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def assert_expected_output(self, print_task, expected_output, thread,
with mock.patch(out_file, new=six.StringIO()) as mock_out:
self.assertIn(expected_output, mock_out.getvalue())
def test_validates_valid_log_files(self):
key_provider, digest_provider, validator = create_scenario(
['gap', 'link', 'link'],
[[self._logs[2]], [], [self._logs[0], self._logs[1]]])
self.parsed_responses = [
{'LocationConstraint': ''},
{'Body': six.BytesIO(_gz_compress(self._logs[0]['_raw_value']))},
{'Body': six.BytesIO(_gz_compress(self._logs[1]['_raw_value']))},
{'Body': six.BytesIO(_gz_compress(self._logs[2]['_raw_value']))},
_setup_mock_traverser(self._mock_traverser, key_provider,
digest_provider, validator)
stdout, stderr, rc = self.run_cmd(
"cloudtrail validate-logs --trail-arn %s --start-time %s --verbose"
self.assertIn('s3://1/key1', stdout)
self.assertIn('s3://1/key2', stdout)
self.assertIn('s3://1/key3', stdout)
def test_get_media_streaming_output(self):
cmdline = (
'kinesis-video-media get-media --stream-name test-stream '
'--start-selector StartSelectorType=EARLIEST %s'
self.parsed_response = {
'ContentType': 'video/webm',
'Payload': six.BytesIO(b'testbody')
outpath = self.files.full_path('outfile')
params = {
'StartSelector': {'StartSelectorType': 'EARLIEST'},
'StreamName': 'test-stream'
self.assert_params_for_cmd(cmdline % outpath, params)
with open(outpath, 'rb') as outfile:
self.assertEqual(, b'testbody')
def test_cp_fails_with_utime_errors_but_continues(self):
full_path = self.files.create_file('foo.txt', '')
cmdline = '%s s3://bucket/key.txt %s' % (self.prefix, full_path)
self.parsed_responses = [
{"ContentLength": "100", "LastModified": "00:00:00Z"},
{'ETag': '"foo-1"', 'Body': six.BytesIO(b'foo')}
with mock.patch('os.utime') as mock_utime:
mock_utime.side_effect = OSError(1, '')
_, err, _ = self.run_cmd(cmdline, expected_rc=1)
self.assertIn('attempting to modify the utime', err)
def write_exception(ex, outfile):
def parse_s3_url(url,
if isinstance(url, six.string_types) \
and url.startswith("s3://"):
# Python < 2.7.10 don't parse query parameters from URI with custom
# scheme such as s3://blah/blah. As a workaround, remove scheme
# altogether to trigger the parser "s3://foo/bar?v=1" =>"//foo/bar?v=1"
parsed = urlparse.urlparse(url[3:])
query = urlparse.parse_qs(parsed.query)
if parsed.netloc and parsed.path:
result = dict()
result[bucket_name_property] = parsed.netloc
result[object_key_property] = parsed.path.lstrip('/')
# If there is a query string that has a single versionId field,
# set the object version and return
if version_property is not None \
def _unpack_cli_arg(argument_model, value, cli_name):
if is_json_value_header(argument_model):
return _unpack_json_cli_arg(argument_model, value, cli_name)
elif argument_model.type_name in SCALAR_TYPES:
return unpack_scalar_cli_arg(
argument_model, value, cli_name)
elif argument_model.type_name in COMPLEX_TYPES:
return _unpack_complex_cli_arg(
argument_model, value, cli_name)
return six.text_type(value)
def _write_output(self, content):
if isinstance(content, six.text_type):
content = content.encode('utf-8')
def _convert_human_readable_sizes(self, runtime_config):
for attr in self.HUMAN_READABLE_SIZES:
value = runtime_config.get(attr)
if value is not None and not isinstance(value, six.integer_types):
runtime_config[attr] = human_readable_to_bytes(value)
def _should_parse_as_shorthand(self, cli_argument, value):
# We first need to make sure this is a parameter that qualifies
# for simplification. The first short-circuit case is if it looks
# like json we immediately return.
if value and isinstance(value, list):
check_val = value[0]
check_val = value
if isinstance(check_val, six.string_types) and check_val.strip().startswith(
('[', '{')):
LOG.debug("Param %s looks like JSON, not considered for "
"param shorthand.", cli_argument.py_name)
return False
model = cli_argument.argument_model
# The second case is to make sure the argument is sufficiently
# complex, that is, it's base type is a complex type *and*
# if it's a list, then it can't be a list of scalar types.
return _is_complex_shape(model)