How to use the arctic.exceptions.NoDataFoundException function in arctic

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github man-group / arctic / tests / integration / tickstore / View on Github external
def test_get_libraries_no_data_raises_exception_tzinfo_given(toplevel_tickstore, arctic):
    tzinfo = mktz('Asia/Chongqing')
    date_range = DateRange(start=dt(2009, 1, 1, tzinfo=tzinfo),
                           end=dt(2010, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999000, tzinfo=tzinfo))
    with pytest.raises(NoDataFoundException):
github man-group / arctic / arctic / tickstore / View on Github external
current_start = dt(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, tzinfo=date_range.end.tzinfo)
            current_start = dt(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0)

        if date_range.end is None or current_start < date_range.end:
            name = self.get_name()
            db_name, tick_type = name.split('.', 1)
            current_lib = "{}_current.{}".format(db_name, tick_type)
                                            DateRange(current_start, None, OPEN_OPEN)))
            except LibraryNotFoundException:
                pass  # No '_current', move on.

        if not rtn:
            raise NoDataFoundException("No underlying libraries exist for the given date range")
        return rtn
github man-group / arctic / arctic / chunkstore / View on Github external
def get_info(self, symbol):
        Returns information about the symbol, in a dictionary

        symbol: str
            the symbol for the given item in the DB

        sym = self._get_symbol_info(symbol)
        if not sym:
            raise NoDataFoundException("Symbol does not exist.")
        ret = {}
        ret['chunk_count'] = sym[CHUNK_COUNT]
        ret['len'] = sym[LEN]
        ret['appended_rows'] = sym[APPEND_COUNT]
        ret['metadata'] = sym[METADATA] if METADATA in sym else None
        ret['chunker'] = sym[CHUNKER]
        ret['chunk_size'] = sym[CHUNK_SIZE] if CHUNK_SIZE in sym else 0
        ret['serializer'] = sym[SERIALIZER]
        return ret
github man-group / arctic / arctic / tickstore / View on Github external

        # Find the end bound
        if date_range.end:
            # If we have an end, we are only interested in the chunks that start before the end.
            assert date_range.end.tzinfo
            last_dt = date_range.end
  "No end provided.  Loading a month for: {}:{}".format(symbol, first_dt))
            if not first_dt:
                first_doc = self._collection.find_one(self._symbol_query(symbol),
                                                  projection={START: 1, ID: 0},
                                                  sort=[(START, pymongo.ASCENDING)])
                if not first_doc:
                    raise NoDataFoundException()

                first_dt = first_doc[START]
            last_dt = first_dt + timedelta(days=30)
        if last_dt:
            start_range['$lte'] = last_dt

        # Return chunks in the specified range
        if not start_range:
            return {}
        return {START: start_range}
github man-group / arctic / arctic / store / View on Github external
all other args:
            Will be passed into the initial read
        self._version_store = version_store
        self._symbol = symbol
        self._user = user
        self._log = log
        self._audit = audit"MT: {}@{}: [{}] {}: {}".format(_get_host(version_store).get('l'),
                                                       user, log, symbol)
            self.base_ts =, *args, **kwargs)
        except NoDataFoundException:
            versions = [x['version'] for x in self._version_store.list_versions(self._symbol, latest_only=True)]
            self.base_ts = VersionedItem(symbol=self._symbol, library=None,
                                         version=versions[0], metadata=None, data=None)
        except OperationFailure:
            #TODO: Current errors in mongo "Incorrect Number of Segments Returned"
            # This workaround should be removed once underlying problem is resolved.
            self.base_ts = self._version_store.read_metadata(symbol=self._symbol)

        if modify_timeseries is not None and not are_equals(modify_timeseries,
            raise ConcurrentModificationException()
        self._do_write = False
github man-group / arctic / arctic / store / View on Github external
String list of symbols in the library
        query = {}
        if regex is not None:
            query['symbol'] = {'$regex': regex}
        if kwargs:
            for k, v in six.iteritems(kwargs):
                # TODO: this doesn't work as expected as it ignores the versions with metadata.deleted set
                #       as a result it will return symbols with matching metadata which have been deleted
                #       Maybe better add a match step in the pipeline instead of making it part of the query
                query['metadata.' + k] = v
        if snapshot is not None:
                query['parent'] = self._snapshots.find_one({'name': snapshot})['_id']
            except TypeError:
                raise NoDataFoundException('No snapshot %s in library %s' % (snapshot, self._arctic_lib.get_name()))
        elif all_symbols:
            return self._versions.find(query).distinct('symbol')

        # Return just the symbols which aren't deleted in the 'trunk' of this library
        pipeline = []
        if query:
            # Match based on user criteria first
            pipeline.append({'$match': query})
            # version_custom value is: 2*version + (0 if deleted else 1)
            # This is used to optimize aggregation query:
            #  - avoid sorting
            #  - be able to rely on the latest version (max) for the deleted status
            # Be aware of that if you don't use custom sort or if use a sort before $group which utilizes
            # exactly an existing index, the $group will do best effort to utilize this index:
github man-group / arctic / arctic / chunkstore / View on Github external
Returns a generator that accesses each chunk in descending order

        symbol: str
            the symbol for the given item in the DB
        chunk_range: None, or a range object
            allows you to subset the chunks by range

        sym = self._get_symbol_info(symbol)
        if not sym:
            raise NoDataFoundException("Symbol does not exist.")

        c = CHUNKER_MAP[sym[CHUNKER]]

        for chunk in list(self.get_chunk_ranges(symbol, chunk_range=chunk_range, reverse=True)):
            yield, chunk_range=c.to_range(chunk[0], chunk[1]), **kwargs)
github man-group / arctic / arctic / chunkstore / View on Github external
        symbol: str
            the symbol for the given item in the DB
        chunk_range: None, or a range object
            allows you to subset the chunks by range
        reverse: boolean
            return the chunk ranges in reverse order

        sym = self._get_symbol_info(symbol)
        if not sym:
            raise NoDataFoundException("Symbol does not exist.")
        c = CHUNKER_MAP[sym[CHUNKER]]

        # all symbols have a segment 0
        spec = {SYMBOL: symbol, SEGMENT: 0}
        if chunk_range is not None:

        for x in self._collection.find(spec,
                                       projection=[START, END],
                                       sort=[(START, pymongo.ASCENDING if not reverse else pymongo.DESCENDING)]):
            yield (c.chunk_to_str(x[START]), c.chunk_to_str(x[END]))
github man-group / arctic / arctic / store / View on Github external
dictionary of metadata to persist along with the symbol
        prune_previous_version : `bool`
            Removes previous (non-snapshotted) versions from the database.
            Default: True
        kwargs :
            passed through to the write handler (only used if symbol does not already exist or is deleted)

            VersionedItem named tuple containing the metadata of the written symbol's version document in the store.
        # Make a normal write with empty data and supplied metadata if symbol does not exist
            previous_version = self._read_metadata(symbol)
        except NoDataFoundException:
            return self.write(symbol, data=None, metadata=metadata,
                              prune_previous_version=prune_previous_version, **kwargs)

        # Reaching here means that and/or metadata exist and we are set to update the metadata
        new_version_num = self._version_nums.find_one_and_update({'symbol': symbol},
                                                                 {'$inc': {'version': 1}},
                                                                 upsert=True, new=True)['version']

        # Populate the new version entry, preserving existing data, and updating with the supplied metadata
        version = {k: previous_version[k] for k in previous_version.keys() if k != 'parent'}   # don't copy snapshots
        version['_id'] = bson.ObjectId()
        version['version'] = new_version_num
        version['metadata'] = metadata
        version['base_version_id'] = previous_version.get('base_version_id', previous_version['_id'])

        return self._add_new_version_using_reference(symbol, version, previous_version, prune_previous_version)
github man-group / arctic / arctic / chunkstore / View on Github external
the data to append
            write data if symbol does not exist
        metadata: ?
            optional per symbol metadata
        audit: dict
            optional audit information
            passed to write if upsert is true and symbol does not exist
        sym = self._get_symbol_info(symbol)
        if not sym:
            if upsert:
                return self.write(symbol, item, metadata=metadata, audit=audit, **kwargs)
                raise NoDataFoundException("Symbol does not exist.")
        if audit is not None:
            audit['symbol'] = symbol
            audit['action'] = 'append'
        self.__update(sym, item, metadata=metadata, combine_method=SER_MAP[sym[SERIALIZER]].combine, audit=audit)