How to use the apio.exception.PlatformioException function in apio

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few apio examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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class InvalidLibConfURL(PlatformioException):

    MESSAGE = "Invalid library config URL '{0}'"

class BuildScriptNotFound(PlatformioException):

    MESSAGE = "Invalid path '{0}' to build script"

class InvalidSettingName(PlatformioException):

    MESSAGE = "Invalid setting with the name '{0}'"

class InvalidSettingValue(PlatformioException):

    MESSAGE = "Invalid value '{0}' for the setting '{1}'"

class CIBuildEnvsEmpty(PlatformioException):

    MESSAGE = "Can't find PlatformIO build environments.\n"\
        "Please specify `--board` or path to `platformio.ini` with "\
        "predefined environments using `--project-conf` option"

class UpgradeError(PlatformioException):

    MESSAGE = """{0}

* Upgrade using `pip install -U platformio`
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class APIRequestError(PlatformioException):

    MESSAGE = "[API] {0}"

class LibAlreadyInstalled(PlatformioException):

class LibNotInstalled(PlatformioException):

    MESSAGE = "Library #{0:d} has not been installed yet"

class LibInstallDependencyError(PlatformioException):

    MESSAGE = "Error has been occurred for library dependency '{0}'"

class InvalidLibConfURL(PlatformioException):

    MESSAGE = "Invalid library config URL '{0}'"

class BuildScriptNotFound(PlatformioException):

    MESSAGE = "Invalid path '{0}' to build script"

class InvalidSettingName(PlatformioException):
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class UnknownEnvNames(PlatformioException):

    MESSAGE = "Unknown environment names '{0}'. Valid names are '{1}'"

class GetSerialPortsError(PlatformioException):

    MESSAGE = "No implementation for your platform ('{0}') available"

class GetLatestVersionError(PlatformioException):

    MESSAGE = "Can not retrieve the latest PlatformIO version"

class APIRequestError(PlatformioException):

    MESSAGE = "[API] {0}"

class LibAlreadyInstalled(PlatformioException):

class LibNotInstalled(PlatformioException):

    MESSAGE = "Library #{0:d} has not been installed yet"

class LibInstallDependencyError(PlatformioException):

    MESSAGE = "Error has been occurred for library dependency '{0}'"
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class MinitermException(PlatformioException):

class AbortedByUser(PlatformioException):

    MESSAGE = "Aborted by user"

class UnknownPlatform(PlatformioException):

    MESSAGE = "Unknown platform '{0}'"

class PlatformNotInstalledYet(PlatformioException):

    MESSAGE = "The platform '{0}' has not been installed yet. "\
        "Use `platformio platforms install {0}` command"

class BoardNotDefined(PlatformioException):

    MESSAGE = "You need to specify board type using `-b` or `--board` "\
        "option. Supported boards list is available via "\
        " `platformio boards` command"

class UnknownBoard(PlatformioException):

    MESSAGE = "Unknown board type '{0}'"
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MESSAGE = "Invalid setting with the name '{0}'"

class InvalidSettingValue(PlatformioException):

    MESSAGE = "Invalid value '{0}' for the setting '{1}'"

class CIBuildEnvsEmpty(PlatformioException):

    MESSAGE = "Can't find PlatformIO build environments.\n"\
        "Please specify `--board` or path to `platformio.ini` with "\
        "predefined environments using `--project-conf` option"

class UpgradeError(PlatformioException):

    MESSAGE = """{0}

* Upgrade using `pip install -U platformio`
* Try different installation/upgrading steps:

class CygwinEnvDetected(PlatformioException):

    MESSAGE = "PlatformIO does not work within Cygwin environment. "\
        "Use native Terminal instead."
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"Use `platformio platforms install {0}` command"

class BoardNotDefined(PlatformioException):

    MESSAGE = "You need to specify board type using `-b` or `--board` "\
        "option. Supported boards list is available via "\
        " `platformio boards` command"

class UnknownBoard(PlatformioException):

    MESSAGE = "Unknown board type '{0}'"

class UnknownFramework(PlatformioException):

    MESSAGE = "Unknown framework '{0}'"

class UnknownPackage(PlatformioException):

    MESSAGE = "Detected unknown package '{0}'"

class InvalidPackageVersion(PlatformioException):

    MESSAGE = "The package '{0}' with version '{1:d}' does not exist"

class NonSystemPackage(PlatformioException):
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class InvalidPackageVersion(PlatformioException):

    MESSAGE = "The package '{0}' with version '{1:d}' does not exist"

class NonSystemPackage(PlatformioException):

    MESSAGE = "The package '{0}' is not available for your system '{1}'"

class FDUnrecognizedStatusCode(PlatformioException):

    MESSAGE = "Got an unrecognized status code '{0}' when downloaded {1}"

class FDSizeMismatch(PlatformioException):

    MESSAGE = "The size ({0:d} bytes) of downloaded file '{1}' "\
        "is not equal to remote size ({2:d} bytes)"

class FDSHASumMismatch(PlatformioException):

    MESSAGE = "The 'sha1' sum '{0}' of downloaded file '{1}' "\
        "is not equal to remote '{2}'"

class NotPlatformProject(PlatformioException):

    MESSAGE = "Not a PlatformIO project. `platformio.ini` file has not been "\
        "found in current working directory ({0}). To initialize new project "\
        "please use `platformio init` command"
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class UnknownPackage(PlatformioException):

    MESSAGE = "Detected unknown package '{0}'"

class InvalidPackageVersion(PlatformioException):

    MESSAGE = "The package '{0}' with version '{1:d}' does not exist"

class NonSystemPackage(PlatformioException):

    MESSAGE = "The package '{0}' is not available for your system '{1}'"

class FDUnrecognizedStatusCode(PlatformioException):

    MESSAGE = "Got an unrecognized status code '{0}' when downloaded {1}"

class FDSizeMismatch(PlatformioException):

    MESSAGE = "The size ({0:d} bytes) of downloaded file '{1}' "\
        "is not equal to remote size ({2:d} bytes)"

class FDSHASumMismatch(PlatformioException):

    MESSAGE = "The 'sha1' sum '{0}' of downloaded file '{1}' "\
        "is not equal to remote '{2}'"
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MESSAGE = "Got an unrecognized status code '{0}' when downloaded {1}"

class FDSizeMismatch(PlatformioException):

    MESSAGE = "The size ({0:d} bytes) of downloaded file '{1}' "\
        "is not equal to remote size ({2:d} bytes)"

class FDSHASumMismatch(PlatformioException):

    MESSAGE = "The 'sha1' sum '{0}' of downloaded file '{1}' "\
        "is not equal to remote '{2}'"

class NotPlatformProject(PlatformioException):

    MESSAGE = "Not a PlatformIO project. `platformio.ini` file has not been "\
        "found in current working directory ({0}). To initialize new project "\
        "please use `platformio init` command"

class UndefinedEnvPlatform(PlatformioException):

    MESSAGE = "Please specify platform for '{0}' environment"

class UnsupportedArchiveType(PlatformioException):

    MESSAGE = "Can not unpack file '{0}'"
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class PlatformioException(Exception):

    MESSAGE = None

    def __str__(self):  # pragma: no cover
        if self.MESSAGE:
            return self.MESSAGE.format(*self.args)
            return Exception.__str__(self)

class ReturnErrorCode(PlatformioException):

class MinitermException(PlatformioException):

class AbortedByUser(PlatformioException):

    MESSAGE = "Aborted by user"

class UnknownPlatform(PlatformioException):

    MESSAGE = "Unknown platform '{0}'"

class PlatformNotInstalledYet(PlatformioException):

    MESSAGE = "The platform '{0}' has not been installed yet. "\