How to use the atomate.common.firetasks.glue_tasks.get_calc_loc function in atomate

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github hackingmaterials / atomate / atomate / common / firetasks / View on Github external
def run_task(self, fw_spec):
        # get the directory that contains the dir to parse
        calc_dir = os.getcwd()
        if "calc_dir" in self:
            calc_dir = self["calc_dir"]
        elif self.get("calc_loc"):
            calc_dir = get_calc_loc(self["calc_loc"], fw_spec["calc_locs"])["path"]

        # parse the calc directory"PARSING DIRECTORY: {} USING DRONE: {}".format(
            calc_dir, self['drone'].__class__.__name__))
        # get the database connection
        db_file = env_chk(self.get('db_file'), fw_spec)

        drone = self['drone'].__class__()
        task_doc = drone.assimilate(calc_dir)
        if not db_file:
            with open("task.json", "w") as f:
                f.write(json.dumps(task_doc, default=DATETIME_HANDLER))
            mmdb_str = self["mmdb"]
            modname, classname = mmdb_str.strip().rsplit(".", 1)
            cls_ = load_class(modname, classname)
github hackingmaterials / atomate / atomate / vasp / firetasks / View on Github external
def run_task(self, fw_spec):
        # get the directory that contains the VASP dir to parse
        calc_dir = os.getcwd()
        if "calc_dir" in self:
            calc_dir = self["calc_dir"]
        elif self.get("calc_loc"):
            calc_dir = get_calc_loc(self["calc_loc"], fw_spec["calc_locs"])["path"]

        # parse the VASP directory"PARSING DIRECTORY: {}".format(calc_dir))

        drone = VaspDrone(additional_fields=self.get("additional_fields"),
                          parse_dos=self.get("parse_dos", False),
                          parse_potcar_file=self.get("parse_potcar_file", True),
                          bandstructure_mode=self.get("bandstructure_mode", False),
                          parse_chgcar=self.get("parse_chgcar", False),  # deprecated
                          parse_aeccar=self.get("parse_aeccar", False),  # deprecated
                          store_volumetric_data=self.get("store_volumetric_data", STORE_VOLUMETRIC_DATA))

        # assimilate (i.e., parse)
        task_doc = drone.assimilate(calc_dir)

        # Check for additional keys to set based on the fw_spec
github hackingmaterials / atomate / atomate / feff / firetasks / View on Github external
def run_task(self, fw_spec):

        calc_loc = get_calc_loc(self["calc_loc"], fw_spec["calc_locs"]) if self.get("calc_loc") else {}
        exclude_files = self.get("exclude_files", ["feff.inp", "xmu.dat"])

        self.setup_copy(self.get("calc_dir", None), filesystem=self.get("filesystem", None),
                        exclude_files=exclude_files, from_path_dict=calc_loc)
github hackingmaterials / atomate / atomate / vasp / firetasks / View on Github external
def run_task(self, fw_spec):

        calc_loc = get_calc_loc(self["calc_loc"],
                                fw_spec["calc_locs"]) if self.get(
            "calc_loc") else {}

        # determine what files need to be copied
        files_to_copy = None
        if not "$ALL" in self.get("additional_files", []):
            files_to_copy = ['INCAR', 'POSCAR', 'KPOINTS', 'POTCAR', 'OUTCAR',
            if self.get("additional_files"):

        # decide between poscar and contcar
        contcar_to_poscar = self.get("contcar_to_poscar", True)
        if contcar_to_poscar and "CONTCAR" not in files_to_copy:
            files_to_copy = [f for f in files_to_copy if
github hackingmaterials / atomate / atomate / vasp / firetasks / View on Github external
def run_task(self, fw_spec):

        vasp_calc_dir = self.get("calc_dir", None)
        vasp_calc_loc = (
            get_calc_loc(self["calc_loc"], fw_spec["calc_locs"])
            if self.get("calc_loc")
            else {}

        # get the directory that contains the Lobster dir to parse
        current_dir = os.getcwd()
        # parse the Lobster directory"PARSING DIRECTORY: {}".format(current_dir))
        task_doc = {}
        struct = Structure.from_file(self._find_gz_file("POSCAR"))
        Lobsterout_here = Lobsterout(self._find_gz_file("lobsterout"))
        task_doc["output"] = Lobsterout_here.get_doc()
        Lobsterin_here = Lobsterin.from_file(self._find_gz_file("lobsterin"))
        task_doc["input"] = Lobsterin_here
            Lobsterin_orig = Lobsterin.from_file(self._find_gz_file("lobsterin.orig"))
github hackingmaterials / atomate / atomate / lammps / firetasks / View on Github external
def run_task(self, fw_spec):

        # get the directory that contains the LAMMPS run parse.
        calc_dir = os.getcwd()
        if "calc_dir" in self:
            calc_dir = self["calc_dir"]
        elif self.get("calc_loc"):
            calc_dir = get_calc_loc(self["calc_loc"], fw_spec["calc_locs"])["path"]

        # parse the directory"PARSING DIRECTORY: {}".format(calc_dir))

        drone = LammpsDrone(additional_fields=self.get("additional_fields"),
                            diffusion_params=self.get("diffusion_params", None))

        task_doc = drone.assimilate(calc_dir, input_filename=self["input_filename"],
                                    log_filename=self.get("log_filename", "log.lammps"),
                                    is_forcefield=self.get("is_forcefield", False),
                                    data_filename=self.get("data_filename", None),
                                    dump_files=self.get("dump_filenames", None))

        # Check for additional keys to set based on the fw_spec
        if self.get("fw_spec_field"):
github hackingmaterials / atomate / atomate / vasp / firetasks / View on Github external
def run_task(self, fw_spec):

        calc_loc = get_calc_loc(self["calc_loc"],
                                fw_spec["calc_locs"]) if self.get(
            "calc_loc") else {}

        # determine what files need to be copied
        files_to_copy = None
        if not "$ALL" in self.get("additional_files", []):
            files_to_copy = ['INCAR', 'POSCAR', 'KPOINTS', 'POTCAR', 'OUTCAR',
            if self.get("additional_files"):

        # decide between poscar and contcar
        contcar_to_poscar = self.get("contcar_to_poscar", True)
        if contcar_to_poscar and "CONTCAR" not in files_to_copy:
            files_to_copy = [f for f in files_to_copy if
github hackingmaterials / atomate / atomate / qchem / firetasks / View on Github external
def run_task(self, fw_spec):
        # get the directory that contains the QChem dir to parse
        calc_dir = os.getcwd()
        if "calc_dir" in self:
            calc_dir = self["calc_dir"]
        elif self.get("calc_loc"):
            calc_dir = get_calc_loc(self["calc_loc"],
        input_file = self.get("input_file", "mol.qin")
        output_file = self.get("output_file", "mol.qout")
        multirun = self.get("multirun", False)

        # parse the QChem directory"PARSING DIRECTORY: {}".format(calc_dir))

        drone = QChemDrone(additional_fields=self.get("additional_fields"))

        # assimilate (i.e., parse)
        task_doc = drone.assimilate(
github hackingmaterials / atomate / atomate / lammps / firetasks / View on Github external
def run_task(self, fw_spec):

        calc_loc = get_calc_loc(self["calc_loc"], fw_spec["calc_locs"]) if self.get("calc_loc") else {}
        exclude_files = self.get("exclude_files", [])

        self.setup_copy(self.get("calc_dir", None), filesystem=self.get("filesystem", None),
                        exclude_files=exclude_files, from_path_dict=calc_loc)
github materialsproject / mpmorph / mpmorph / firetasks / View on Github external
def run_task(self, fw_spec):
        # get the directory that contains the VASP dir to parse
        calc_dir = os.getcwd()
        if "calc_dir" in self:
            calc_dir = self["calc_dir"]
        elif self.get("calc_loc"):
            calc_dir = get_calc_loc(self["calc_loc"], fw_spec["calc_locs"])["path"]

        # parse the VASP directory"PARSING DIRECTORY: {}".format(calc_dir))

        drone = VaspDrone(additional_fields=self.get("additional_fields"),
                          parse_dos=self.get("parse_dos", False),
                          bandstructure_mode=self.get("bandstructure_mode", False))

        # assimilate (i.e., parse)
        task_doc = drone.assimilate(calc_dir)

        # Check for additional keys to set based on the fw_spec
        if self.get("fw_spec_field"):

        # get the database connection