How to use the braindecode.datautil.util.ms_to_samples function in braindecode

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`name_to_codes` dictionary.

    cnt_y: 2d-array
        Timeseries of one-hot-labels, time x classes.
    trial_bounds: list of (int,int)
        List of (trial_start, trial_stop) tuples.

    assert np.array_equal(
        list(name_to_start_codes.keys()), list(name_to_stop_codes.keys())
    events = np.asarray(events)
    ival_in_samples = ms_to_samples(np.array(epoch_ival_ms), fs)
    start_offset = np.int32(np.round(ival_in_samples[0]))
    # we will use ceil but exclusive...
    stop_offset = np.int32(np.ceil(ival_in_samples[1]))
    start_code_to_name_and_y = _to_mrk_code_to_name_and_y(name_to_start_codes)
    # Ensure all stop marker codes are iterables
    for name in name_to_stop_codes:
        codes = name_to_stop_codes[name]
        if not hasattr(codes, "__len__"):
            name_to_stop_codes[name] = [codes]
    all_stop_codes = np.concatenate(list(name_to_stop_codes.values())).astype(
    class_to_n_trials = Counter()
    n_classes = len(name_to_start_codes)
    cnt_y = np.zeros((n_samples, n_classes), dtype=np.int64)
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max_break_length_ms: number, optional
        Maximum length in milliseconds a break can have to be included.
    break_start_offset_ms: number, optional
        What offset from trial end to start of the break in ms.
    break_stop_offset_ms: number, optional
        What offset from next trial start end to previous break end in ms.

    events: 2d-array
        Events with break start and stop markers.
    min_samples = (
        if min_break_length_ms is None
        else ms_to_samples(min_break_length_ms, fs)
    max_samples = (
        if max_break_length_ms is None
        else ms_to_samples(max_break_length_ms, fs)
    orig_events = events
    break_starts, break_stops = _extract_break_start_stop_ms(
        events, name_to_start_codes, name_to_stop_codes

    break_durations = break_stops - break_starts
    valid_mask = np.array([True] * len(break_starts))
    if min_samples is not None:
        valid_mask[break_durations < min_samples] = False
    if max_samples is not None:
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What offset from next trial start end to previous break end in ms.

    events: 2d-array
        Events with break start and stop markers.
    min_samples = (
        if min_break_length_ms is None
        else ms_to_samples(min_break_length_ms, fs)
    max_samples = (
        if max_break_length_ms is None
        else ms_to_samples(max_break_length_ms, fs)
    orig_events = events
    break_starts, break_stops = _extract_break_start_stop_ms(
        events, name_to_start_codes, name_to_stop_codes

    break_durations = break_stops - break_starts
    valid_mask = np.array([True] * len(break_starts))
    if min_samples is not None:
        valid_mask[break_durations < min_samples] = False
    if max_samples is not None:
        valid_mask[break_durations > max_samples] = False
    if sum(valid_mask) == 0:
        return deepcopy(events)
    break_starts = break_starts[valid_mask]
    break_stops = break_stops[valid_mask]
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def _create_cnt_y_and_trial_bounds_from_start_and_ival(
    n_samples, events, fs, name_to_start_codes, epoch_ival_ms
    ival_in_samples = ms_to_samples(np.array(epoch_ival_ms), fs)
    start_offset = np.int32(np.round(ival_in_samples[0]))
    # we will use ceil but exclusive...
    stop_offset = np.int32(np.ceil(ival_in_samples[1]))
    mrk_code_to_name_and_y = _to_mrk_code_to_name_and_y(name_to_start_codes)
    class_to_n_trials = Counter()
    n_classes = len(name_to_start_codes)
    cnt_y = np.zeros((n_samples, n_classes), dtype=np.int64)
    i_start_stops = []
    for i_sample, mrk_code in zip(events[:, 0], events[:, 1]):
        start_sample = int(i_sample) + start_offset
        stop_sample = int(i_sample) + stop_offset
        if mrk_code in mrk_code_to_name_and_y:
            if start_sample < 0:
                    "Ignore trial with marker code {:d}, would start at "
                    "sample {:d}".format(mrk_code, start_sample)
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break_starts, break_stops = _extract_break_start_stop_ms(
        events, name_to_start_codes, name_to_stop_codes

    break_durations = break_stops - break_starts
    valid_mask = np.array([True] * len(break_starts))
    if min_samples is not None:
        valid_mask[break_durations < min_samples] = False
    if max_samples is not None:
        valid_mask[break_durations > max_samples] = False
    if sum(valid_mask) == 0:
        return deepcopy(events)
    break_starts = break_starts[valid_mask]
    break_stops = break_stops[valid_mask]
    if break_start_offset_ms is not None:
        break_starts += int(round(ms_to_samples(break_start_offset_ms, fs)))
    if break_stop_offset_ms is not None:
        break_stops += int(round(ms_to_samples(break_stop_offset_ms, fs)))
    break_events = np.zeros((len(break_starts) * 2, 2))
    break_events[0::2, 0] = break_starts
    break_events[1::2, 0] = break_stops
    break_events[0::2, 1] = break_start_code
    break_events[1::2, 1] = break_stop_code

    new_events = np.concatenate((orig_events, break_events))
    # sort events
    sort_order = np.argsort(new_events[:, 0], kind="mergesort")
    new_events = new_events[sort_order]
    return new_events