How to use the brainspace.mesh.mesh_elements.get_ring_distance function in brainspace

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Array of cluster labels. If `mask` is provided, points out of the mask
        are assigned label 0.
    center_labels : 1D ndarray, shape (n_points,)
        Array with centers labeled with their corresponding cluster label.
        The rest of points is assigned label 0. Returned only if

    Valid cluster labels start from 1. If the mask is provided, zeros are
    assigned to the points outside the mask.


    # Get immediate geodesic distance
    a = me.get_ring_distance(surf, n_ring=1, metric='geodesic')
    if mask is not None:
        a = a[mask, :][:, mask] = np.exp(

    # Embedding
    evs, _ = diffusion_mapping(a, n_components=30, alpha=0, diffusion_time=1,
    evs = normalize(evs)  # To find spherical clusters

    if is_size:
        n_clusters = evs.shape[0] // n_clusters

    # Find clusters
    if approach == 'kmeans':
        _, cluster_labs, _ = k_means(evs, n_clusters=n_clusters,
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# Keep only the temporal lobe.
embedding_tl = embedding[:n_pts_lh][mask_tl]
t1wt2w_tl = t1wt2w_lh[mask_tl]
curv_tl = load_marker('curvature')[0][mask_tl]

# We will now compute the Moran eigenvectors. This can be done either by
# providing a weight matrix of spatial proximity between each vertex, or by
# providing a cortical surface. Here we’ll use a cortical surface.

from brainspace.null_models import MoranRandomization

# compute spatial weight matrix
w = me.get_ring_distance(surf_lh, n_ring=1, mask=mask_tl) **= -1

n_rand = 1000

msr = MoranRandomization(n_rep=n_rand, procedure='singleton', tol=1e-6,

# Using the Moran eigenvectors we can now compute the randomized data.

curv_rand = msr.randomize(curv_tl)
t1wt2w_rand = msr.randomize(t1wt2w_tl)
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    * Wagner H.H. and Dray S. (2015). Generating spatially constrained
      null models for irregularly spaced data using Moran spectral
      randomization methods. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 6(10):1169-78.


    if spectrum not in ['all', 'nonzero']:
        raise ValueError("Unknown autocor '{0}'.".format(spectrum))

    # If surface is provided instead of affinity
    if not (isinstance(w, np.ndarray) or ssp.issparse(w)):
        w = me.get_ring_distance(w, n_ring=n_ring, metric='geodesic') **= -1  # inverse of distance
        # w /= np.nansum(w, axis=1, keepdims=True)  # normalize rows

    if not is_symmetric(w):
        w = make_symmetric(w, check=False, sparse_format='coo')

    # Doubly centering weight matrix
    if ssp.issparse(w):
        m = w.mean(axis=0).A
        wc = w.mean() - m - m.T

        if not ssp.isspmatrix_coo(w):
            w_format = w.format
            w = w.tocoo(copy=False)
            row, col = w.row, w.col
            w = getattr(w, 'to' + w_format)(copy=False)
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if no_label is np.nan:
        labeled = ~np.isnan(labeling) != 0
        labeled = labeling != no_label

    ulabs, idx_lab = np.unique(labeling[labeled], return_inverse=True)

    n_labs = ulabs.size
    n_pts = labeling.size

    # Graph matrix
    if mode == 'connectivity':
        adj = me.get_ring_adjacency(surf, n_ring=n_ring, include_self=False,
        adj = me.get_ring_distance(surf, n_ring=n_ring, dtype=np.float)[:] = np.exp(**2)

    if mask is not None:
        adj = adj[mask][:, mask]

    graph_matrix = -alpha * laplacian(adj, normed=True)
    diag_mask = (graph_matrix.row == graph_matrix.col)[diag_mask] = 0.0

    # Label distributions and label static
    lab_dist = np.zeros((n_pts, n_labs))
    lab_dist[np.argwhere(labeled)[:, 0], idx_lab] = 1

    lab_static = lab_dist.copy()
    lab_static *= 1 - alpha