How to use the beancount.core.number.D function in beancount

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few beancount examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github beancount / beancount / experiments / docs / intro-doc / View on Github external
p.x_timeline_end *= 0.7
    p.x_width = p.x_timeline_end + p.x_margin + p.x_balance_width + p.x_margin
    p.x_timeline_before = 100
    draw_diagram(p, [sbalances[0:len(sbalances)//3]], 'svg1.html')

    p = Params()
    group_dict = groupby(balances, lambda item: item[0].split(':', 1)[0])
    groups = [group_dict[x] for x in 'Assets Liabilities Equity Income Expenses'.split()]
    draw_diagram(p, groups, 'svg5.html')

    p.draw_clearing = True
    draw_diagram(p, groups, 'svg6.html', scale_income=D('0.3'))

    p.draw_opening = True
    draw_diagram(p, groups, 'svg7.html')

    p.draw_before = False
    draw_diagram(p, groups, 'svg8.html')

    p.draw_after = False
    draw_diagram(p, groups, 'svg9.html')

    p.draw_close = True
    draw_diagram(p, groups, 'svgA.html')
github beancount / beancount / examples / ingest / office / importers / utrade / View on Github external
def extract(self, file):
        # Open the CSV file and create directives.
        entries = []
        index = 0
        for index, row in enumerate(csv.DictReader(open(
            meta = data.new_metadata(, index)
            date = parse(row['DATE']).date()
            rtype = row['TYPE']
            link = "ut{0[REF #]}".format(row)
            desc = "({0[TYPE]}) {0[DESCRIPTION]}".format(row)
            units = amount.Amount(D(row['AMOUNT']), self.currency)
            fees = amount.Amount(D(row['FEES']), self.currency)
            other = amount.add(units, fees)

            if rtype == 'XFER':
                assert fees.number == ZERO
                txn = data.Transaction(meta, date, self.FLAG, None, desc, None, {link}, [
                    data.Posting(self.account_cash, units, None, None, None, None),
                    data.Posting(self.account_external, -other, None, None, None, None),

            elif rtype == 'DIV':
                assert fees.number == ZERO

                # Extract the instrument name from its description.
                match ='~([A-Z]+)$', row['DESCRIPTION'])
                if not match:
                    logging.error("Missing instrument name in '%s'", row['DESCRIPTION'])
github beancount / beancount / beancount / ingest / importers / View on Github external
tag = get(row, Col.TAG)
            tags = {tag} if tag is not None else data.EMPTY_SET

            last4 = get(row, Col.LAST4)

            balance = get(row, Col.BALANCE)

            # Create a transaction
            meta = data.new_metadata(, index)
            if txn_date is not None:
                meta['date'] = parse_date_liberally(txn_date,
            if txn_time is not None:
                meta['time'] = str(dateutil.parser.parse(txn_time).time())
            if balance is not None:
                meta['balance'] = D(balance)
            if last4:
                last4_friendly = self.last4_map.get(last4.strip())
                meta['card'] = last4_friendly if last4_friendly else last4
            date = parse_date_liberally(date, self.dateutil_kwds)
            txn = data.Transaction(meta, date, self.FLAG, payee, narration,
                                   tags, data.EMPTY_SET, [])

            # Attach one posting to the transaction
            amount_debit, amount_credit = get_amounts(iconfig, row)

            # Skip empty transactions
            if amount_debit is None and amount_credit is None:

            for amount in [amount_debit, amount_credit]:
                if amount is None:
github jbms / beancount-import / beancount_import / source / View on Github external
def parse_hours(x: Optional[str]) -> Optional[Decimal]:
        if x is None:
            return None
        return D(x)
github hoostus / beancount-price-sources / hoostus_sources / View on Github external
url = url_template.format(app_id, from_currency, to_currency)"Fetching %s", url)
            response = net_utils.retrying_urlopen(url)
            if response is None:
                return None
            response ='utf-8').strip()
            response = json.loads(response)
        except error.HTTPError:
            return None

        # we use quantize because otherwise the conversion from an float to a Decimal
        # leaves tons of cruft (i.e. dozens of digits of meaningless precision) that
        # just clutters up the price file
        price = D(response['rates'][to_currency]).quantize(D('1.000000'))
        trade_date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(response['timestamp'], datetime.timezone.utc)
        return source.SourcePrice(price, trade_date, from_currency)
github beancount / beancount / beancount / scripts / View on Github external
;{date_begin} open Expenses:Vacation:Employer

    """, **locals())

    date_prev = None

    contrib_retirement = ZERO
    contrib_socsec = ZERO

    biweekly_pay = annual_salary / 26
    gross = biweekly_pay

    medicare = gross * D('0.0231')
    federal = gross * D('0.2303')
    state = gross * D('0.0791')
    city = gross * D('0.0379')
    sdi = D('1.12')

    lifeinsurance = D('24.32')
    dental = D('2.90')
    medical = D('27.38')
    vision = D('42.30')

    fixed = (medicare + federal + state + city + sdi +
             dental + medical + vision)

    # Calculate vacation hours per-pay.
    with decimal.localcontext() as ctx:
        ctx.prec = 4
        vacation_hrs = (ANNUAL_VACATION_DAYS * D('8')) / D('26')
github beancount / beancount / beancount / ingest / importers / View on Github external
memo = find_child(stmttrn, 'memo', saxutils.unescape)

    # Remove memos duplicated from the name.
    if memo == name:
        memo = None

    # Add the transaction type to the description, unless it's not useful.
    trntype = find_child(stmttrn, 'trntype', saxutils.unescape)
    if trntype in ('DEBIT', 'CREDIT'):
        trntype = None

    narration = ' / '.join(filter(None, [name, memo, trntype]))

    # Create a single posting for it; the user will have to manually categorize
    # the other side.
    number = find_child(stmttrn, 'trnamt', D)
    units = amount.Amount(number, currency)
    posting = data.Posting(account, units, None, None, None, None)

    # Build the transaction with a single leg.
    fileloc = data.new_metadata('', 0)
    return data.Transaction(fileloc, date, flag, payee, narration,
                            data.EMPTY_SET, data.EMPTY_SET, [posting])
github beancount / beancount / beancount / prices / sources / View on Github external
match = re.match('a(\d+)', time_str)
            if match:
                # Create time from the UNIX timestamp. Note: This must be
                # initialized in UTC coordinates.
                time_marker = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(,
                # Convert to the local timezone if required.
                if zone is not None:
                    time_marker = time_marker.astimezone(zone)
                time = time_marker
                # Add time as relative from previous timestamp.
                seconds = int(time_str) * interval
                time = time_marker + datetime.timedelta(seconds=seconds)

            price = D(price_str)

        return source.SourcePrice(price, time, quote_currency)
github beancount / beancount / beancount / scripts / View on Github external
    "san-francisco": [
        ("Bar Crudo", "Expenses:Food:Restaurant", (70, 20)),
        ("Pizza Delfina", "Expenses:Food:Restaurant", (20, 6)),
        ("Waterbar", "Expenses:Food:Restaurant", (50, 20)),
        ("Mission Chinese Food", "Expenses:Food:Restaurant", (27, 12)),
        ("Starbucks", "Expenses:Food:Coffee", (6, 2)),

# Limits on allowed retirement contributions.
RETIREMENT_LIMITS = {2000: D('10500'),
                     2001: D('10500'),
                     2002: D('11000'),
                     2003: D('12000'),
                     2004: D('13000'),
                     2005: D('14000'),
                     2006: D('15000'),
                     2007: D('15500'),
                     2008: D('15500'),
                     2009: D('16500'),
                     2010: D('16500'),
                     2011: D('16500'),
                     2012: D('17000'),
                     2013: D('17500'),
                     2014: D('17500'),
                     2015: D('18000'),
                     2016: D('18000'),
                     None: D('18500')}