How to use the base58.decode_to_bytes function in base58

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few base58 examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github sarchar / Bitmsg / View on Github external
filename = os.path.basename(sys.argv[i])
                message = '\n'.join([
                    'Content-type: {}{}'.format(mime_type, '; charset={}'.format(encoding) if encoding is not None else ''),
                    'Content-length: {}'.format(len(data)),
                    'Content-disposition: attachment; filename={}'.format(filename),
                message = message.encode('utf8') + b'\n\n' + data

        i += 1

    # Get coins for input
    print('*** Step 1. We need Bitcoins in order to send a message. Give me a Bitcoin private key (it starts with a 5...) to use as an input for the message transaction.')
    bitcoin_private_key = input('...Enter Bitcoin private key: ')

    # Decode private key, show bitcoin address associated with key
    private_key = base58.decode_to_bytes(bitcoin_private_key)[-36:-4]
    public_key = addressgen.get_public_key(private_key)
    bitcoin_input_address = addressgen.generate_address(public_key, version=0)
    print('...The Bitcoin address associated with that private key is: {}'.format(bitcoin_input_address))

    # Lookup the unspent outputs associated with the given input...
    print('...Looking up unspent outputs on')
    unspent_outputs = filter_unspent_outputs(lookup_unspent_outputs([bitcoin_input_address])[bitcoin_input_address])

    # Show the inputs to the user, and ask him which he'd like to use as input.
    print('\n*** Step 2. You need to select an input:')
    for k, u in enumerate(unspent_outputs):
        print('...{}: txid={} n={} value={} confirmations={}'.format(k+1, u['tx_hash'], u['tx_output_n'], Bitcoin.format_money(u['value']), u['confirmations']))
    selected_inputs = [int(x.strip())-1 for x in input('Enter inputs (if more than one, separated by commas): ').split(',') if len(x) > 0]
    if not all(x >= 0 and x < len(unspent_outputs) for x in selected_inputs):
        raise Exception("Invalid input provided")
    total_input_amount = sum(unspent_outputs[k]['value'] for k in selected_inputs)
github sarchar / Bitmsg / View on Github external
def extractAddressFromInputScript(self):
        self.address = None
        self.signed = False
        if len(self.scriptSig.program) == 4 and len(self.scriptSig.program[1]) in (71, 72, 73):
            if len(self.scriptSig.program[3]) in (33,65):
                self.address = base58.decode_to_bytes(addressgen.generate_address(self.scriptSig.program[3]))[-24:-4]

                # TODO - we have to run the script to see if the signature is valid for the input, but for now we just accept if it has non-zero length
                self.signed = True
                self.signed_hash_type = self.scriptSig.program[1][-1]
github sarchar / Bitmsg / View on Github external
def extractAddressFromOutputScript(self):
        self.address = None

        if len(self.scriptPubKey.program) == 6 and \
           self.scriptPubKey.program[0][0] == OP_DUP and self.scriptPubKey.program[1][0] == OP_HASH160 and \
           self.scriptPubKey.program[2][0] == 20 and \
           self.scriptPubKey.program[4][0] == OP_EQUALVERIFY and self.scriptPubKey.program[5][0] == OP_CHECKSIG:
                self.address = self.scriptPubKey.program[3]
                assert len(self.address) == 20
        elif len(self.scriptPubKey.program) == 3 and \
            self.scriptPubKey.program[2][0] == OP_CHECKSIG:
                if self.scriptPubKey.program[2][0] in (0x04, 0x03, 0x02):
                    self.address = base58.decode_to_bytes(addressgen.generate_address(self.scriptPubKey.program[1]))[-24:-4]
        elif self.scriptPubKey.program[-1][0] == OP_CHECKMULTISIG:
            nreq = self.scriptPubKey.program[0][0] - OP_1 + 1
            nkeys = self.scriptPubKey.program[-2][0] - OP_1 + 1
            if nreq >= 1 and nreq <= nkeys:
                pubkeys = [self.scriptPubKey.program[2 + i * 2] for i in range(nkeys)]
                self.multisig = (pubkeys, nreq)
github sarchar / Bitmsg / View on Github external
unspent = defaultdict(list)

    for u in result['unspent_outputs']:
        program_bytes = Bitcoin.hexstring_to_bytes(u['script'], reverse=False)
        scriptPubKey, _ = script.Script.unserialize(program_bytes, len(program_bytes))
        address = None

        # Try to extract the address from the scriptpubkey program
        if len(scriptPubKey.program) == 6 and \
           scriptPubKey.program[0][0] == script.OP_DUP and scriptPubKey.program[1][0] == script.OP_HASH160 and \
           scriptPubKey.program[2][0] == 20 and \
           scriptPubKey.program[4][0] == script.OP_EQUALVERIFY and scriptPubKey.program[5][0] == script.OP_CHECKSIG:
                address = scriptPubKey.program[3]
        elif len(scriptPubKey.program) == 3 and scriptPubKey.program[2][0] == script.OP_CHECKSIG:
            if scriptPubKey.program[2][0] in (0x04, 0x03, 0x02):
                address = base58.decode_to_bytes(addressgen.generate_address(scriptPubKey.program[1], version=0))[-24:-4]

        if address is not None:
            i = 0
            while address[i] == 0:
                i += 1
            address = '1' + ('1' * i) + addressgen.base58_check(address, version=0)
    return unspent
github sarchar / Bitmsg / View on Github external
def __init__(self, address=None, amount=0):
        self.amount = amount
        self.address = base58.decode_to_bytes(address)[-24:-4] if address is not None else None
        self.multisig = None

        self.scriptPubKey = None