How to use the arxiv.taxonomy.definitions.CATEGORIES function in arxiv

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github arXiv / arxiv-browse / browse / util / View on Github external
              re.compile(r'(?P10.\d{4,9}/[-._;()/:A-Z0-9]+)', re.I))
"""List of Matchable for DOIs in text.

We should probably match DOIs first because they are the source of a
lot of false positives for arxiv matches.

Only using the most general express from

_archive = '|'.join([re.escape(key) for key in taxonomy.definitions.ARCHIVES.keys()])
"""string for use in Regex for all arXiv archives"""

_category = '|'.join([re.escape(key) for key in taxonomy.definitions.CATEGORIES.keys()])

_arxiv_id_prefix = r'(?Par[xX]iv:)?'
"""Attempt to catch the arxiv prefix in front of arxiv ids so it can be
included in the <a> tag anchor. ARXIVNG-1284"""

basic_arxiv_id_patterns = [
    Matchable(['math/0501233', 'hep-ph/0611734', 'gr-qc/0112123'],
              re.compile(_arxiv_id_prefix + r'(?P(%s)\/\d{2}[01]\d{4}(v\d*)?)'
                         % _archive, re.I)),
    Matchable(['1609.05068', '1207.1234v1', '1207.1234', '1807.12345',
               '1807.12345v1', '1807.12345v12'],
    Matchable(['math.GR/0601136v3', 'math.GR/0601136'],
              re.compile(_arxiv_id_prefix + r'(?P(%s)\/\d{2}[01]\d{4}(v\d*)?)'
                         % _category, re.I))</a>
github arXiv / arxiv-search / search / controllers / api / View on Github external
def _to_classification(value: str) -> Tuple[Classification, ...]:
    clsns = []
    if value in taxonomy.definitions.GROUPS:
        klass = taxonomy.Group
        field = "group"
    elif value in taxonomy.definitions.ARCHIVES:
        klass = taxonomy.Archive
        field = "archive"
    elif value in taxonomy.definitions.CATEGORIES:
        klass = taxonomy.Category
        field = "category"
        raise ValueError("not a valid classification")
    cast_value = klass(value)
    clsns.append(Classification(**{field: {"id": value}}))  # type: ignore
    if cast_value.unalias() != cast_value:
            Classification(  # type: ignore # noqa: E501 # fmt: off
                **{field: {"id": cast_value.unalias()}}
    if (
        cast_value.canonical != cast_value
        and cast_value.canonical != cast_value.unalias()
github arXiv / arxiv-browse / browse / controllers / abs_page / View on Github external
"""Check context in request parameters and update response accordingly.

    arxiv_identifier : :class:`Identifier`
    primary_category : :class: `Category`

    Dict of values to add to response_data
    # Set up the context
    context = None
    if ('context' in request.args and (
            request.args['context'] == 'arxiv'
            or request.args['context'] in taxonomy.definitions.CATEGORIES
            or request.args['context'] in taxonomy.definitions.ARCHIVES)):
        context = request.args['context']
    elif primary_category:
        pc = primary_category.canonical or primary_category
        if not arxiv_identifier.is_old_id:  # new style IDs
            context =
        else:  # Old style id
            if in taxonomy.definitions.ARCHIVES:
                context =
                context = arxiv_identifier.archive
        context = None

    response_data['browse_context'] = context
github arXiv / arxiv-browse / browse / controllers / archive_page / View on Github external
def category_list(archive_id: str) -> List[Dict[str, str]]:
    """Retunrs categories for archive."""
    cats = []
    for cat_id in CATEGORIES:
        cat = CATEGORIES[cat_id]
        if(cat.get("in_archive", "yuck") == archive_id
           and cat.get("is_active", True)):
            cats.append({"id": cat_id,
                         "name": cat.get("name", ""),
                         "description": cat.get("description", "")})

    cats.sort(key=lambda x: x["name"])
    return cats
github arXiv / arxiv-browse / browse / controllers / archive_page / View on Github external
def category_list(archive_id: str) -> List[Dict[str, str]]:
    """Retunrs categories for archive."""
    cats = []
    for cat_id in CATEGORIES:
        cat = CATEGORIES[cat_id]
        if(cat.get("in_archive", "yuck") == archive_id
           and cat.get("is_active", True)):
            cats.append({"id": cat_id,
                         "name": cat.get("name", ""),
                         "description": cat.get("description", "")})

    cats.sort(key=lambda x: x["name"])
    return cats
github arXiv / arxiv-browse / browse / controllers / archive_page / View on Github external
def get_archive(archive_id: str) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], int, Dict[str, Any]]:
    """Gets archive page."""
    data: Dict[str, Any] = {}
    response_headers: Dict[str, Any] = {}

    if archive_id == "list":
        return archive_index(archive_id, status=status.HTTP_200_OK)

    archive = ARCHIVES.get(archive_id, None)
    if not archive:
        cat_id = CATEGORIES.get(archive_id, {}).get("in_archive", None)
        archive = ARCHIVES.get(cat_id, None)
        if not archive:
            return archive_index(archive_id,
            archive_id = cat_id


    subsumed_by = ARCHIVES_SUBSUMED.get(archive_id, None)
    if subsumed_by:
        data["subsumed_id"] = archive_id
        data["subsumed_category"] = CATEGORIES.get(archive_id, {})
        data["subsumed_by"] = subsumed_by
        subsuming_category = CATEGORIES.get(subsumed_by, {})
        data["subsuming_category"] = subsuming_category