How to use the asn1crypto.x509.Certificate.load function in asn1crypto

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few asn1crypto examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github laurivosandi / certidude / tests / View on Github external
for j in range(0,10):
        r = requests.get("http://ca.example.lan/api/")
        if r.status_code != 502:
    assert r.status_code == 401, "Timed out starting up the API backend"

    # TODO: check that port 8080 is listening, otherwise app probably crashed

    # Test CA certificate fetch
    r = requests.get("http://ca.example.lan/api/certificate")
    assert r.status_code == 200
    assert r.headers.get('content-type') == "application/x-x509-ca-cert"
    header, _, certificate_der_bytes = pem.unarmor(r.text.encode("ascii"))
    cert = x509.Certificate.load(certificate_der_bytes)

    assert cert.subject.native.get("common_name") == "Certidude at ca.example.lan"
    assert cert.subject.native.get("organizational_unit_name") == "Certificate Authority"
    assert cert.serial_number >= 0x150000000000000000000000000000
    assert cert.serial_number <= 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
    assert cert["tbs_certificate"]["validity"]["not_before"].native.replace(tzinfo=None) < datetime.utcnow()
    assert cert["tbs_certificate"]["validity"]["not_after"].native.replace(tzinfo=None) > datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(days=7000)
    assert cert["tbs_certificate"]["validity"]["not_before"].native.replace(tzinfo=None) < datetime.utcnow()

    extensions = cert["tbs_certificate"]["extensions"].native
    assert extensions[0] == OrderedDict([
        ('extn_id', 'basic_constraints'),
        ('critical', True),
        ('extn_value', OrderedDict([
            ('ca', True),
            ('path_len_constraint', None)]
github androguard / androguard / androguard / core / bytecodes / View on Github external
def get_certificates_v2(self):
        Return a list of :class:`asn1crypto.x509.Certificate` which are found
        in the v2 signing block.
        Note that we simply extract all certificates regardless of the signer.
        Therefore this is just a list of all certificates found in all signers.
        return [ x509.Certificate.load(cert) for cert in self.get_certificates_der_v2()]
github m32 / endesive / examples / View on Github external
def cert2asn(cert):
    cert_bytes = cert.public_bytes(serialization.Encoding.PEM)
    if pem.detect(cert_bytes):
        _, _, cert_bytes = pem.unarmor(cert_bytes)
    return x509.Certificate.load(cert_bytes)
github scalyr / scalyr-agent-2 / scalyr_agent / third_party_tls / oscrypto / View on Github external
A (copied) list of 3-element tuples containing CA certs from the OS
        trust ilst:
         - 0: an asn1crypto.x509.Certificate object
         - 1: a set of unicode strings of OIDs of trusted purposes
         - 2: a set of unicode strings of OIDs of rejected purposes

    if not _in_memory_up_to_date(cache_length):
        with memory_lock:
            if not _in_memory_up_to_date(cache_length):
                certs = []
                for cert_bytes, trust_oids, reject_oids in extract_from_system(cert_callback):
                    if map_vendor_oids:
                        trust_oids = _map_oids(trust_oids)
                        reject_oids = _map_oids(reject_oids)
                    certs.append((Certificate.load(cert_bytes), trust_oids, reject_oids))
                _module_values['certs'] = certs
                _module_values['last_update'] = time.time()

    return list(_module_values['certs'])
github laurivosandi / certidude / certidude / View on Github external
def wrapped(resource, req, resp, *args, **kwargs):
        buf = req.get_header("X-SSL-CERT")
        if not buf:
  "No TLS certificate presented to access administrative API call")
            raise falcon.HTTPForbidden("Forbidden", "Machine not authorized to perform the operation")

        header, _, der_bytes = pem.unarmor(buf.replace("\t", "").encode("ascii"))
        cert = x509.Certificate.load(der_bytes) # TODO: validate serial
        for extension in cert["tbs_certificate"]["extensions"]:
            if extension["extn_id"].native == "extended_key_usage":
                if "server_auth" in extension["extn_value"].native:
                    req.context["machine"] = cert.subject.native["common_name"]
                    return func(resource, req, resp, *args, **kwargs)"TLS authenticated machine '%s' not authorized to access administrative API", cert.subject.native["common_name"])
        raise falcon.HTTPForbidden("Forbidden", "Machine not authorized to perform the operation")
    return wrapped
github scalyr / scalyr-agent-2 / scalyr_agent / third_party_tls / oscrypto / View on Github external
if message_type == b'\x0b':
                chain_bytes = message_data
        if chain_bytes:

    if chain_bytes:
        # The first 3 bytes are the cert chain length
        pointer = 3
        while pointer < len(chain_bytes):
            cert_length = int_from_bytes(chain_bytes[pointer:pointer + 3])
            cert_start = pointer + 3
            cert_end = cert_start + cert_length
            pointer = cert_end
            cert_bytes = chain_bytes[cert_start:cert_end]

    return output
github JackOfMostTrades / catlog / src / catlog / View on Github external
def cert_to_merkle_tree_leaves(certBytes: bytes, issuerCertBytes: bytes) -> List[Tuple[bytes, bytes]]:
    issuer = asn1crypto.x509.Certificate.load(issuerCertBytes)
    cert = asn1crypto.x509.Certificate.load(certBytes)

    issuer_key_hash = hashlib.sha256(issuer["tbs_certificate"]["subject_public_key_info"].dump()).digest()
    tbsCert = cert["tbs_certificate"]
    scts = []
    for i in range(len(tbsCert["extensions"])):
        if tbsCert["extensions"][i]["extn_id"].native == "signed_certificate_timestamp_list":
            # Parse log id, timestamp, extensions out of extension
            sct_list = ctl_parser_structures.SignedCertificateTimestampList.parse(
            for sct in sct_list.sct_list:
            del tbsCert["extensions"][i]

    tbsCertBytes = tbsCert.dump()
github shuxin / apk-signature-verify / apkverify / View on Github external
idx += 8 + i2
                        hash_type = hashDigestType.get(alg2, ('UNKNOWN', 0))
                        algs_for_zip.append((hash_type, s2))
                        # if alg_zip_best is None:
                        #     if hash_type:
                        #         alg_zip_best = (hash_type,s)
                        #     else:
                        #         print('unsupport alg', alg2)
                        # elif alg_zip_best[0] == 'SHA256' and hash_type== 'SHA512':
                        #     alg_zip_best = (hash_type, s)
                        # else:
                        #     pass
                        # print(s2)
                for certificate in extract_list_by_int_prefix(certificates):
                    # c = decode(certificate,asn1Spec=Certificate())[0]
                    c = x509.Certificate.load(certificate)
                    mycert = cert(c)
                    cert_cache[mycert.fgprint] = mycert
                    if mycert.subjkey:
                        relation_cache[mycert.subjkey] = mycert.fgprint
                    if mycert.pub_key.dump() == public_key_info.dump():
                        ret = 'v2PubkeyNotCert'
    verified_chains = verify_chain(verified_certs, relation_cache, cert_cache)
    all_certs_with_out_object = {}
    for fgprint, mycert in cert_cache.items():
        all_certs_with_out_object[mycert.fgprint] = mycert.dump()
    return algs_for_zip, verified_chains, all_certs_with_out_object