How to use the beem.utils.addTzInfo function in beem

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few beem examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def get_manabar(self):
        """"Return manabar"""
        max_mana = self.get_effective_vesting_shares()
        if max_mana == 0:
            props = self.steem.get_chain_properties()
            required_fee_steem = Amount(props["account_creation_fee"], steem_instance=self.steem)
            max_mana = int(self.steem.sp_to_vests(required_fee_steem))
        last_mana = int(self["voting_manabar"]["current_mana"])
        last_update_time = self["voting_manabar"]["last_update_time"]
        last_update = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(last_update_time)
        diff_in_seconds = (addTzInfo(datetime.utcnow()) - addTzInfo(last_update)).total_seconds()
        current_mana = int(last_mana + diff_in_seconds * max_mana / STEEM_VOTING_MANA_REGENERATION_SECONDS)
        if current_mana > max_mana:
            current_mana = max_mana
        if max_mana > 0:
            current_mana_pct = current_mana / max_mana * 100
            current_mana_pct = 0
        return {"last_mana": last_mana, "last_update_time": last_update_time,
                "current_mana": current_mana, "max_mana": max_mana, "current_mana_pct": current_mana_pct}
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When intervall is set to None, all trades are received between start and stop.
            This can take a while.

            :param datetime start: Start date
            :param datetime stop: Stop date
            :param timedelta intervall: Defines the intervall
            :param int limit: Defines how many trades are fetched at each intervall point
            :param bool raw_data: when True, the raw data are returned
        utc = pytz.timezone('UTC')
        if not stop:
            stop = utc.localize(datetime.utcnow())
        if not start:
            start = stop - timedelta(hours=1)
        start = addTzInfo(start)
        stop = addTzInfo(stop)
        current_start = start
        filled_order = []
        fo = self.trades(start=current_start, stop=stop, limit=limit, raw_data=raw_data)
        if intervall is None and len(fo) > 0:
            current_start = fo[-1]["date"]
            filled_order += fo
        elif intervall is not None:
            current_start += intervall
            filled_order += [fo]
        last_date = fo[-1]["date"]
        while (len(fo) > 0 and last_date < stop):
            fo = self.trades(start=current_start, stop=stop, limit=limit, raw_data=raw_data)
            if len(fo) == 0 or fo[-1]["date"] == last_date:
            last_date = fo[-1]["date"]
            if intervall is None:
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allocated_bandwidth = (max_virtual_bandwidth * (vesting_shares + received_vesting_shares) / total_vesting_shares)
        allocated_bandwidth = round(allocated_bandwidth / 1000000)

        if not not self.steem.is_connected() and self.steem.rpc.get_use_appbase():
            account_bandwidth = self.get_account_bandwidth(bandwidth_type=1, account=account)
            if account_bandwidth is None:
                return {"used": 0,
                        "allocated": allocated_bandwidth}
            last_bandwidth_update = formatTimeString(account_bandwidth["last_bandwidth_update"])
            average_bandwidth = float(account_bandwidth["average_bandwidth"])
            last_bandwidth_update = (self["last_bandwidth_update"])
            average_bandwidth = float(self["average_bandwidth"])
        total_seconds = 604800

        seconds_since_last_update = addTzInfo(datetime.utcnow()) - last_bandwidth_update
        seconds_since_last_update = seconds_since_last_update.total_seconds()
        used_bandwidth = 0
        if seconds_since_last_update < total_seconds:
            used_bandwidth = (((total_seconds - seconds_since_last_update) * average_bandwidth) / total_seconds)
        used_bandwidth = round(used_bandwidth / 1000000)

        return {"used": used_bandwidth,
                "allocated": allocated_bandwidth}
        # print("bandwidth percent used: " + str(100 * used_bandwidth / allocated_bandwidth))
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"Key", "Value"
        t.align = "r"
        t.add_row([tag_type + " count", str(len(self))])
        own_mvest = []
        eff_sp = []
        rep = []
        last_vote_h = []
        last_post_d = []
        no_vote = 0
        no_post = 0
        for f in self:
            own_mvest.append(f.balances["available"][2].amount / 1e6)
            last_vote = addTzInfo(datetime.utcnow()) - (f["last_vote_time"])
            if last_vote.days >= 365:
                no_vote += 1
                last_vote_h.append(last_vote.total_seconds() / 60 / 60)
            last_post = addTzInfo(datetime.utcnow()) - (f["last_root_post"])
            if last_post.days >= 365:
                no_post += 1
                last_post_d.append(last_post.total_seconds() / 60 / 60 / 24)

        t.add_row(["Summed MVest value", "%.2f" % sum(own_mvest)])
        if (len(rep) > 0):
            t.add_row(["Mean Rep.", "%.2f" % (sum(rep) / len(rep))])
            t.add_row(["Max Rep.", "%.2f" % (max(rep))])
        if (len(eff_sp) > 0):
            t.add_row(["Summed eff. SP", "%.2f" % sum(eff_sp)])
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def get_manabar_recharge_time(self, manabar, recharge_pct_goal=100):
        """ Returns the account mana recharge time in minutes

            :param dict manabar: manabar dict from get_manabar() or get_rc_manabar()
            :param float recharge_pct_goal: mana recovery goal in percentage (default is 100)

        return addTzInfo(datetime.utcnow()) + self.get_manabar_recharge_timedelta(manabar, recharge_pct_goal)
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start_time = datetime(2018, 4, 1, 0, 0, 0)
                stop_time = datetime(2018, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0)
                # Returns the account operation from 1.4.2018 back to 1.3.2018
                acc_op = []
                for h in acc.history_reverse(start=start_time, stop=stop_time):

            .. testoutput::


        _limit = batch_size
        first = self.virtual_op_count()
        start = addTzInfo(start)
        stop = addTzInfo(stop)
        if not first or not batch_size:
        if start is not None and isinstance(start, int) and start < 0 and not use_block_num:
            start += first
        elif start is not None and isinstance(start, int) and not use_block_num:
            first = start
        elif start is not None and first > batch_size:
            op_est = self.estimate_virtual_op_num(start, stop_diff=1)
            est_diff = 0
            if isinstance(start, (datetime, date, time)):
                for h in self.get_account_history(op_est, 0):
                    block_date = formatTimeString(h["timestamp"])
                while(op_est + est_diff + batch_size < first and block_date < start):
                    est_diff += batch_size
                    if op_est + est_diff > first:
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.. note::

                only_ops and exclude_ops takes an array of strings:
                The full list of operation ID's can be found in
                Example: ['transfer', 'vote']

        if order != -1 and order != 1:
            raise ValueError("order must be -1 or 1!")
        # self.steem.rpc.set_next_node_on_empty_reply(True)
        txs = self._get_account_history(start=index, limit=limit)
        if txs is None:
        start = addTzInfo(start)
        stop = addTzInfo(stop)

        if order == -1:
            txs_list = reversed(txs)
            txs_list = txs
        for item in txs_list:
            item_index, event = item
            if start and isinstance(start, (datetime, date, time)):
                timediff = start - formatTimeString(event["timestamp"])
                if timediff.total_seconds() * float(order) > 0:
            elif start is not None and use_block_num and order == 1 and event['block'] < start:
            elif start is not None and use_block_num and order == -1 and event['block'] > start:
            elif start is not None and not use_block_num and order == 1 and item_index < start: