How to use the function in bluesky

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few bluesky examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github TUDelft-CNS-ATM / bluesky / bluesky / traffic / asas / View on Github external
ARV_calc_loc[0] = ARV_loc[0]
        # Calculate areas and store in asas
        FRV_area_loc[0] = 0
        ARV_area_loc[0] = np.pi * (vmax **2 - vmin ** 2)

    # Function qdrdist_matrix needs 4 vectors as input (lat1,lon1,lat2,lon2)
    # To be efficient, calculate all qdr and dist in one function call
    # Example with ntraf = 5:   ind1 = [0,0,0,0,1,1,1,2,2,3]
    #                           ind2 = [1,2,3,4,2,3,4,3,4,4]
    # This way the qdrdist is only calculated once between every aircraft
    # To get all combinations, use this function to get the indices
    ind1, ind2 = qdrdist_matrix_indices(ntraf)
    # Get absolute bearing [deg] and distance [nm]
    # Not sure abs/rel, but qdr is defined from [-180,180] deg, w.r.t. North
    [qdr, dist] = geo.qdrdist_matrix(lat[ind1], lon[ind1], lat[ind2], lon[ind2])
    # Put result of function from matrix to ndarray
    qdr  = np.reshape(np.array(qdr), np.shape(ind1))
    dist = np.reshape(np.array(dist), np.shape(ind1))
    # SI-units from [deg] to [rad]
    qdr  = np.deg2rad(qdr)
    # Get distance from [nm] to [m]
    dist = dist * nm

    # In LoS the VO can't be defined, act as if dist is on edge
    dist[dist < hsepm] = hsepm

    # Calculate vertices of Velocity Obstacle (CCW)
    # These are still in relative velocity space, see derivation in appendix
    # Half-angle of the Velocity obstacle [rad]
    # Include safety margin
    alpha = np.arcsin(hsepm / dist)
github TUDelft-CNS-ATM / bluesky / bluesky / ui / qtgl / View on Github external
rawlabel += '%-8s' % acid[:8]
                    if actdata.show_lbl == 2:
                        if alt <= data.translvl:
                            rawlabel += '%-5d' % int(alt / ft  + 0.5)
                            rawlabel += 'FL%03d' % int(alt / ft / 100. + 0.5)
                        vsarrow = 30 if vs > 0.25 else 31 if vs < -0.25 else 32
                        rawlabel += '%1s  %-8d' % (chr(vsarrow), int(cas / kts + 0.5))
                        rawlabel += 16 * ' '

                if inconf:
                    if actdata.ssd_conflicts:
                        selssd[i] = 255
                    color[i, :] = palette.conflict + (255,)
                    lat1, lon1 = geo.qdrpos(lat, lon, trk, tcpa * gs / nm)
                    cpalines[4 * confidx : 4 * confidx + 4] = [lat, lon, lat1, lon1]
                    confidx += 1
                    # Get custom color if available, else default
                    rgb = palette.aircraft
                    if ingroup:
                        for groupmask, groupcolor in actdata.custgrclr.items():
                            if ingroup & groupmask:
                                rgb = groupcolor
                    rgb = actdata.custacclr.get(acid, rgb)
                    color[i, :] = tuple(rgb) + (255,)

                #  Check if aircraft is selected to show SSD
                if actdata.ssd_all or acid in actdata.ssd_ownship:
                    selssd[i] = 255
github TUDelft-CNS-ATM / bluesky / bluesky / navdatabase / View on Github external
# If pos is specified check for more and return closest
            idx = []
            found = True
            while i < len(self.wpid) - 1 and found:
                    i = self.wpid.index(name, i + 1)
                    found = False
            if len(idx) == 1:
                return idx[0]
                imin = idx[0]
                dmin = geo.kwikdist(reflat, reflon, self.wplat[imin], self.wplon[imin])
                for i in idx[1:]:
                    d = geo.kwikdist(reflat, reflon, self.wplat[i], self.wplon[i])
                    if d < dmin:
                        imin = i
                        dmin = d
                return imin
github TUDelft-CNS-ATM / bluesky / bluesky / ui / pygame / View on Github external
# Radar mode
        if not self.swnavdisp:
            # Normal case
            if self.lon1 > self.lon0:
                sw = (lat > self.lat0) * (lat < self.lat1) * \
                     (lon > self.lon0) * (lon < self.lon1) == 1

            # Wrap around:
                sw = (lat > self.lat0) * (lat < self.lat1) * \
                     ((lon > self.lon0) + (lon < self.lon1)) == 1
        # Else NAVDISP mode
            base = 30. * (self.lat1 - self.lat0)
            dist = geo.latlondist(self.ndlat, self.ndlon, lat, lon) / nm
            sw = dist < base

        return sw
github TUDelft-CNS-ATM / bluesky / bluesky / ui / View on Github external
curarg  = min(curarg, len(clickargs) - 2)

            if curarg < totargs:
                clicktype = clickargs[curarg]

                if clicktype == "acid":
                    idx = findnearest(lat, lon,, acdata.lon)
                    if idx >= 0:
                        todisplay +=[idx] + " "

                elif clicktype == "latlon":
                    todisplay += str(round(lat, 6)) + "," + str(round(lon, 6)) + " "

                elif clicktype == "dist":
                    latref, lonref = float(args[1]), float(args[2])
                    todisplay += str(round(geo.kwikdist(latref, lonref, lat, lon), 6))

                elif clicktype == "apt":
                    idx = findnearest(lat, lon, bs.navdb.aptlat, bs.navdb.aptlon)
                    if idx >= 0:
                        todisplay += bs.navdb.aptid[idx] + " "

                elif clicktype == "wpinroute":  # Find nearest waypoint in route
                    if[0]) > 0:
                        itraf      =[0])
                        synerr = False
                        reflat =[itraf]
                        reflon = acdata.lon[itraf]
                        # The pygame version can get the route directly from traf
                        # otherwise the route is passed to this function
                        if route is None:
                            route = acdata.ap.route[itraf]
github TUDelft-CNS-ATM / bluesky / bluesky / navdatabase / View on Github external
            return [-1]

        # if no pos is specified, get first occurence
        if not reflat < 99999.:
            return [i]

        # If pos is specified check for more and return closest
            idx = findall(self.wpid,name) # find indices of al occurences

            if len(idx) == 1:
                return [idx[0]]
                imin = idx[0]
                dmin = geo.kwikdist(reflat, reflon, self.wplat[imin], self.wplon[imin])
                for i in idx[1:]:
                    d = geo.kwikdist(reflat, reflon, self.wplat[i], self.wplon[i])
                    if d < dmin:
                        imin = i
                        dmin = d
                # Find co-located
                indices = [imin]
                for i in idx:
                    if i!=imin:
                        dist = nm*geo.kwikdist(self.wplat[i], self.wplon[i], \
                                            self.wplat[imin], self.wplon[imin])
                        if dist<=crit:

                return indices
github TUDelft-CNS-ATM / bluesky / bluesky / traffic / View on Github external
vreln, vrele = gsref * cos(trkref) - gsn, gsref * sin(trkref) - gse
        # Relative velocity magnitude
        vrel    = sqrt(vreln * vreln + vrele * vrele)
        # Relative travel distance to closest point of approach
        drelcpa = tlosh * vrel + (0 if cpa > pzr else sqrt(pzr * pzr - cpa * cpa))
        # Initial intruder distance
        dist    = sqrt(drelcpa * drelcpa + cpa * cpa)
        # Rotation matrix diagonal and cross elements for distance vector
        rd      = drelcpa / dist
        rx      = cpa / dist
        # Rotate relative velocity vector to obtain intruder bearing
        brn     = degrees(atan2(-rx * vreln + rd * vrele,
                                 rd * vreln + rx * vrele))

        # Calculate intruder lat/lon
        aclat, aclon = geo.kwikpos(latref, lonref, brn, dist / nm)

        # convert groundspeed to CAS, and track to heading
        wn, we     = self.wind.getdata(aclat, aclon, acalt)
        tasn, tase = gsn - wn, gse - we
        acspd      = tas2cas(sqrt(tasn * tasn + tase * tase), acalt)
        achdg      = degrees(atan2(tase, tasn))

        # Create and, when necessary, set vertical speed
        self.create(1, actype, acalt, acspd, None, aclat, aclon, achdg, acid)
        self.ap.selaltcmd(len( - 1, altref, acvs)
        self.vs[-1] = acvs