How to use the aquests.client.asynconnect function in aquests

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few aquests examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github hansroh / aquests / aquests / protocols / ws / View on Github external
def get_request_buffer (self):
		hc = {}		
		scheme, netloc, script, param, queystring, fragment = urlparse (self.request.uri)
		addr, port = self.request.get_address ()
		if (scheme == "ws" and port == 80) or (scheme == "wss" and port == 443):
			host = addr [0]
			host = "%s:%d" % (addr, port)
		hc ['Host'] = host
		hc ['Origin'] = "%s://%s" % (type (self.asyncon) is asynconnect.AsynConnect and "https" or "http", hc ['Host'])
		hc ['Sec-WebSocket-Key'] = b64encode(os.urandom(16))
		hc ['Connection'] = "keep-alive, Upgrade"
		hc ['Upgrade'] = 'websocket'
		hc ['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache'		
		auth_header = http_auth.authorizer.make_http_auth_header (self.request, self.asyncon.is_proxy ())
		if auth_header:
			hc ["Authorization"] = auth_header
		uri = self.asyncon.is_proxy () and self.request.uri.replace ("wss://", "https://").replace ("ws://", "http://") or self.request.path
		req = ("GET %s HTTP/1.1\r\n%s\r\n\r\n" % (
			"\r\n".join (["%s: %s" % x for x in list(hc.items ())])
		)).encode ("utf8")		
		return [req]
github hansroh / aquests / aquests / client / View on Github external
from . import asynconnect
from rs4 import webtest
import threading
import time

class SynConnect (asynconnect.AsynConnect):
    ssl = False
    proxy = False

    def __init__ (self, address, lock = None, logger = None):
        self.address = address
        self.lock = lock
        self.logger = logger
        self._cv = threading.Condition ()
        self.auth = None
        self.set_event_time ()
        self.initialize_connection ()

        self.endpoint = "{}://{}".format (self.ssl and 'https' or 'http', self.address [0])
        port = self.address [1]
        if not ((self.ssl and port == 443) or (not self.ssl and port == 80)):
            self.endpoint += ":{}".format (port)
github hansroh / aquests / aquests / View on Github external
global _workers, _que, _allow_redirects, _force_h1

	if logger is None:
		logger = logger_f.screen_logger ()
	_logger = logger

	if qrandom:
		_que = queue.RandomQueue ()
		_que = queue.Queue ()

	_allow_redirects = allow_redirects
	_force_h1 = request_handler.RequestHandler.FORCE_HTTP_11 = force_http1

	if not use_pool:
		asynconnect.AsynConnect.keep_connect = use_pool
		asynconnect.AsynSSLConnect.keep_connect = use_pool
	if not _force_h1:
		asynconnect.AsynConnect.fifo_class = await_fifo
		asynconnect.AsynSSLConnect.fifo_class = await_fifo

	http2.MAX_HTTP2_CONCURRENT_STREAMS = http2_constreams
	_workers = workers
	_concurrent = workers

	if not force_http1:
		_concurrent = workers * http2_constreams
	elif http2_constreams:
		#_logger ("parameter http2_constreams is ignored", "warn")

	if callback:
github hansroh / aquests / aquests / client / View on Github external
def create_asyncon (self, server, scheme):		
		if scheme in ("https", "wss"):
			__conn_class = asynconnect.AsynSSLConnect
			__dft_Port = 443
		elif scheme == "tunnel":
			__conn_class = asynconnect.AsynConnect
			__dft_Port = 443
		elif scheme == "proxy":
			__conn_class = asynconnect.AsynConnect			
			__dft_Port = 5000
		elif scheme == "proxys":
			__conn_class = asynconnect.AsynSSLProxyConnect
			__dft_Port = 5000				
			__conn_class = asynconnect.AsynConnect
			__dft_Port = 80

		if self.use_syn_connection:
			if scheme == "https":
				__conn_class = synconnect.SynSSLConnect
			elif scheme == "http":	
				__conn_class = synconnect.SynConnect