How to use b2 - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few b2 examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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@bjam_signature((["sources", "*"], ["requirements", "*"], ["target_name", "?"]))
def link_fail(sources, requirements, target_name=None):
    return make_test("link-fail", sources, requirements, target_name)
github vslavik / poedit / deps / boost / tools / build / src / tools / View on Github external
@bjam_signature((["sources", "*"], ["requirements", "*"], ["target_name", "?"]))
def compile(sources, requirements, target_name=None):
    return make_test("compile", sources, requirements, target_name)
github vslavik / poedit / deps / boost / tools / build / src / tools / View on Github external
import sys

def init():

# Feature controlling the command used to lanch test programs.
feature.feature("testing.launcher", [], ["free", "optional"])

feature.feature("test-info", [], ["free", "incidental"])
feature.feature("testing.arg", [], ["free", "incidental"])
feature.feature("testing.input-file", [], ["free", "dependency"])

feature.feature("preserve-test-targets", ["on", "off"], ["incidental", "propagated"])

# Register target types.
type.register("TEST", ["test"])
type.register("COMPILE", [], "TEST")
type.register("COMPILE_FAIL", [], "TEST")

type.register("RUN_OUTPUT", ["run"])
type.register("RUN", [], "TEST")
type.register("RUN_FAIL", [], "TEST")

type.register("LINK", [], "TEST")
type.register("LINK_FAIL", [], "TEST")
type.register("UNIT_TEST", ["passed"], "TEST")

__all_tests = []

# Declare the rules which create main targets. While the 'type' module already
# creates rules with the same names for us, we need extra convenience: default
# name of main target, so write our own versions.
github vslavik / poedit / deps / boost / tools / build / src / tools / View on Github external
feature.feature("testing.arg", [], ["free", "incidental"])
feature.feature("testing.input-file", [], ["free", "dependency"])

feature.feature("preserve-test-targets", ["on", "off"], ["incidental", "propagated"])

# Register target types.
type.register("TEST", ["test"])
type.register("COMPILE", [], "TEST")
type.register("COMPILE_FAIL", [], "TEST")

type.register("RUN_OUTPUT", ["run"])
type.register("RUN", [], "TEST")
type.register("RUN_FAIL", [], "TEST")

type.register("LINK", [], "TEST")
type.register("LINK_FAIL", [], "TEST")
type.register("UNIT_TEST", ["passed"], "TEST")

__all_tests = []

# Declare the rules which create main targets. While the 'type' module already
# creates rules with the same names for us, we need extra convenience: default
# name of main target, so write our own versions.

# Helper rule. Create a test target, using basename of first source if no target
# name is explicitly passed. Remembers the created target in a global variable.
def make_test(target_type, sources, requirements, target_name=None):
    assert isinstance(target_type, basestring)
    assert is_iterable_typed(sources, basestring)
    assert is_iterable_typed(requirements, basestring)
    assert isinstance(target_type, basestring) or target_type is None
    if not target_name:
github vslavik / poedit / deps / boost / tools / build / src / tools / View on Github external
feature.feature("test-info", [], ["free", "incidental"])
feature.feature("testing.arg", [], ["free", "incidental"])
feature.feature("testing.input-file", [], ["free", "dependency"])

feature.feature("preserve-test-targets", ["on", "off"], ["incidental", "propagated"])

# Register target types.
type.register("TEST", ["test"])
type.register("COMPILE", [], "TEST")
type.register("COMPILE_FAIL", [], "TEST")

type.register("RUN_OUTPUT", ["run"])
type.register("RUN", [], "TEST")
type.register("RUN_FAIL", [], "TEST")

type.register("LINK", [], "TEST")
type.register("LINK_FAIL", [], "TEST")
type.register("UNIT_TEST", ["passed"], "TEST")

__all_tests = []

# Declare the rules which create main targets. While the 'type' module already
# creates rules with the same names for us, we need extra convenience: default
# name of main target, so write our own versions.

# Helper rule. Create a test target, using basename of first source if no target
# name is explicitly passed. Remembers the created target in a global variable.
def make_test(target_type, sources, requirements, target_name=None):
    assert isinstance(target_type, basestring)
    assert is_iterable_typed(sources, basestring)
    assert is_iterable_typed(requirements, basestring)
    assert isinstance(target_type, basestring) or target_type is None
github vslavik / poedit / tools / build / src / build / View on Github external
raise BaseException("Conditional property is not allowed in this context")

        m = __re_separate_condition_and_property.match(s)
        condition =
        s =

    # FIXME: break dependency cycle
    from b2.manager import get_manager

    if condition:
        condition = [create_from_string(x) for x in condition.split(',')]

    feature_name = get_grist(s)
    if not feature_name:
        if feature.is_implicit_value(s):
            f = feature.implied_feature(s)
            value = s
            p = Property(f, value, condition=condition)
            raise get_manager().errors()("Invalid property '%s' -- unknown feature" % s)
        value = get_value(s)
        if not value and not allow_missing_value:
            get_manager().errors()("Invalid property '%s' -- no value specified" % s)

        if feature.valid(feature_name):
            p = Property(feature.get(feature_name), value, condition=condition)
            # In case feature name is not known, it is wrong to do a hard error.
            # Feature sets change depending on the toolset. So e.g.
            #  is an unknown feature when using toolset Y.
github ProteoWizard / pwiz / libraries / boost-build / build / View on Github external
lresult = p.split(",")
        if p.find('-') == -1:
            # FIXME: first port property.validate
            # property.validate cannot handle subfeatures,
            # so we avoid the check here.
            #for p in lresult:
            #    property.validate(p)

        if not result:
            result = lresult
            result = [e1 + "/" + e2 for e1 in result for e2 in lresult]

    return [property_set.create( for r in result]
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@bjam_signature((["target_name"], ["package_name"], ["data", "*"], ["requirements", "*"]))
def install_data(target_name, package_name, data, requirements):
    if not package_name:
        package_name = target_name

    if option.get("prefix"):
        # If --prefix is explicitly specified on the command line,
        # then we need wipe away any settings of datarootdir
        option.set("datarootdir", None)

    prefix = get_prefix(package_name, requirements)
    datadir = option.get("datarootdir", os.path.join(prefix, "share"))

    stage.install(target_name, data,
                  requirements + ["" + os.path.join(datadir, package_name)])

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from b2.exceptions import AlreadyDefined
from import builtin
from b2.util import regex
from import flags
from b2.manager import get_manager
from b2.util import utility

__debug = None

def debug():
    global __debug
    if __debug is None:
        __debug = "--debug-configuration" in bjam.variable("ARGV")
    return __debug

type.register('RC', ['rc'])

def init():

def configure (command = None, condition = None, options = None):
        Configures a new resource compilation command specific to a condition,
        usually a toolset selection condition. The possible options are:

            * (rc|windres) - Indicates the type of options the command

        Even though the arguments are all optional, only when a command, condition,
        and at minimum the rc-type option are given will the command be configured.
        This is so that callers don't have to check auto-configuration values
        before calling this. And still get the functionality of build failures when
github stan-dev / math / lib / boost_1.69.0 / tools / build / src / tools / View on Github external
def get_invocation_command_nodefault(
    toolset, tool, user_provided_command=[], additional_paths=[], path_last=False):
        A helper rule to get the command to invoke some tool. If
        'user-provided-command' is not given, tries to find binary named 'tool' in
        PATH and in the passed 'additional-path'. Otherwise, verifies that the first
        element of 'user-provided-command' is an existing program.

        This rule returns the command to be used when invoking the tool. If we can't
        find the tool, a warning is issued. If 'path-last' is specified, PATH is
        checked after 'additional-paths' when searching for 'tool'.
    assert isinstance(toolset, basestring)
    assert isinstance(tool, basestring)
    assert is_iterable_typed(user_provided_command, basestring)
    assert is_iterable_typed(additional_paths, basestring) or additional_paths is None
    assert isinstance(path_last, (int, bool))

    if not user_provided_command:
        command = find_tool(tool, additional_paths, path_last)
        if not command and __debug_configuration:
            print "warning: toolset", toolset, "initialization: can't find tool, tool"
            #print "warning: initialized from" [ errors.nearest-user-location ] ;
        command = check_tool(user_provided_command)
        if not command and __debug_configuration:
            print "warning: toolset", toolset, "initialization:"
            print "warning: can't find user-provided command", user_provided_command
            #ECHO "warning: initialized from" [ errors.nearest-user-location ]
            command = []