How to use the azure.cli.core.commands.parameters.get_enum_type function in azure

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github Azure / azure-cli / src / azure-cli / azure / cli / command_modules / batchai / View on Github external
c.argument('ssh_private_key', options_list=['--ssh-private-key', '-k'], help='Optional SSH private key path to establish SSH connection. If omitted, the default SSH private key will be used.')

    with self.argument_context('batchai file-server') as c:
        c.argument('resource_group', options_list=['--resource-group', '-g'], configured_default='default_workspace_resource_group', id_part='resource_group', help='Name of resource group. You can configure a default value by setting up default workspace using `az batchai workspace set-default`.')
        c.argument('workspace', options_list=['--workspace', '-w'], configured_default='default_workspace_name', id_part='name', help='Name or ARM ID of the workspace. You can configure default workspace using `az batchai workspace set-default`')
        c.argument('file_server_name', options_list=['--name', '-n'], id_part='child_name_1', help='Name of file server.')

    with self.argument_context('batchai file-server create') as c:
        c.argument('vm_size', options_list=['--vm-size', '-s'], help='VM size.', completer=get_vm_size_completion_list)
        c.argument('json_file', options_list=['--config-file', '-f'], help='A path to a json file containing file server create parameters (json representation of azure.mgmt.batchai.models.FileServerCreateParameters). Note, parameters given via command line will overwrite parameters specified in the configuration file.', arg_group='Advanced')

    with self.argument_context('batchai file-server create', arg_group='Storage Disks') as c:
        c.argument('disk_count', help='Number of disks.', type=int)
        c.argument('disk_size', help='Disk size in Gb.', type=int)
        c.argument('caching_type', arg_type=get_enum_type(['none', 'readonly', 'readwrite']), help='Caching type for premium disks. If not provided via command line or in configuration file, no caching will be used.')
        c.argument('storage_sku', arg_type=get_enum_type(['Premium_LRS', 'Standard_LRS']), help='The sku of storage account to persist VM.')

    with self.argument_context('batchai file-server create', arg_group='Admin Account') as c:
        c.argument('user_name', options_list=['--user-name', '-u'], help='Name of admin user account to be created on NFS node. If the value is not provided and no user configuration is provided in the config file, current user\'s name will be used.')
        c.argument('ssh_key', options_list=['--ssh-key', '-k'], help='Optional SSH public key value or path. If ommited and no password specified, default SSH key (~/.ssh/ will be used.', completer=FilesCompleter())
        c.argument('generate_ssh_keys', action='store_true', help='Generate SSH public and private key files in ~/.ssh directory (if missing).')
        c.argument('password', options_list=['--password', '-p'], help='Optional password for the admin user created on the NFS node.')

    with self.argument_context('batchai file-server create', arg_group='Virtual Network') as c:
        c.argument('subnet', options_list=['--subnet'], help='ARM ID of a virtual network subnet to put the file server in. If not provided via command line or in the configuration file, Batch AI will create a new virtual network and subnet under your subscription.')

    with self.argument_context('batchai file-server list') as c:
        c.argument('workspace_name', options_list=['--workspace', '-w'], id_part=None, help='Name of workspace.')
github Azure / azure-cli / src / azure-cli / azure / cli / command_modules / storage / View on Github external
c.argument('account_name', acct_name_type, options_list=['--name', '-n'])
            c.argument('resource_group_name', required=False, validator=process_resource_group)

    with self.argument_context('storage account check-name') as c:
        c.argument('name', options_list=['--name', '-n'])

    with self.argument_context('storage account create', resource_type=ResourceType.MGMT_STORAGE) as c:
        t_account_type, t_sku_name, t_kind = self.get_models('AccountType', 'SkuName', 'Kind',

        c.argument('location', get_location_type(self.cli_ctx), validator=get_default_location_from_resource_group)
        c.argument('account_type', help='The storage account type', arg_type=get_enum_type(t_account_type))
        c.argument('account_name', acct_name_type, options_list=['--name', '-n'], completer=None)
        c.argument('kind', help='Indicates the type of storage account.',
                   arg_type=get_enum_type(t_kind, default='storage'))
        c.argument('https_only', arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), min_api='2019-04-01',
                   help='Allow https traffic only to storage service if set to true. The default value is true.')
        c.argument('https_only', arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), max_api='2018-11-01',
                   help='Allow https traffic only to storage service if set to true. The default value is false.')
        c.argument('tags', tags_type)
        c.argument('custom_domain', help='User domain assigned to the storage account. Name is the CNAME source.')
        c.argument('sku', help='The storage account SKU.', arg_type=get_enum_type(t_sku_name, default='standard_ragrs'))
        c.argument('enable_files_aadds', aadds_type)
        c.argument('enable_files_adds', adds_type)
        c.argument('enable_large_file_share', arg_type=large_file_share_type)
        c.argument('domain_name', domain_name_type)
        c.argument('net_bios_domain_name', net_bios_domain_name_type)
        c.argument('forest_name', forest_name_type)
        c.argument('domain_guid', domain_guid_type)
        c.argument('domain_sid', domain_sid_type)
        c.argument('azure_storage_sid', azure_storage_sid_type)
github Azure / azure-cli / src / azure-cli / azure / cli / command_modules / sql / View on Github external

        c.ignore('name')  # Hide sku name

    with self.argument_context('sql elastic-pool list-editions') as c:
        # Note that `ElasticPoolCapabilitiesAdditionalDetails` intentionally match param names to
        # other commands, such as `sql elastic-pool create --db-max-dtu --db-min-dtu --max-size`.
                   options_list=['--show-details', '-d'],
                   help='List of additional details to include in output.',


        search_arg_group = 'Search'

        # We could used 'arg_type=get_enum_type' here, but that will validate the inputs which means there
        # will be no way to query for new editions that are made available after
        # this version of CLI is released.
                   help='Edition to search for. If unspecified, all editions are shown.')

github Azure / azure-cli-extensions / src / front-door / azext_front_door / View on Github external
# endregion

    # region RulesEngine
    with self.argument_context('network front-door rules-engine') as c:
        c.argument('front_door_name', frontdoor_name_type, id_part=None)
        c.argument('rules_engine_name', rules_engine_name_type, options_list=['--name', '-n'], id_part=None)

    with self.argument_context('network front-door rules-engine rule') as c:
        c.argument('front_door_name', frontdoor_name_type, id_part=None)
        c.argument('rules_engine_name', rules_engine_name_type, id_part=None)
        c.argument('rule_name', options_list=['--name', '-n'], help='Name of the rule')
        c.argument('action_type', arg_group="Action", arg_type=get_enum_type(['RequestHeader', 'ResponseHeader']), help='Action type to apply for a rule.')
        c.argument('header_action', arg_group="Action", arg_type=get_enum_type(HeaderActionType), help='Header action type for the requests.')
        c.argument('header_name', arg_group="Action", help='Name of the header to modify.')
        c.argument('header_value', arg_group="Action", help='Value of the header.')
        c.argument('match_variable', arg_group="Match Condition", arg_type=get_enum_type(RulesEngineMatchVariable), help='Name of the match condition.')
        c.argument('operator', arg_group="Match Condition", arg_type=get_enum_type(RulesEngineOperator), help='Operator of the match condition.')
        c.argument('match_values', arg_group="Match Condition", nargs='+', help='Space-separated list of values to match against.')
        c.argument('selector', arg_group="Match Condition", help='Optional selector for the match condition variable.')
        c.argument('negate_condition', arg_group="Match Condition", arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), help='Applies "Not" to the operator.')
        c.argument('transforms', arg_group="Match Condition", nargs='+', arg_type=get_enum_type(Transform), help='Space-separated list of transforms to apply.')
        c.argument('priority', help='The priority number must start from 0 and consecutive. Rule with greater priority value will be applied later.')
        c.argument('match_processing_behavior', arg_type=get_enum_type(MatchProcessingBehavior), help='Whether to stop processing rules after conditions in a rule is satisfied.')

    with self.argument_context('network front-door rules-engine rule action', arg_group='Forward Route Override') as c:
        c.argument('action_type', arg_group="Action", arg_type=get_enum_type(['RequestHeader', 'ResponseHeader', 'ForwardRouteOverride', 'RedirectRouteOverride']), help='Action type to apply for a rule.')
        c.argument('backend_pool', help='Name or ID of a backend pool.', validator=validate_backend_pool)
        c.argument('forwarding_protocol', arg_type=get_enum_type(FrontDoorForwardingProtocol), help='Protocol to use for forwarding traffic.')
        c.argument('custom_forwarding_path', help='Custom path used to rewrite resource paths matched by this rule. Leave empty to use incoming path.')
        c.argument('caching', arg_type=get_three_state_flag(positive_label='Enabled', negative_label='Disabled', return_label=False), help='Whether to enable caching for this route.')
        c.argument('cache_duration', help='The duration for which the content needs to be cached. Allowed format is ISO 8601 duration')
        c.argument('dynamic_compression', arg_type=get_three_state_flag(positive_label='Enabled', negative_label='Disabled', return_label=True), help='Use dynamic compression for cached content.')
github Azure / azure-cli / src / command_modules / azure-cli-appservice / azure / cli / command_modules / appservice / View on Github external
with self.argument_context('webapp config container') as c:
        c.argument('docker_registry_server_url', options_list=['--docker-registry-server-url', '-r'], help='the container registry server url')
        c.argument('docker_custom_image_name', options_list=['--docker-custom-image-name', '-c', '-i'], help='the container custom image name and optionally the tag name')
        c.argument('docker_registry_server_user', options_list=['--docker-registry-server-user', '-u'], help='the container registry server username')
        c.argument('docker_registry_server_password', options_list=['--docker-registry-server-password', '-p'], help='the container registry server password')
        c.argument('websites_enable_app_service_storage', options_list=['--enable-app-service-storage', '-t'], help='enables platform storage (custom container only)', arg_type=get_three_state_flag(return_label=True))
        c.argument('multicontainer_config_type', options_list=['--multicontainer-config-type'], help='config type', arg_type=get_enum_type(MULTI_CONTAINER_TYPES))
        c.argument('multicontainer_config_file', options_list=['--multicontainer-config-file'], help="config file for multicontainer apps")
        c.argument('show_multicontainer_config', action='store_true', help='shows decoded config if a multicontainer config is set')

    with self.argument_context('webapp config backup') as c:
        c.argument('storage_account_url', help='URL with SAS token to the blob storage container', options_list=['--container-url'])
        c.argument('webapp_name', help='The name of the webapp')
        c.argument('db_name', help='Name of the database in the backup', arg_group='Database')
        c.argument('db_connection_string', help='Connection string for the database in the backup', arg_group='Database')
        c.argument('db_type', help='Type of database in the backup', arg_group='Database', arg_type=get_enum_type(DatabaseType))

    with self.argument_context('webapp config backup create') as c:
        c.argument('backup_name', help='Name of the backup. If unspecified, the backup will be named with the webapp name and a timestamp')

    with self.argument_context('webapp config backup update') as c:
        c.argument('backup_name', help='Name of the backup. If unspecified, the backup will be named with the webapp name and a timestamp')
        c.argument('frequency', help='How often to backup. Use a number followed by d or h, e.g. 5d = 5 days, 2h = 2 hours')
        c.argument('keep_at_least_one_backup', help='Always keep one backup, regardless of how old it is', options_list=['--retain-one'], arg_type=get_three_state_flag(return_label=True))
        c.argument('retention_period_in_days', help='How many days to keep a backup before automatically deleting it. Set to 0 for indefinite retention', options_list=['--retention'])

    with self.argument_context('webapp config backup restore') as c:
        c.argument('backup_name', help='Name of the backup to restore')
        c.argument('target_name', help='The name to use for the restored webapp. If unspecified, will default to the name that was used when the backup was created')
        c.argument('overwrite', help='Overwrite the source webapp, if --target-name is not specified', action='store_true')
        c.argument('ignore_hostname_conflict', help='Ignores custom hostnames stored in the backup', action='store_true')
github Azure / azure-cli / src / azure-cli / azure / cli / command_modules / relay / View on Github external
def load_arguments_sb(self, _):
    from azure.cli.command_modules.relay._completers import get_wcfrelay_command_completion_list, \

    from knack.arguments import CLIArgumentType
    from azure.mgmt.relay.models import SkuTier, AccessRights, KeyType
    rights_arg_type = CLIArgumentType(options_list=['--rights'], nargs='+', arg_type=get_enum_type(AccessRights), help='Space-separated list of Authorization rule rights')
    key_arg_type = CLIArgumentType(options_list=['--key'], arg_type=get_enum_type(KeyType), help='specifies Primary or Secondary key needs to be reset')
    keyvalue_arg_type = CLIArgumentType(options_list=['--key-value'], help='Optional, if the key value provided, is set for KeyType or autogenerated Key value set for keyType.')

    with self.argument_context('relay') as c:
        c.argument('resource_group_name', arg_type=resource_group_name_type)
        c.argument('namespace_name', options_list=['--namespace-name'], id_part='name', help='Name of Namespace')

    with self.argument_context('relay namespace') as c:
        c.argument('namespace_name', id_part='name', arg_type=name_type, completer=get_resource_name_completion_list('Microsoft.relay/namespaces'), help='Name of Namespace')

    with self.argument_context('relay namespace exists') as c:
        c.argument('name', arg_type=name_type, help='Namespace name. Name can contain only letters, numbers, and hyphens. The namespace must start with a letter, and it must end with a letter or number.')

    for scope in ['relay namespace create', 'relay namespace update']:
        with self.argument_context(scope) as c:
            c.argument('tags', arg_type=tags_type)
            c.argument('sku', arg_type=get_enum_type(SkuTier))
github Azure / azure-cli / src / azure-cli / azure / cli / command_modules / servicebus / View on Github external
c.argument('authorization_rule_name', arg_type=name_type, id_part=None, help='name of Topic Authorization Rule')
        c.argument('topic_name', options_list=['--topic-name'], id_part=None, help='Name of Topic')

    with self.argument_context('servicebus topic subscription') as c:
        c.argument('subscription_name', arg_type=name_type, id_part='child_name_2', completer=get_subscriptions_command_completion_list, help='Name of Subscription')
        c.argument('topic_name', id_part='child_name_1', options_list=['--topic-name'], help='Name of Topic')

    # region - Subscription Create and update
    for scope in ['create', 'update']:
        with self.argument_context('servicebus topic subscription {}'.format(scope)) as c:
            c.argument('lock_duration', validator=_validate_lock_duration, help='ISO 8601 or duration format (day:minute:seconds) for lock duration timespan for the subscription. The default value is 1 minute.')
            c.argument('requires_session', options_list=['--enable-session'], arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), help='A boolean value indicating if a subscription supports the concept of sessions.')
            c.argument('default_message_time_to_live', validator=_validate_default_message_time_to_live, help='ISO 8601 or duration time format for Default message timespan to live value. This is the duration after which the message expires, starting from when the message is sent to Service Bus. This is the default value used when TimeToLive is not set on a message itself.')
            c.argument('dead_lettering_on_message_expiration', options_list=['--enable-dead-lettering-on-message-expiration'], arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), help='A boolean Value that indicates whether a subscription has dead letter support when a message expires.')
            c.argument('max_delivery_count', type=int, help='Number of maximum deliveries.')
            c.argument('status', arg_type=get_enum_type(['Active', 'Disabled', 'SendDisabled', 'ReceiveDisabled']), help='Enumerates the possible values for the status of a messaging entity.')
            c.argument('enable_batched_operations', arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), help='Allow server-side batched operations.')
            c.argument('auto_delete_on_idle', validator=_validate_auto_delete_on_idle, options_list=['--auto-delete-on-idle'], help='ISO 8601 timeSpan  or duration time format for idle interval after which the topic is automatically deleted. The minimum duration is 5 minutes.')
            c.argument('forward_to', help='Queue/Topic name to forward the messages')
            c.argument('forward_dead_lettered_messages_to', help='Queue/Topic name to forward the Dead Letter message')
            c.argument('dead_lettering_on_filter_evaluation_exceptions', options_list=['--dead-letter-on-filter-exceptions'], arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), help='Allow dead lettering when filter evaluation exceptions occur.')

    with self.argument_context('servicebus topic subscription list') as c:
        c.argument('namespace_name', options_list=['--namespace-name'], id_part=None, help='Name of Namespace')
        c.argument('topic_name', options_list=['--topic-name'], id_part=None, help='Name of Topic')

    # Region Subscription Rules
    # Rules Create

    with self.argument_context('servicebus topic subscription rule') as c:
        c.argument('rule_name', arg_type=name_type, id_part='child_name_3', completer=get_rules_command_completion_list, help='Name of Rule')
        c.argument('subscription_name', options_list=['--subscription-name'], id_part='child_name_2', help='Name of Subscription')
github Azure / azure-cli / src / azure-cli / azure / cli / command_modules / relay / View on Github external
keyvalue_arg_type = CLIArgumentType(options_list=['--key-value'], help='Optional, if the key value provided, is set for KeyType or autogenerated Key value set for keyType.')

    with self.argument_context('relay') as c:
        c.argument('resource_group_name', arg_type=resource_group_name_type)
        c.argument('namespace_name', options_list=['--namespace-name'], id_part='name', help='Name of Namespace')

    with self.argument_context('relay namespace') as c:
        c.argument('namespace_name', id_part='name', arg_type=name_type, completer=get_resource_name_completion_list('Microsoft.relay/namespaces'), help='Name of Namespace')

    with self.argument_context('relay namespace exists') as c:
        c.argument('name', arg_type=name_type, help='Namespace name. Name can contain only letters, numbers, and hyphens. The namespace must start with a letter, and it must end with a letter or number.')

    for scope in ['relay namespace create', 'relay namespace update']:
        with self.argument_context(scope) as c:
            c.argument('tags', arg_type=tags_type)
            c.argument('sku', arg_type=get_enum_type(SkuTier))

    with self.argument_context('relay namespace create') as c:
        c.argument('location', arg_type=get_location_type(self.cli_ctx), validator=get_default_location_from_resource_group)

    # region Namespace Authorization Rule
    with self.argument_context('relay namespace authorization-rule list') as c:
        c.argument('namespace_name', options_list=['--namespace-name'], id_part=None, help='Name of the Namespace')

    with self.argument_context('relay namespace authorization-rule') as c:
        c.argument('authorization_rule_name', arg_type=name_type, id_part='child_name_1', help='Name of Namespace Authorization Rule')
        c.argument('namespace_name', id_part='name', options_list=['--namespace-name'], help='Name of Namespace')

    for scope in ['relay namespace authorization-rule create', 'relay namespace authorization-rule update', 'relay wcfrelay authorization-rule create', 'relay wcfrelay authorization-rule update', 'relay hyco authorization-rule create', 'relay hyco authorization-rule update']:
        with self.argument_context(scope) as c:
            c.argument('rights', arg_type=rights_arg_type)
github Azure / azure-cli / src / azure-cli / azure / cli / command_modules / ams / View on Github external
c.argument('scale_unit', options_list=['--scale-units'], help='The number of scale units for Premium StreamingEndpoints.')

    with self.argument_context('ams streaming-endpoint akamai') as c:
        c.argument('identifier', help='The identifier for the authentication key. This is the nonce provided by Akamai.')
        c.argument('base64_key', help='Base64-encoded authentication key that will be used by the CDN. The authentication key provided by Akamai is an ASCII encoded string, and must be converted to bytes and then base64 encoded.')
        c.argument('expiration', type=datetime_format,
                   help='The ISO 8601 DateTime value that specifies when the Akamai authentication expires.')

    with self.argument_context('ams streaming-endpoint list') as c:
        c.argument('account_name', id_part=None)

    with self.argument_context('ams live-event') as c:
        c.argument('account_name', account_name_arg_type)
        c.argument('live_event_name', name_arg_type, id_part='child_name_1',
                   help='The name of the live event.')
        c.argument('streaming_protocol', arg_type=get_enum_type(LiveEventInputProtocol),
                   arg_group='Input', help='The streaming protocol for the live event. This value is specified at creation time and cannot be updated.')
        c.argument('auto_start', action='store_true', help='The flag indicates if the resource should be automatically started on creation.')
        c.argument('encoding_type', arg_group='Encoding', help='The encoding type for live event. This value is specified at creation time and cannot be updated. Allowed values: {}.'.format(", ".join(get_encoding_types_list())))
        c.argument('preset_name', arg_group='Encoding', help='The encoding preset name. This value is specified at creation time and cannot be updated.')
        c.argument('tags', arg_type=tags_type)
        c.argument('key_frame_interval_duration', key_frame_interval_duration_arg_type, arg_group='Input', validator=validate_key_frame_interval_duration,
                   help='ISO 8601 timespan duration of the key frame interval duration in seconds. The value should be an interger in the range of 1 (PT1S or 00:00:01) to 30 (PT30S or 00:00:30) seconds.')
        c.argument('access_token', arg_group='Input', help='A unique identifier for a stream. This can be specified at creation time but cannot be updated. If omitted, the service will generate a unique value.')
        c.argument('description', help='The live event description.')
        c.argument('ips', nargs='+', arg_group='Input', help='Space-separated IP addresses for access control. Allowed IP addresses can be specified as either a single IP address (e.g. "") or as an IP range using an IP address and a CIDR subnet mask (e.g. ""). Use "" to clear existing list. Use "AllowAll" to allow all IP addresses. Allowing all IPs is not recommended for production environments.')
        c.argument('preview_ips', nargs='+', arg_group='Preview', help='Space-separated IP addresses for access control. Allowed IP addresses can be specified as either a single IP address (e.g. "") or as an IP range using an IP address and a CIDR subnet mask (e.g. ""). Use "" to clear existing list. Use "AllowAll" to allow all IP addresses. Allowing all IPs is not recommended for production environments.')
        c.argument('preview_locator', arg_group='Preview', help='The identifier of the preview locator in Guid format. Specifying this at creation time allows the caller to know the preview locator url before the event is created. If omitted, the service will generate a random identifier. This value cannot be updated once the live event is created.')
        c.argument('streaming_policy_name', arg_group='Preview', help='The name of streaming policy used for the live event preview. This can be specified at creation time but cannot be updated.')
        c.argument('alternative_media_id', arg_group='Preview', help='An Alternative Media Identifier associated with the StreamingLocator created for the preview. This value is specified at creation time and cannot be updated. The identifier can be used in the CustomLicenseAcquisitionUrlTemplate or the CustomKeyAcquisitionUrlTemplate of the StreamingPolicy specified in the StreamingPolicyName field.')
        c.argument('vanity_url', arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), help='Specifies whether to use a vanity url with the Live Event. This value is specified at creation time and cannot be updated.')
        c.argument('client_access_policy', arg_group='Cross Site Access Policies', help='Filepath to the clientaccesspolicy.xml used by Microsoft Silverlight and Adobe Flash. Use @{file} to load from a file.')
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with self.argument_context('iot dps allocation-policy update') as c:
        c.argument('allocation_policy', options_list=['--policy', '-p'], arg_type=get_enum_type(AllocationPolicy),
                   help='Allocation policy for the IoT provisioning service.')

    with self.argument_context('iot dps certificate') as c:
        c.argument('certificate_path', options_list=['--path', '-p'], type=file_type,
                   completer=FilesCompleter([".cer", ".pem"]), help='The path to the file containing the certificate.')
        c.argument('certificate_name', options_list=['--certificate-name', '--name', '-n'],
                   help='A friendly name for the certificate.')
        c.argument('etag', options_list=['--etag', '-e'], help='Entity Tag (etag) of the object.')

    # Arguments for IoT Hub
    with self.argument_context('iot hub') as c:
        c.argument('hub_name', hub_name_type, options_list=['--name', '-n'], id_part='name')
        c.argument('etag', options_list=['--etag', '-e'], help='Entity Tag (etag) of the object.')
        c.argument('sku', arg_type=get_enum_type(IotHubSku),
                   help='Pricing tier for Azure IoT Hub. Default value is F1, which is free. '
                        'Note that only one free IoT hub instance is allowed in each '
                        'subscription. Exception will be thrown if free instances exceed one.')
        c.argument('unit', help='Units in your IoT Hub.', type=int)
                   help='The number of partitions of the backing Event Hub for device-to-cloud messages.', type=int)
        c.argument('retention_day', options_list=['--retention-day', '--rd'],
                   type=int, validator=validate_retention_days,
                   help='Specifies how long this IoT hub will maintain device-to-cloud events, between 1 and 7 days.')
        c.argument('c2d_ttl', options_list=['--c2d-ttl', '--ct'],
                   type=int, validator=validate_c2d_ttl,
                   help='The amount of time a message is available for the device to consume before it is expired'
                        ' by IoT Hub, between 1 and 48 hours.')
        c.argument('c2d_max_delivery_count', options_list=['--c2d-max-delivery-count', '--cdd'],
                   type=int, validator=validate_c2d_max_delivery_count,
                   help='The number of times the IoT hub will attempt to deliver a cloud-to-device'