How to use the function in astroplan

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few astroplan examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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        blocks : list of `~astroplan.scheduling.ObservingBlock` objects
            list of blocks that need to be scored
        observer : `~astroplan.Observer`
            the observer
        schedule : `~astroplan.scheduling.Schedule`
            The schedule inside which the blocks should fit
        global_constraints : list of `~astroplan.Constraint` objects
            any ``Constraint`` that applies to all the blocks
        self.blocks = blocks = observer
        self.schedule = schedule
        self.global_constraints = global_constraints
        self.targets = get_skycoord([ for block in self.blocks])
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grid_times_targets: bool
            If True, the target object will have extra dimensions packed onto
            the end, so that calculations with M targets and N times will
            return an (M, N) shaped result. Otherwise, we rely on broadcasting
            the shapes together using standard numpy rules. Useful for grid
            searches for rise/set times etc.
        # make sure we have a non-scalar time
        if not isinstance(time, Time):
            time = Time(time)

        if target is None:
            return time, None

        # convert any kind of target argument to non-scalar SkyCoord
        target = get_skycoord(target)
        if grid_times_targets:
            if target.isscalar:
                # ensure we have a (1, 1) shape coord
                target = SkyCoord(np.tile(target, 1))[:, np.newaxis]
                while target.ndim <= time.ndim:
                    target = target[:, np.newaxis]

        elif not self._is_broadcastable(target.shape, time.shape):
            raise ValueError('Time and Target arguments cannot be broadcast '
                             'against each other with shapes {} and {}'
                             .format(time.shape, target.shape))
        return time, target
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The observer at the time

        transition : `~astroplan.scheduling.TransitionBlock` or None
            A transition to get from ``oldblock`` to ``newblock`` or `None` if
            no transition is necessary
        components = {}
        if (self.slew_rate is not None and (oldblock is not None) and (newblock is not None)):
            # use the constraints cache for now, but should move that machinery
            # to observer
            from .constraints import _get_altaz
            from .target import get_skycoord
            if !=
                targets = get_skycoord([,])
                aaz = _get_altaz(start_time, observer, targets)['altaz']
                sep = aaz[0].separation(aaz[1])
                if sep/self.slew_rate > 1 * u.second:
                    components['slew_time'] = sep / self.slew_rate

        if self.instrument_reconfig_times is not None:
            components.update(self.compute_instrument_transitions(oldblock, newblock))

        if components:
            return TransitionBlock(components, start_time)
            return None
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if True, grids the constraint result with targets along the first
            index and times along the second. Otherwise, we rely on broadcasting
            the shapes together using standard numpy rules.
        constraint_result : 1D or 2D array of float or bool
            The constraints. If 2D with targets along the first index and times along
            the second.

        if times is None and time_range is not None:
            times = time_grid_from_range(time_range,

        if grid_times_targets:
            targets = get_skycoord(targets)
            # TODO: these broadcasting operations are relatively slow
            # but there is potential for huge speedup if the end user
            # disables gridding and re-shapes the coords themselves
            # prior to evaluating multiple constraints.
            if targets.isscalar:
                # ensure we have a (1, 1) shape coord
                targets = SkyCoord(np.tile(targets, 1))[:, np.newaxis]
                targets = targets[..., np.newaxis]
        times, targets = observer._preprocess_inputs(times, targets, grid_times_targets=False)
        result = self.compute_constraint(times, observer, targets)

        # make sure the output has the same shape as would result from
        # broadcasting times and targets against each other
        if targets is not None:
            # broadcasting times v targets is slow due to