How to use the asciinema.commands.record.RecordCommand function in asciinema

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skip_confirmation = False

    for opt, arg in opts:
        if opt in ('-h', '--help'):
            return HelpCommand()
        elif opt in('-v', '--version'):
            return VersionCommand()
        elif opt == '-c':
            cmd = arg
        elif opt == '-t':
            title = arg
        elif opt == '-y':
            skip_confirmation = True

    if command == 'rec':
        return RecordCommand(config.api_url, config.api_token, cmd, title,
    elif command == 'auth':
        return AuthCommand(config.api_url, config.api_token)

    return ErrorCommand("'%s' is not an asciinema command" % command)
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def rec_command(args, config):
    api = Api(config.api_url, os.environ.get("USER"), config.api_token)
    return RecordCommand(api, args.filename, args.command, args.title, args.yes, args.quiet, args.max_wait)
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subparsers = parser.add_subparsers()

    # create the parser for the "rec" command
    parser_rec = subparsers.add_parser('rec', help='Record terminal session')
    parser_rec.add_argument('--stdin', help='enable stdin recording, disabled by default', action='store_true', default=cfg.record_stdin)
    parser_rec.add_argument('--append', help='append to existing recording', action='store_true', default=False)
    parser_rec.add_argument('--raw', help='save only raw stdout output', action='store_true', default=False)
    parser_rec.add_argument('--overwrite', help='overwrite the file if it already exists', action='store_true', default=False)
    parser_rec.add_argument('-c', '--command', help='command to record, defaults to $SHELL', default=cfg.record_command)
    parser_rec.add_argument('-e', '--env', help='list of environment variables to capture, defaults to ' + config.DEFAULT_RECORD_ENV, default=cfg.record_env)
    parser_rec.add_argument('-t', '--title', help='title of the asciicast')
    parser_rec.add_argument('-i', '--idle-time-limit', help='limit recorded idle time to given number of seconds', type=positive_float, default=maybe_str(cfg.record_idle_time_limit))
    parser_rec.add_argument('-y', '--yes', help='answer "yes" to all prompts (e.g. upload confirmation)', action='store_true', default=cfg.record_yes)
    parser_rec.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', help='be quiet, suppress all notices/warnings (implies -y)', action='store_true', default=cfg.record_quiet)
    parser_rec.add_argument('filename', nargs='?', default='', help='filename/path to save the recording to')

    # create the parser for the "play" command
    parser_play = subparsers.add_parser('play', help='Replay terminal session')
    parser_play.add_argument('-i', '--idle-time-limit', help='limit idle time during playback to given number of seconds', type=positive_float, default=maybe_str(cfg.play_idle_time_limit))
    parser_play.add_argument('-s', '--speed', help='playback speedup (can be fractional)', type=positive_float, default=cfg.play_speed)
    parser_play.add_argument('filename', help='local path, http/ipfs URL or "-" (read from stdin)')

    # create the parser for the "cat" command
    parser_cat = subparsers.add_parser('cat', help='Print full output of terminal session')
    parser_cat.add_argument('filename', help='local path, http/ipfs URL or "-" (read from stdin)')

    # create the parser for the "upload" command
    parser_upload = subparsers.add_parser('upload', help='Upload locally saved terminal session to')
    parser_upload.add_argument('filename', help='filename or path of local recording')
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from asciinema.commands.record import RecordCommand
from asciinema.commands.command import Command
import asciinema.asciicast.v2 as v2
import asciinema.asciicast.raw as raw
import tempfile
import os

# Create subclass of RecordCommand to pass in arguments

class HelpMeRecord(RecordCommand):
    def __init__(
        title="HelpMe Recording",

        # If no custom file selected, create for user