How to use the buku.prompt function in buku

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few buku examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github jarun / Buku / tests / View on Github external
def test_search_and_open_in_broswer_by_range(self):
        # adding bookmarks
        for bookmark in self.bookmarks:

        # simulate user input, select range of indices 1-3
        index_range = '1-%s' % len(self.bookmarks)
        with mock.patch('builtins.input', side_effect=[index_range]):
            with mock.patch('buku.browse') as mock_browse:
                    # search the db with keywords from each bookmark
                    # searching using the first tag from bookmarks
                    get_first_tag = lambda x: x[2].split(',')[1]
                    results = self.bdb.searchdb([get_first_tag(bm) for bm in self.bookmarks])
                    prompt(self.bdb, results)
                except StopIteration:
                    # catch exception thrown by reaching the end of the side effect iterable

                # collect arguments passed to browse
                arg_list = [args[0] for args, _ in mock_browse.call_args_list]
                # expect a list of one-tuples that are bookmark URLs
                expected = [x[0] for x in self.bookmarks]
                # checking if browse called with expected arguments
                self.assertEqual(arg_list, expected)
github jarun / Buku / tests / View on Github external
def test_search_and_open_all_in_browser(self):
        # adding bookmarks
        for bookmark in self.bookmarks:

        # simulate user input, select 'a' to open all bookmarks in results
        with mock.patch('builtins.input', side_effect=['a']):
            with mock.patch('buku.browse') as mock_browse:
                    # search the db with keywords from each bookmark
                    # searching using the first tag from bookmarks
                    get_first_tag = lambda x: x[2].split(',')[1]
                    results = self.bdb.searchdb([get_first_tag(bm) for bm in self.bookmarks[:2]])
                    prompt(self.bdb, results)
                except StopIteration:
                    # catch exception thrown by reaching the end of the side effect iterable

                # collect arguments passed to browse
                arg_list = [args[0] for args, _ in mock_browse.call_args_list]
                # expect a list of one-tuples that are bookmark URLs
                expected = [x[0] for x in self.bookmarks][:2]
                # checking if browse called with expected arguments
                self.assertEqual(arg_list, expected)
github jarun / Buku / tests / View on Github external
def test_list_tags(capsys, setup):
    bdb = BukuDb()

    # adding bookmarks
    bdb.add_rec("", "", parse_tags(['cat,ant,bee,1']), "")
    bdb.add_rec("", "", parse_tags(['Cat,Ant,bee,1']), "")
    bdb.add_rec("", "", parse_tags(['Cat,Ant,3,Bee,2']), "")

    # listing tags, asserting output
    out, err = capsys.readouterr()
    prompt(bdb, None, True, listtags=True)
    out, err = capsys.readouterr()
    assert out == "     1. 1 (2)\n     2. 2 (1)\n     3. 3 (1)\n     4. ant (3)\n     5. bee (3)\n     6. cat (3)\n\n"
    assert err == ''