How to use the function in azure-storage-blob

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few azure-storage-blob examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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An ETag value, or the wildcard character (*). Specify an ETag value for this conditional
            header to write the page only if the blob's ETag value does not
            match the value specified. If the values are identical, the Blob
            service fails.
        :param int timeout:
            The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds.
        :return: ETag and last modified properties for the updated Page Blob
        :rtype: :class:``
        _validate_not_none('container_name', container_name)
        _validate_not_none('blob_name', blob_name)

        request = HTTPRequest()
        request.method = 'PUT'
        request.host_locations = self._get_host_locations()
        request.path = _get_path(container_name, blob_name)
        request.query = {
            'comp': 'page',
            'timeout': _int_to_str(timeout),
        request.headers = {
            'x-ms-page-write': 'clear',
            'x-ms-lease-id': _to_str(lease_id),
            'x-ms-if-sequence-number-le': _to_str(if_sequence_number_lte),
            'x-ms-if-sequence-number-lt': _to_str(if_sequence_number_lt),
            'x-ms-if-sequence-number-eq': _to_str(if_sequence_number_eq),
            'If-Modified-Since': _datetime_to_utc_string(if_modified_since),
            'If-Unmodified-Since': _datetime_to_utc_string(if_unmodified_since),
            'If-Match': _to_str(if_match),
            'If-None-Match': _to_str(if_none_match)
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A page blob tier value to set the blob to. The tier correlates to the size of the
            blob and number of allowed IOPS. This is only applicable to page blobs on
            premium storage accounts.
        :param int timeout:
            The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. This method may make
            multiple calls to the Azure service and the timeout will apply to
            each call individually.
        _validate_not_none('container_name', container_name)
        _validate_not_none('blob_name', blob_name)
        _validate_not_none('premium_page_blob_tier', premium_page_blob_tier)

        request = HTTPRequest()
        request.method = 'PUT'
        request.host_locations = self._get_host_locations()
        request.path = _get_path(container_name, blob_name)
        request.query = {
            'comp': 'tier',
            'timeout': _int_to_str(timeout),
        request.headers = {
            'x-ms-access-tier': _to_str(premium_page_blob_tier)

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allows for encryption or other such special behavior because
        it is safely handled by the library. These behaviors are
        prohibited in the public version of this function.
        :param str encryption_data:
            A JSON formatted string containing the encryption metadata generated for this 
            blob if it was encrypted all at once upon upload. This should only be passed
            in by internal methods.

        _validate_not_none('container_name', container_name)
        _validate_not_none('blob_name', blob_name)
        _validate_not_none('block_list', block_list)
        request = HTTPRequest()
        request.method = 'PUT'
        request.host_locations = self._get_host_locations()
        request.path = _get_path(container_name, blob_name)
        request.query = {
            'comp': 'blocklist',
            'timeout': _int_to_str(timeout),
        request.headers = {
            'x-ms-lease-id': _to_str(lease_id),
            'If-Modified-Since': _datetime_to_utc_string(if_modified_since),
            'If-Unmodified-Since': _datetime_to_utc_string(if_unmodified_since),
            'If-Match': _to_str(if_match),
            'If-None-Match': _to_str(if_none_match),
        _add_metadata_headers(metadata, request)
        if content_settings is not None:
        request.body = _get_request_body(
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self, container_name, blob_name, page, start_range, end_range,
            validate_content=False, lease_id=None, if_sequence_number_lte=None,
            if_sequence_number_lt=None, if_sequence_number_eq=None,
            if_modified_since=None, if_unmodified_since=None,
            if_match=None, if_none_match=None, timeout=None):
        See update_page for more details. This helper method
        allows for encryption or other such special behavior because
        it is safely handled by the library. These behaviors are
        prohibited in the public version of this function.

        request = HTTPRequest()
        request.method = 'PUT'
        request.host_locations = self._get_host_locations()
        request.path = _get_path(container_name, blob_name)
        request.query = {
            'comp': 'page',
            'timeout': _int_to_str(timeout),
        request.headers = {
            'x-ms-page-write': 'update',
            'x-ms-lease-id': _to_str(lease_id),
            'x-ms-if-sequence-number-le': _to_str(if_sequence_number_lte),
            'x-ms-if-sequence-number-lt': _to_str(if_sequence_number_lt),
            'x-ms-if-sequence-number-eq': _to_str(if_sequence_number_eq),
            'If-Modified-Since': _datetime_to_utc_string(if_modified_since),
            'If-Unmodified-Since': _datetime_to_utc_string(if_unmodified_since),
            'If-Match': _to_str(if_match),
            'If-None-Match': _to_str(if_none_match)
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validate_content=False, lease_id=None, timeout=None):
        See put_block for more details. This helper method
        allows for encryption or other such special behavior because
        it is safely handled by the library. These behaviors are
        prohibited in the public version of this function.

        _validate_not_none('container_name', container_name)
        _validate_not_none('blob_name', blob_name)
        _validate_not_none('block', block)
        _validate_not_none('block_id', block_id)
        request = HTTPRequest()
        request.method = 'PUT'
        request.host_locations = self._get_host_locations()
        request.path = _get_path(container_name, blob_name)
        request.query = {
            'comp': 'block',
            'blockid': _encode_base64(_to_str(block_id)),
            'timeout': _int_to_str(timeout),
        request.headers = {
            'x-ms-lease-id': _to_str(lease_id)
        request.body = _get_data_bytes_or_stream_only('block', block)
        if hasattr(request.body, 'read'):
            if _len_plus(request.body) is None:
                    data = b''
                    for chunk in iter(lambda:, b""):
                        data += chunk
                    request.body = data
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to perform the operation only if the resource's ETag does not match
            the value specified. Specify the wildcard character (*) to perform
            the operation only if the resource does not exist, and fail the
            operation if it does exist.
        :param int timeout:
            The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds.
        :return: ETag and last modified properties for the updated Page Blob
        :rtype: :class:``
        _validate_not_none('container_name', container_name)
        _validate_not_none('blob_name', blob_name)
        _validate_not_none('sequence_number_action', sequence_number_action)
        request = HTTPRequest()
        request.method = 'PUT'
        request.host_locations = self._get_host_locations()
        request.path = _get_path(container_name, blob_name)
        request.query = {
            'comp': 'properties',
            'timeout': _int_to_str(timeout),
        request.headers = {
            'x-ms-blob-sequence-number': _to_str(sequence_number),
            'x-ms-sequence-number-action': _to_str(sequence_number_action),
            'x-ms-lease-id': _to_str(lease_id),
            'If-Modified-Since': _datetime_to_utc_string(if_modified_since),
            'If-Unmodified-Since': _datetime_to_utc_string(if_unmodified_since),
            'If-Match': _to_str(if_match),
            'If-None-Match': _to_str(if_none_match),

        return self._perform_request(request, _parse_page_properties)
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to perform the operation only if the resource's ETag does not match
            the value specified. Specify the wildcard character (*) to perform
            the operation only if the resource does not exist, and fail the
            operation if it does exist.
        :param int timeout:
            The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds.
        _validate_encryption_unsupported(self.require_encryption, self.key_encryption_key)
        _validate_not_none('container_name', container_name)
        _validate_not_none('blob_name', blob_name)
        _validate_not_none('copy_source_url', copy_source_url)

        request = HTTPRequest()
        request.method = 'PUT'
        request.host_locations = self._get_host_locations()
        request.path = _get_path(container_name, blob_name)
        request.query = {
            'comp': 'appendblock',
            'timeout': _int_to_str(timeout),
        request.headers = {
            'x-ms-copy-source': copy_source_url,
            'x-ms-source-content-md5': source_content_md5,
            'x-ms-source-if-Modified-Since': _datetime_to_utc_string(source_if_modified_since),
            'x-ms-source-if-Unmodified-Since': _datetime_to_utc_string(source_if_unmodified_since),
            'x-ms-source-if-Match': _to_str(source_if_match),
            'x-ms-source-if-None-Match': _to_str(source_if_none_match),
            'x-ms-blob-condition-maxsize': _to_str(maxsize_condition),
            'x-ms-blob-condition-appendpos': _to_str(appendpos_condition),
            'x-ms-lease-id': _to_str(lease_id),
            'If-Modified-Since': _datetime_to_utc_string(if_modified_since),
            'If-Unmodified-Since': _datetime_to_utc_string(if_unmodified_since),
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:param int timeout:
            The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds.
            ETag, last modified, append offset, and committed block count 
            properties for the updated Append Blob
        :rtype: :class:``
        _validate_not_none('container_name', container_name)
        _validate_not_none('blob_name', blob_name)
        _validate_not_none('block', block)
        _validate_encryption_unsupported(self.require_encryption, self.key_encryption_key)

        request = HTTPRequest()
        request.method = 'PUT'
        request.host_locations = self._get_host_locations()
        request.path = _get_path(container_name, blob_name)
        request.query = {
            'comp': 'appendblock',
            'timeout': _int_to_str(timeout),
        request.headers = {
            'x-ms-blob-condition-maxsize': _to_str(maxsize_condition),
            'x-ms-blob-condition-appendpos': _to_str(appendpos_condition),
            'x-ms-lease-id': _to_str(lease_id),
            'If-Modified-Since': _datetime_to_utc_string(if_modified_since),
            'If-Unmodified-Since': _datetime_to_utc_string(if_unmodified_since),
            'If-Match': _to_str(if_match),
            'If-None-Match': _to_str(if_none_match)
        request.body = _get_data_bytes_only('block', block)

        if validate_content:
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allows for encryption or other such special behavior because
        it is safely handled by the library. These behaviors are
        prohibited in the public version of this function.
        :param str encryption_data:
            The JSON formatted encryption metadata to upload as a part of the blob.
            This should only be passed internally from other methods and only applied
            when uploading entire blob contents immediately follows creation of the blob.

        _validate_not_none('container_name', container_name)
        _validate_not_none('blob_name', blob_name)
        _validate_not_none('content_length', content_length)
        request = HTTPRequest()
        request.method = 'PUT'
        request.host_locations = self._get_host_locations()
        request.path = _get_path(container_name, blob_name)
        request.query = {'timeout': _int_to_str(timeout)}
        request.headers = {
            'x-ms-blob-type': _to_str(self.blob_type),
            'x-ms-blob-content-length': _to_str(content_length),
            'x-ms-lease-id': _to_str(lease_id),
            'x-ms-blob-sequence-number': _to_str(sequence_number),
            'x-ms-access-tier': _to_str(premium_page_blob_tier),
            'If-Modified-Since': _datetime_to_utc_string(if_modified_since),
            'If-Unmodified-Since': _datetime_to_utc_string(if_unmodified_since),
            'If-Match': _to_str(if_match),
            'If-None-Match': _to_str(if_none_match)
        _add_metadata_headers(metadata, request)
        if content_settings is not None:


Microsoft Azure Blob Storage Client Library for Python

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