How to use the apiritif.__init__.HTTPResponse.from_py_response function in apiritif

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""""Request: %s %s", method, address)
        msg = "Request: params=%r, headers=%r, cookies=%r, data=%r, json=%r, allow_redirects=%r, timeout=%r"
        http.log.debug(msg, params, headers, cookies, data, json, allow_redirects, timeout)

        if session is None:
            session = requests.Session()
        request = requests.Request(method, address,
                                   params=params, headers=headers, cookies=cookies, json=json, data=data)
        prepared = request.prepare()
        response = session.send(prepared, allow_redirects=allow_redirects, timeout=timeout)"Response: %s %s", response.status_code, response.reason)
        http.log.debug("Response headers: %r", response.headers)
        http.log.debug("Response cookies: %r", dict(response.cookies))
        http.log.debug('Response content: \n%s', response.content)
        wrapped_response = HTTPResponse.from_py_response(response)
        recorder.record_http_request(method, address, prepared, wrapped_response, session)
        return wrapped_response