How to use the astroquery.exceptions.InvalidQueryError function in astroquery

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github astropy / astroquery / astroquery / mast / View on Github external
criteria["intentType"] = "calibration"

        # Build the mashup filter object and store it in the correct service_name entry
        if coordinates or objectname:
            mashup_filters = self._build_filter_set("Mast.Caom.Cone", "Mast.Caom.Filtered.Position", **criteria)
            mashup_filters = self._build_filter_set("Mast.Caom.Cone", "Mast.Caom.Filtered", **criteria)

        if not mashup_filters:
            raise InvalidQueryError("At least one non-positional criterion must be supplied.")

        # handle position info (if any)
        position = None

        if objectname and coordinates:
            raise InvalidQueryError("Only one of objectname and coordinates may be specified.")

        if objectname:
            coordinates = self.resolve_object(objectname)

        if coordinates:
            # Put coordinates and radius into consitant format
            coordinates = commons.parse_coordinates(coordinates)

            # if radius is just a number we assume degrees
            if isinstance(radius, (int, float)):
                radius = radius * u.deg
            radius = coord.Angle(radius)

            # build the coordinates string needed by Mast.Caom.Filtered.Position
            position = ', '.join([str(x) for x in (coordinates.ra.deg, coordinates.dec.deg, radius.deg)])
github astropy / astroquery / astroquery / magpis / View on Github external
    @prepend_docstr_nosections("\n" + _args_to_payload.__doc__)
    def get_images_async(self, coordinates, image_size=1 * u.arcmin,
                         survey='bolocam', get_query_payload=False):
        get_query_payload : bool, optional
            if set to `True` then returns the dictionary sent as the HTTP
            request.  Defaults to `False`

        response : `requests.Response`
            The HTTP response returned from the service
        if survey not in self.surveys:
            raise InvalidQueryError("Survey must be one of " +
        request_payload = self._args_to_payload(
            coordinates, image_size=image_size, survey=survey)
        if get_query_payload:
            return request_payload
        response = self._request("POST", url=self.URL, data=request_payload,
                                 timeout=self.TIMEOUT, verify=False)
        return response
github astropy / astroquery / astroquery / mast / View on Github external
# Getting x and y out of the size
        if np.isscalar(size[0]):
            x = size[1]
            y = size[0]
            units = "px"
        elif size[0].unit == u.pixel:
            x = size[1].value
            y = size[0].value
            units = "px"
        elif size[0].unit.physical_type == 'angle':
            x = size[1].to(u.deg).value
            y = size[0].to(u.deg).value
            units = "d"
            raise InvalidQueryError("Cutout size must be in pixels or angular quantity.")

        path = os.path.join(path, '')
        astrocut_request = "ra={}&dec={}&y={}&x={}&units={}".format(coordinates.ra.deg,
                                                                    y, x, units)
        if sector:
            astrocut_request += "&sector={}".format(sector)

        astrocut_url = self._TESSCUT_URL + "astrocut?" + astrocut_request
        zipfile_path = "{}tesscut_{}.zip".format(path, time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"))

        self._download_file(astrocut_url, zipfile_path)

        localpath_table = Table(names=["Local Path"], dtype=[str])

        # Checking if we got a zip file or a json no results message
github astropy / astroquery / astroquery / wfau / View on Github external
def _check_page(self, url, keyword, wait_time=1, max_attempts=30):
        page_loaded = False
        while not page_loaded and max_attempts > 0:
            if self.logged_in():
                response = self.session.get(url)
                response = requests.get(url=url)
            self.response = response
            content = response.text
            if"error", content, re.IGNORECASE):
                raise InvalidQueryError(
                    "Service returned with an error!  "
                    "Check self.response for more information.")
            elif, content, re.IGNORECASE):
                page_loaded = True
            max_attempts -= 1
            # wait for wait_time seconds before checking again
        if page_loaded is False:
            raise TimeoutError("Page did not load.")
        return response
github astropy / astroquery / astroquery / mast / View on Github external
service = "Mast.Catalogs.Filtered.Ctl"
            if coordinates or objectname:
                service += ".Position"
            service += ".Rows"  # Using the rowstore version of the query for speed
            mashup_filters = self._build_filter_set("Mast.Catalogs.Tess.Cone", service, **criteria)
        elif catalog.lower() == "diskdetective":
            service = "Mast.Catalogs.Filtered.DiskDetective"
            if coordinates or objectname:
                service += ".Position"
            mashup_filters = self._build_filter_set("Mast.Catalogs.Dd.Cone", service, **criteria)

            raise InvalidQueryError("Criteria query not available for {}".format(catalog))

        if not mashup_filters:
            raise InvalidQueryError("At least one non-positional criterion must be supplied.")

        if objectname and coordinates:
            raise InvalidQueryError("Only one of objectname and coordinates may be specified.")

        if objectname:
            coordinates = self.resolve_object(objectname)

        if coordinates:
            # Put coordinates and radius into consitant format
            coordinates = commons.parse_coordinates(coordinates)

            # if radius is just a number we assume degrees
            if isinstance(radius, (int, float)):
                radius = radius * u.deg
            radius = coord.Angle(radius)
github astropy / astroquery / astroquery / ibe / View on Github external
advanced path construction that is not yet supported. ``'sia'``
            provides access to the 'simple image access' IVOA protocol

        response : `~requests.Response`
            The HTTP response returned from the service

        if coordinate is None and where is None:
            raise InvalidQueryError(
                'At least one of `coordinate` or `where` is required')

        intersect = intersect.upper()
        if intersect not in ('COVERS', 'ENCLOSED', 'CENTER', 'OVERLAPS'):
            raise InvalidQueryError(
                "Invalid value for `intersects` " +
                "(must be 'COVERS', 'ENCLOSED', 'CENTER', or 'OVERLAPS')")

        if action not in ('sia', 'data', 'search'):
            raise InvalidQueryError("Valid actions are: sia, data, search.")
        if action == 'data':
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "The action='data' option is a placeholder for future " +

        args = {
            'INTERSECT': intersect

        # Note: in IBE, if 'mcen' argument is present, it is true.
        # If absent, it is false.
github astropy / astroquery / astroquery / mast / View on Github external
# Getting x and y out of the size
        if np.isscalar(size[0]):
            x = size[1]
            y = size[0]
            units = "px"
        elif size[0].unit == u.pixel:
            x = size[1].value
            y = size[0].value
            units = "px"
        elif size[0].unit.physical_type == 'angle':
            x = size[1].to(u.deg).value
            y = size[0].to(u.deg).value
            units = "d"
            raise InvalidQueryError("Cutout size must be in pixels or angular quantity.")

        astrocut_request = "ra={}&dec={}&y={}&x={}&units={}".format(coordinates.ra.deg,
                                                                    y, x, units)
        if sector:
            astrocut_request += "&sector={}".format(sector)

        response = self._request("GET", self._TESSCUT_URL+"astrocut", params=astrocut_request)
        response.raise_for_status()  # Raise any errors

            ZIPFILE = zipfile.ZipFile(BytesIO(response.content), 'r')
        except zipfile.BadZipFile:
            message = response.json()
            warnings.warn(message['msg'], NoResultsWarning)
            return []
github astropy / astroquery / astroquery / ibe / View on Github external
most_centered : bool
            If True, then only the most centered image is returned.
        action : ``'search'``, ``'data'``, or ``'sia'``
            The action to perform at the server.  The default is ``'search'``,
            which returns a table of the available data.  ``'data'`` requires
            advanced path construction that is not yet supported. ``'sia'``
            provides access to the 'simple image access' IVOA protocol

        response : `~requests.Response`
            The HTTP response returned from the service

        if coordinate is None and where is None:
            raise InvalidQueryError(
                'At least one of `coordinate` or `where` is required')

        intersect = intersect.upper()
        if intersect not in ('COVERS', 'ENCLOSED', 'CENTER', 'OVERLAPS'):
            raise InvalidQueryError(
                "Invalid value for `intersects` " +
                "(must be 'COVERS', 'ENCLOSED', 'CENTER', or 'OVERLAPS')")

        if action not in ('sia', 'data', 'search'):
            raise InvalidQueryError("Valid actions are: sia, data, search.")
        if action == 'data':
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "The action='data' option is a placeholder for future " +

        args = {
github NASA-Planetary-Science / sbpy / sbpy / data / View on Github external
if start is None:
                    eph = []
                    for i in range(len(_epochs)):
                        e = MPC.get_ephemeris(targetid, location=location,
                                              number=1, **kwargs)
                        e['Date'] = e['Date'].iso  # for vstack to work
                    eph = vstack(eph)
                    eph['Date'] = Time(eph['Date'], scale='utc')
                    eph = MPC.get_ephemeris(targetid, location=location,
                                            start=start, step=step,
                                            number=number, **kwargs)
            except InvalidQueryError as e:
                raise QueryError(
                    'Error raised by astroquery.mpc: {:s}'.format(str(e)))

            # add targetname column
                                  name='Targetname'), index=0)

            if all_eph is None:
                all_eph = eph
                all_eph = vstack([all_eph, eph])

        # if ra_format or dec_format is defined, then units must be
        # dropped or else QTable will raise an exception because
        # strings cannot have units
        if 'ra_format' in kwargs: