strDisp = ""
					segReg = 0
					baseReg = 0
					indexReg = 0
					scale = 0
					disp = 0
					baseVal = 0
					indexVal = 0
					memList = []
					if op.value.mem.segment != 0:
						segReg = op.value.mem.segment
github plasma-disassembler / plasma / plasma / lib / arch / x86 / View on Github external
# is called, instructions are not pushed in memory. We have only
        # the set of the function.
        if ad in inner_code:
            n -= 1
            i = inner_code[ad]
            if i is None:
                return None
            if is_jump(i):
                return None
            if len(i.operands) >= 1:
                op1 = i.operands[0]
                if op1.type == X86_OP_REG and op1.value.reg == jump_reg:
                    if len(i.operands) != 2:
                        return None
                    op2 = i.operands[1]
                    if op2.type != X86_OP_MEM:
                        return None
                    if analyzer.dis.binary.is_address(op2.mem.disp):
                        return op2.mem.disp
                    return None
        ad -= 1

    return None
github mtivadar / qiew / View on Github external
self._refString = ''

        # PUSH 
        if == capstone.x86.X86_INS_PUSH:
            if len(asm.operands) == 1:
                o = asm.operands[0]

                if o.type == capstone.x86.X86_OP_IMM:
                    value = o.imm
                    self._refString = self._plugin.stringFromVA(value)

        # [RIP + ]
        if len(asm.operands) > 1:
            o = asm.operands[1]

            if o.type == capstone.x86.X86_OP_MEM:
                if o.mem.base == capstone.x86.X86_REG_RIP:
                    x =  asm.address + asm.size + o.mem.disp
                    self._refString = self._plugin.stringFromVA(x)

        return self._refString
github mak / mlib / src / disasm / View on Github external
def is_mem(self):
        return self.type == cpu.X86_OP_MEM
github plasma-disassembler / plasma / plasma / lib / arch / x86 / View on Github external
return n == X86_OP_INVALID

        op = i.operands[num_op]

        if op.type == X86_OP_IMM:
            self._imm(op.value.imm, op.size, hexa,

        elif op.type == X86_OP_REG:

        # elif op.type == X86_OP_FP:
            # self._add("%f" % op.value.fp)

        elif op.type == X86_OP_MEM:
            mm = op.mem

            ret = self.get_var_offset(i, num_op)
            if ret is not None:
                func_addr, off = ret
                if == X86_INS_LEA:
                self._variable(self.get_var_name(func_addr, off))
                if == X86_INS_LEA:

            if inv(mm.segment) and inv(mm.index) and mm.disp != 0:
                if mm.base == X86_REG_RIP or mm.base == X86_REG_EIP:
                    ad = i.address + i.size + mm.disp
github EiNSTeiN- / decompiler / src / host / capstone / dis / View on Github external
def get_operand_expression(self, ea, n):
    """ return an expression representing the 'n'-th operand of the instruction at 'ea'. """

    insn = self.instructions[ea]
    op = insn.operands[n]

    if op.type == capstone.x86.X86_OP_REG:
      expr = regloc_t(self.__reg_index(op.reg), op.size*8, name=insn.reg_name(op.reg))
    elif op.type == capstone.x86.X86_OP_MEM:

      base, index, scale, disp = (None,)*4

      if op.mem.base:
        base = regloc_t(self.__reg_index(op.mem.base), op.size*8, name=insn.reg_name(op.mem.base))

      if op.mem.index:
        index = regloc_t(self.__reg_index(op.mem.index), op.size*8, name=insn.reg_name(op.mem.index))

      if op.mem.scale > 1:
        scale = value_t(op.mem.scale, op.size*8)

      if op.mem.disp:
        disp = value_t(op.mem.disp, op.size*8)

      if base and index and disp:
github plasma-disassembler / plasma / plasma / lib / fileformat / View on Github external
# ...
        # ADDRESS:  	jmp    DWORD PTR SYMBOL
        # we need to assign SYMBOL to ADDRESS, because in the code
        # we have "call ADDRESS" and not "call SYMBOL"
        # first_inst is the instruction at ADDRESS

        def inv(n):
            return n == X86_OP_INVALID

        ARCH_UTILS = dis.load_arch_module().utils

        if not ARCH_UTILS.is_uncond_jump(first_inst) or \
                first_inst.operands[0].type != X86_OP_MEM:
            return -1

        mm = first_inst.operands[0].mem
        next_ip = first_inst.address + first_inst.size

        ptr = mm.disp
        if mm.base == X86_REG_RIP or mm.base == X86_REG_EIP:
            ptr += next_ip

        if ptr not in self.imports or not inv(mm.segment) or \
                not inv(mm.index):
            return -1

        name = "_" + self.reverse_symbols[ptr]
        ty = self.db.mem.get_type(ptr)
github angr / angr / angr / analyses / View on Github external

    'X86': {
        capstone.x86.X86_OP_REG: OP_TYPE_REG,
        capstone.x86.X86_OP_IMM: OP_TYPE_IMM,
        capstone.x86.X86_OP_MEM: OP_TYPE_MEM,
    'AMD64': {
        capstone.x86.X86_OP_REG: OP_TYPE_REG,
        capstone.x86.X86_OP_IMM: OP_TYPE_IMM,
        capstone.x86.X86_OP_MEM: OP_TYPE_MEM,

    # will be filled up by fill_reg_map()
    'X86': {
    'AMD64': {

# Utils

def string_escape(s):

    if isinstance(s, bytes):
github gereeter / hsdecomp / hsdecomp / View on Github external
def store(self, operand, value):
        if operand.type == capstone.x86.X86_OP_MEM:
            output = self.read_memory_operand(operand.mem)
            if isinstance(output, Tagged):
                assert output.tag == 0
                assert isinstance(output.untagged, Offset)
                if isinstance(output.untagged.base, HeapPointer):
                    self.heap[output.untagged.index] = value
                elif isinstance(output.untagged.base, StackPointer):
                    adjusted_index = output.untagged.index + len(self.stack)
                    if adjusted_index < 0:
                        self.stack = [None] * (-adjusted_index) + self.stack
                        self.stack[0] = value
                        self.stack[adjusted_index] = value
        elif operand.type == capstone.x86.X86_OP_REG:
            self.registers[base_register(operand.reg)] = value