How to use the function in avro

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few avro examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github alexhanna / hadoop / utils / View on Github external
def main(argv):
    valid = set()
    invalid_avro = set()
    invalid_json = set()

    if len(argv) < 3:
        print "Give me an avro schema file and a whitespace-separated list of json files to validate against it."
        schema = parse(open(argv[1]).read())
        for arg in argv[2:]:
                json = loads(open(arg, 'r').read())
                if validate(schema, json):
            except ValueError:
    print 'Valid files:\n\t' + '\n\t'.join(valid)
    print 'Invalid avro:\n\t' + '\n\t'.join(invalid_avro)
    print 'Invalid json:\n\t' + '\n\t'.join(invalid_json)
github common-workflow-language / common-workflow-language / reference / cwltool / View on Github external
def schema_for_item(value, array_schema, tool):
    if not array_schema:
        return None
    opts = array_schema.get('items', [])
    if not opts:
        return None
    if not isinstance(opts, list):
        opts = [opts]
    opts = [schema_by_name(opt, tool) for opt in opts]
    if len(opts) == 1:
        return opts[0]
    for opt in opts:
        sch = avro.schema.parse(json.dumps(opt))
        if, value):
            return opt
    return None
github linkedin / python-avro-json-serializer / avro_json_serializer / View on Github external
# are handled properly (see self.UNSET and above binary handling).
        if schema_type == 'array':
            return (isinstance(datum, list) and
                    all(self._validate(schema.items, d) for d in datum))
        elif schema_type == 'map':
            return (isinstance(datum, dict) and
                    all(isinstance(k, basestring) for k in datum.keys()) and
                    all(self._validate(schema.values, v) for v in datum.values()))
        elif schema_type in ['union', 'error_union']:
            return any(self._validate_union(s, datum) for s in schema.schemas)
        elif schema_type in ['record', 'error', 'request']:
            return (isinstance(datum, dict) and
                    all(self._validate(f.type, datum.get(, self.UNSET))
                        for f in schema.fields))

        return validate(schema, datum)
github Yelp / schematizer / schematizer / View on Github external
def _is_valid_default_value(cls, schema_type, value):
        """Verify whether given value is a valid default value for the
        specified schema type. It assumes the given schema_type is a valid
        Avro schema. It utilizes `` function from the Python
        Avro library for the validation.
        schema_obj = schema.make_avsc_object(schema_type)
        field_type = (schema_obj.schemas[0]
                      if isinstance(schema_obj, schema.UnionSchema)
                      else schema_obj)
        return io.validate(field_type, value)
github linkedin / python-avro-json-serializer / avro_json_serializer / View on Github external
def _validate(self, schema, datum):
        Validate a datum matches a schema.
        :param schema: Avro schema to match against the `datum`
        :param datum: Data to validate
        return validate(schema, datum)
github common-workflow-language / cwltool / cwltool / View on Github external
def schema_for_item(value, array_schema, tool):
    if not array_schema:
        return None
    opts = array_schema.get('items', [])
    if not opts:
        return None
    if not isinstance(opts, list):
        opts = [opts]
    opts = [schema_by_name(opt, tool) for opt in opts]
    if len(opts) == 1:
        return opts[0]
    for opt in opts:
        sch = avro.schema.parse(json.dumps(opt))
        if, value):
            return opt
    return None