How to use the function in asyncua

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few asyncua examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github FreeOpcUa / opcua-asyncio / tests / View on Github external
type_name = 'CustomizedStruct2'
    created_type = await srv.dict_builder.create_data_type(type_name)
    assert isinstance(created_type, StructNode)
    # Test data type node
    type_node = srv.srv.get_node(created_type.data_type)
    assert await type_node.get_browse_name() == ua.QualifiedName(type_name, srv.idx)
    assert await type_node.get_node_class() == ua.NodeClass.DataType
    assert (await type_node.get_parent()).nodeid == ua.NodeId(ua.ObjectIds.Structure, 0)
    assert ua.NodeId(ua.ObjectIds.HasSubtype, 0) == (await type_node.get_references(refs=ua.ObjectIds.HasSubtype))[0].ReferenceTypeId
    assert await type_node.get_display_name() == ua.LocalizedText(type_name)

    # Test description node
    n = srv.srv.get_node(srv.dict_builder.dict_id)
    desc_node = await n.get_child(f"{srv.dict_builder._idx}:{type_name}")
    assert await desc_node.get_browse_name() == ua.QualifiedName(type_name, srv.idx)
    assert await desc_node.get_node_class() == ua.NodeClass.Variable
    assert (await desc_node.get_parent()).nodeid == srv.dict_builder.dict_id
    assert ua.NodeId(ua.ObjectIds.HasComponent, 0) == (await desc_node.get_references(refs=ua.ObjectIds.HasComponent))[0].ReferenceTypeId
    assert await desc_node.get_type_definition() == ua.NodeId(ua.ObjectIds.DataTypeDescriptionType, 0)

    assert await desc_node.get_display_name() == ua.LocalizedText(type_name)
    assert await desc_node.get_data_type() == ua.NodeId(ua.ObjectIds.String)
    assert await desc_node.get_value() == type_name
    assert await desc_node.get_value_rank() == -1

    # Test object node
    obj_node = (await type_node.get_children(refs=ua.ObjectIds.HasEncoding))[0]
    assert await obj_node.get_browse_name() == ua.QualifiedName('Default Binary', 0)
    assert await obj_node.get_node_class() == ua.NodeClass.Object
    assert (await obj_node.get_references(refs=ua.ObjectIds.HasEncoding))[0].NodeId == type_node.nodeid
    assert ua.NodeId(ua.ObjectIds.HasEncoding, 0) == (await obj_node.get_references(refs=ua.ObjectIds.HasEncoding))[0].ReferenceTypeId
    assert await obj_node.get_type_definition() == ua.NodeId(ua.ObjectIds.DataTypeEncodingType, 0)
github FreeOpcUa / opcua-asyncio / asyncua / common / View on Github external
desc_attributes = ua.VariableAttributes()
            desc_attributes.DisplayName = ua.LocalizedText(type_name)
            desc_attributes.DataType = ua.NodeId(ua.ObjectIds.String)
            desc_attributes.Value = ua.Variant(name, ua.VariantType.String)
            desc_attributes.ValueRank = -1
            desc_node.NodeAttributes = desc_attributes

            res = await self._session_server.add_nodes([desc_node])
            description_node_id = res[0].AddedNodeId

            # create object node which the loaded python class should link to
            obj_node = ua.AddNodesItem()
            obj_node.RequestedNewNodeId = ua.NodeId(0, self._idx)
            obj_node.BrowseName = ua.QualifiedName('Default Binary', 0)
            obj_node.NodeClass = ua.NodeClass.Object
            obj_node.ParentNodeId = data_type_node_id
            obj_node.ReferenceTypeId = ua.NodeId(ua.ObjectIds.HasEncoding, 0)
            obj_node.TypeDefinition = ua.NodeId(ua.ObjectIds.DataTypeEncodingType, 0)
            obj_attributes = ua.ObjectAttributes()
            obj_attributes.DisplayName = ua.LocalizedText('Default Binary')
            obj_attributes.EventNotifier = 0
            obj_node.NodeAttributes = obj_attributes

            res = await self._session_server.add_nodes([obj_node])
            bind_obj_node_id = res[0].AddedNodeId

            await self._link_nodes(bind_obj_node_id, data_type_node_id, description_node_id)

        return StructNode(self, data_type_node_id, type_name, added)
github FreeOpcUa / opcua-asyncio / asyncua / common / View on Github external
def get_variables(self):
        return variables of node.
        properties are child nodes with a reference of type HasComponent and a NodeClass of Variable
        return self.get_children(refs=ua.ObjectIds.HasComponent, nodeclassmask=ua.NodeClass.Variable)
github FreeOpcUa / opcua-asyncio / asyncua / common / View on Github external
def get_methods(self):
        return methods of node.
        properties are child nodes with a reference of type HasComponent and a NodeClass of Method
        return self.get_children(refs=ua.ObjectIds.HasComponent, nodeclassmask=ua.NodeClass.Method)
github FreeOpcUa / opcua-asyncio / asyncua / server / View on Github external
def _add_reference_no_check(self, sourcedata, addref):
        rdesc = ua.ReferenceDescription()
        rdesc.ReferenceTypeId = addref.ReferenceTypeId
        rdesc.IsForward = addref.IsForward
        rdesc.NodeId = addref.TargetNodeId
        if addref.TargetNodeClass == ua.NodeClass.Unspecified:
            rdesc.NodeClass = self._aspace.read_attribute_value(
                addref.TargetNodeId, ua.AttributeIds.NodeClass).Value.Value
            rdesc.NodeClass = addref.TargetNodeClass
        bname = self._aspace.read_attribute_value(addref.TargetNodeId, ua.AttributeIds.BrowseName).Value.Value
        if bname:
            rdesc.BrowseName = bname
        dname = self._aspace.read_attribute_value(addref.TargetNodeId, ua.AttributeIds.DisplayName).Value.Value
        if dname:
            rdesc.DisplayName = dname
        return self._add_unique_reference(sourcedata, rdesc)
github FreeOpcUa / opcua-asyncio / asyncua / View on Github external
def _lsprint_long(pnode, depth, indent=""):
    if not indent:
        print("{0:30} {1:25} {2:25} {3:10} {4:30} {5:25}".format("DisplayName", "NodeId", "BrowseName", "DataType", "Timestamp", "Value"))
    for node in pnode.get_children():
        attrs = node.read_attributes([ua.AttributeIds.DisplayName,
        name, bname, nclass, mask, umask, dtype, val = [attr.Value.Value for attr in attrs]
        update = attrs[-1].ServerTimestamp
        if nclass == ua.NodeClass.Variable:
            print("{0}{1:30} {2:25} {3:25} {4:10} {5!s:30} {6!s:25}".format(indent, name.to_string(), node.nodeid.to_string(), bname.to_string(), dtype.to_string(), update, val))
            print("{0}{1:30} {2:25} {3:25}".format(indent, name.to_string(), bname.to_string(), node.nodeid.to_string()))
        if depth:
            _lsprint_long(node, depth - 1, indent + "  ")
github FreeOpcUa / opcua-asyncio / asyncua / server / standard_address_space / View on Github external
def create_standard_address_space_Part17(server):
    node = ua.AddNodesItem()
    node.RequestedNewNodeId = NumericNodeId(23455, 0)
    node.BrowseName = QualifiedName('AliasNameType', 0)
    node.NodeClass = NodeClass.ObjectType
    node.ParentNodeId = NumericNodeId(58, 0)
    node.ReferenceTypeId = NumericNodeId(45, 0)
    attrs = ua.ObjectTypeAttributes()
    attrs.DisplayName = LocalizedText("AliasNameType")
    attrs.IsAbstract = False
    node.NodeAttributes = attrs
    refs = []
    ref = ua.AddReferencesItem()
    ref.IsForward = False
    ref.ReferenceTypeId = NumericNodeId(45, 0)
    ref.SourceNodeId = NumericNodeId(23455, 0)
    ref.TargetNodeClass = NodeClass.DataType
    ref.TargetNodeId = NumericNodeId(58, 0)
github FreeOpcUa / opcua-asyncio / asyncua / server / standard_address_space / View on Github external
attrs.EventNotifier = 0
    node.NodeAttributes = attrs
    refs = []
    ref = ua.AddReferencesItem()
    ref.IsForward = False
    ref.ReferenceTypeId = NumericNodeId(38, 0)
    ref.SourceNodeId = NumericNodeId(23499, 0)
    ref.TargetNodeClass = NodeClass.DataType
    ref.TargetNodeId = NumericNodeId(23468, 0)
    ref = ua.AddReferencesItem()
    ref.IsForward = True
    ref.ReferenceTypeId = NumericNodeId(39, 0)
    ref.SourceNodeId = NumericNodeId(23499, 0)
    ref.TargetNodeClass = NodeClass.DataType
    ref.TargetNodeId = NumericNodeId(23502, 0)
    ref = ua.AddReferencesItem()
    ref.IsForward = True
    ref.ReferenceTypeId = NumericNodeId(40, 0)
    ref.SourceNodeId = NumericNodeId(23499, 0)
    ref.TargetNodeClass = NodeClass.DataType
    ref.TargetNodeId = NumericNodeId(76, 0)
    node = ua.AddNodesItem()
    node.RequestedNewNodeId = NumericNodeId(23505, 0)
    node.BrowseName = QualifiedName('Default XML', 0)
    node.NodeClass = NodeClass.Object
    node.ParentNodeId = NumericNodeId(23468, 0)
github FreeOpcUa / opcua-asyncio / examples / View on Github external
async def browse_nodes(node: Node):
    Build a nested node tree dict by recursion (filtered by OPC UA objects and variables).
    node_class = await node.read_node_class()
    children = []
    for child in await node.get_children():
        if await child.read_node_class() in [ua.NodeClass.Object, ua.NodeClass.Variable]:
                await browse_nodes(child)
    if node_class != ua.NodeClass.Variable:
        var_type = None
            var_type = (await node.read_data_type_as_variant_type()).value
        except ua.UaError:
            _logger.warning('Node Variable Type could not be determined for %r', node)
            var_type = None
    return {
        'id': node.nodeid.to_string(),
        'name': (await node.read_display_name()).Text,
        'cls': node_class.value,
        'children': children,
github FreeOpcUa / opcua-asyncio / asyncua / common / View on Github external
async def _add_node_common(self, nodetype, node):
        browsename = await node.read_browse_name()
        nodeid = node.nodeid
        parent = await node.get_parent()
        displayname = (await node.read_display_name()).Text
        desc = await node.read_description()
        if desc:
            desc = desc.Text
        node_el = Et.SubElement(self.etree.getroot(), nodetype)
        node_el.attrib["NodeId"] = self._node_to_string(nodeid)
        node_el.attrib["BrowseName"] = self._bname_to_string(browsename)
        if parent is not None:
            node_class = await node.read_node_class()
            if node_class in (ua.NodeClass.Object, ua.NodeClass.Variable, ua.NodeClass.Method):
                node_el.attrib["ParentNodeId"] = self._node_to_string(parent)
        self._add_sub_el(node_el, 'DisplayName', displayname)
        if desc not in (None, ""):
            self._add_sub_el(node_el, 'Description', desc)
        # FIXME: add WriteMask and UserWriteMask
        return node_el