How to use the bambi.models.Term function in bambi

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few bambi examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def test_term_init(diabetes_data):
    model = Model(diabetes_data)
    term = Term(model, 'BMI', diabetes_data['BMI'])
    # Test that all defaults are properly initialized
    assert == 'BMI'
    assert term.categorical == False
    assert term.type_ == 'fixed'
    assert term.levels is not None
    assert == (442, 1)
github bambinos / bambi / tests / View on Github external
def test_add_term_to_model(base_model):

    assert isinstance(base_model.terms['BMI'], Term)
    base_model.add_term('age_grp', random=False, categorical=True)
    # Test that arguments are passed appropriately onto Term initializer
    base_model.add_term('BP', random=True, split_by='age_grp', categorical=True)
    assert isinstance(base_model.terms['BP'], Term)
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# pass in new Y data that has 1 if y=event and 0 otherwise
                    y_data = y_vector[:, y_vector.design_info.column_names.index(]
                    y_data = pd.DataFrame({ y_data})
                    self._add_y(y_label, family=family, link=link, data=y_data)
                    # use Y as-is
                    self._add_y(y_label, family=family, link=link)
                x_matrix = dmatrix(fixed, data=data, NA_action="raise")

            # Loop over predictor terms
            for _name, _slice in x_matrix.design_info.term_name_slices.items():
                cols = x_matrix.design_info.column_names[_slice]
                term_data = pd.DataFrame(x_matrix[:, _slice], columns=cols)
                prior = priors.pop(_name, priors.get("fixed", None))
                self.terms[_name] = Term(_name, term_data, prior=prior)

        # Random effects
        if random is not None:  # pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks

            random = listify(random)
            for random_effect in random:

                random_effect = random_effect.strip()

                # Split specification into intercept, predictor, and grouper
                patt = r"^([01]+)*[\s\+]*([^\|]+)*\|(.*)"

                intcpt, pred, grpr =, random_effect).groups()
                label = "{}|{}".format(pred, grpr) if pred else grpr
                prior = priors.pop(label, priors.get("random", None))
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family = self.default_priors.get(family=family) = family

        # Override family's link if another is explicitly passed
        if link is not None:
   = link

        if prior is None:
            prior =

        # implement default Uniform [0, sd(Y)] prior for residual SD
        if == "gaussian":
            prior.update(sd=Prior("Uniform", lower=0, upper=self.clean_data[variable].std()))

        data = kwargs.pop("data", self.clean_data[variable])
        term = Term(variable, data, prior=prior, *args, **kwargs)
        self.y = term
        self.built = False
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data = np.atleast_2d(data)
            self.levels = list(range(data.shape[1])) = data

        # identify and flag intercept and cell-means terms (i.e., full-rank
        # dummy codes), which receive special priors
        if constant is None:
            self.constant = np.atleast_2d(data.T).T.sum(1).var() == 0
            self.constant = constant

        self.prior = prior

class RandomTerm(Term):
    random = True

    def __init__(
        self, name, data, predictor, grouper, categorical=False, prior=None, constant=None

        super(RandomTerm, self).__init__(name, data, categorical, prior, constant)
        self.grouper = grouper
        self.predictor = predictor
        self.group_index = self.invert_dummies(grouper)

    def invert_dummies(self, dummies):
        For the sake of computational efficiency (i.e., to avoid lots of
        large matrix multiplications in the backends), invert the dummy-coding
        process and represent full-rank dummies as a vector of indices into the