How to use the ariadne.ResolverMap function in ariadne

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few ariadne examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github mirumee / ariadne / tests / View on Github external
def test_custom_resolver_is_called_with_arguments_passed_with_query():
    type_defs = """
        type Query {
            test(returnValue: Int!): Int

    query = ResolverMap("Query")

    def resolve_test(*_, returnValue):  # pylint: disable=unused-variable
        assert returnValue == 4
        return "42"

    schema = make_executable_schema(type_defs, query)

    result = graphql_sync(schema, "{ test(returnValue: 4) }")
    assert result.errors is None
    assert == {"test": 42}
github mirumee / ariadne / tests / View on Github external
def test_custom_resolver_is_called_with_input_type_value_as_dict():
    type_defs = """
        type Query {
            test(data: TestInput): Int

        input TestInput {
            value: Int

    query = ResolverMap("Query")

    def resolve_test(*_, data):  # pylint: disable=unused-variable
        assert data == {"value": 4}
        return "42"

    schema = make_executable_schema(type_defs, query)

    result = graphql_sync(schema, "{ test(data: { value: 4 }) }")
    assert result.errors is None
    assert == {"test": 42}
github mirumee / ariadne / tests / View on Github external
def test_executing_mutation_takes_scalar_args_and_returns_scalar_sum():
    type_defs = """
        type Query {
            _: String

        type Mutation {
            sum(a: Int, b: Int): Int

    mutation = ResolverMap("Mutation")
    mutation.field("sum")(lambda *_, a, b: a + b)

    schema = make_executable_schema(type_defs, mutation)

    result = graphql_sync(schema, "mutation { sum(a: 1, b: 2) }")
    assert result.errors is None
    assert == {"sum": 3}
github mirumee / ariadne / tests / View on Github external
def test_custom_resolver_is_called_to_resolve_custom_type_field_value():
    type_defs = """
        type Query {
            test: Custom

        type Custom {
            node: String

    query = ResolverMap("Query")
    query.field("test")(lambda *_: {"node": "custom"})

    custom = ResolverMap("Custom")
    custom.field("node")(lambda *_: "deep")

    schema = make_executable_schema(type_defs, [query, custom])

    result = graphql_sync(schema, "{ test { node } }")
    assert result.errors is None
    assert == {"test": {"node": "deep"}}
github mirumee / ariadne / tests / View on Github external
def test_default_resolver_resolves_value_from_dict_item():
    type_defs = """
        type Query {
            test: Custom

        type Custom {
            node: String

    query = ResolverMap("Query")
    query.field("test")(lambda *_: {"node": "custom"})

    schema = make_executable_schema(type_defs, query)

    result = graphql_sync(schema, "{ test { node } }")
    assert result.errors is None
    assert == {"test": {"node": "custom"}}
github mirumee / ariadne / tests / View on Github external
def test_custom_resolver_is_called_to_resolve_custom_type_field_value():
    type_defs = """
        type Query {
            test: Custom

        type Custom {
            node: String

    query = ResolverMap("Query")
    query.field("test")(lambda *_: {"node": "custom"})

    custom = ResolverMap("Custom")
    custom.field("node")(lambda *_: "deep")

    schema = make_executable_schema(type_defs, [query, custom])

    result = graphql_sync(schema, "{ test { node } }")
    assert result.errors is None
    assert == {"test": {"node": "deep"}}
github mirumee / ariadne / tests / View on Github external
def test_custom_and_default_resolvers_are_combined_to_resolve_custom_type_fields():
    type_defs = """
        type Query {
            test: Custom

        type Custom {
            node: String
            default: String

    query = ResolverMap("Query")
    query.field("test")(lambda *_: {"node": "custom", "default": "ok"})

    custom = ResolverMap("Custom")
    custom.field("node")(lambda *_: "deep")

    schema = make_executable_schema(type_defs, [query, custom])

    result = graphql_sync(schema, "{ test { node default } }")
    assert result.errors is None
    assert == {"test": {"node": "deep", "default": "ok"}}
github mirumee / ariadne / tests / View on Github external
def test_default_resolver_resolves_value_from_object_attr():
    type_defs = """
        type Query {
            test: Custom

        type Custom {
            node: String

    query = ResolverMap("Query")
    query.field("test")(lambda *_: Mock(node="custom"))

    schema = make_executable_schema(type_defs, query)

    result = graphql_sync(schema, "{ test { node } }")
    assert result.errors is None
    assert == {"test": {"node": "custom"}}
github mirumee / ariadne / tests / View on Github external

        input StaffInput {
            name: String

        type Staff {
            name: String

        type Mutation {
            addStaff(data: StaffInput): Staff

    mutation = ResolverMap("Mutation")

    def resolve_add_staff(*_, data):  # pylint: disable=unused-variable
        assert data == {"name": "Bob"}
        return data

    schema = make_executable_schema(type_defs, mutation)

    result = graphql_sync(
        schema, 'mutation { addStaff(data: { name: "Bob" }) { name } }'
    assert result.errors is None
    assert == {"addStaff": {"name": "Bob"}}
github patrys / django-channels-ariadne / mysite / View on Github external
hello: String!
    notes: [Note!]!
    notesContaining(query: String!): [Note!]!

type Mutation {
    createNote(title: String!, body: String!): Note!
    sendMessage(message: String!): Boolean!

type Subscription {
    messages: String!
mutation = ResolverMap("Mutation")
pubsub = EventEmitter()
query = ResolverMap("Query")
subscription = SubscriptionAwareResolverMap("Subscription")

async def say_hello(root, info):
    await asyncio.sleep(3)
    return "Hello!"

async def get_all_notes(root, info):
    await init_database()  # FIXME: channels needs to expose the ready_callable from daphne
    notes = await Note.query.gino.all()
    return notes