How to use the bamnostic.bam function in bamnostic

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few bamnostic examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def to_bam(bam_file):
        """Writes the alignment record to a BAM file

            bam_file (string or :py:obj:`bamnostic.bam.BamWriter`): BAM file path or open bam file in a write mode

        if type(bam_file) == str:
            # Natively go into append mode
            if os.path.isfile(bam_file):
                with bam.BamWriter(bam_file, mode = 'ab') as bam_out:
                raise IOError('BAM file must already exist, or be initilaized through bamnostic.bam.BamWriter')
        elif isinstance(bam_file, bgzf.BgzfWriter):
            raise IOError('BAM file must already exist, or be initilaized through bamnostic.bam.BamWriter')