How to use the anyio.create_queue function in anyio

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few anyio examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github standy66 / purerpc / misc / greeter / View on Github external
async def worker(port, queue, num_concurrent_streams, num_requests_per_stream,
                 num_rounds, message_size, load_type):
    async with purerpc.insecure_channel("localhost", port) as channel:
        stub = GreeterStub(channel)
        if load_type == "unary":
            load_fn = do_load_unary
        elif load_type == "stream":
            load_fn = do_load_stream
            raise ValueError(f"Unknown load type: {load_type}")
        for _ in range(num_rounds):
            start = time.time()
            task_results = anyio.create_queue(sys.maxsize)
            async with anyio.create_task_group() as task_group:
                for _ in range(num_concurrent_streams):
                    await task_group.spawn(load_fn, task_results, stub, num_requests_per_stream, message_size)
            end = time.time()
            rps = num_concurrent_streams * num_requests_per_stream / (end - start)
            results = []
            for _ in range(num_concurrent_streams):
                results.append(await task_results.get())
github Fuyukai / curious / curious / ext / paginator / View on Github external
# chunk the message up
        if isinstance(content, list):
            self._message_chunks = content
            self._message_chunks = [
                self._content[i : i + break_at] for i in range(0, len(self._content), break_at)

        #: The current page this paginator is on. = 0

        #: The message object that is being edited.
        self._message = None  # type: Message
        self._running = False
        self._reaction_queue = anyio.create_queue(1)
github standy66 / purerpc / src / purerpc / View on Github external
def __init__(self, grpc_connection: GRPCConnection, stream_id: int, socket: SocketWrapper,
                 grpc_socket: "GRPCSocket"):
        self._stream_id = stream_id
        self._grpc_connection = grpc_connection
        self._grpc_socket = grpc_socket
        self._socket = socket
        self._flow_control_update_event = anyio.create_event()
        self._incoming_events = anyio.create_queue(sys.maxsize)
        self._response_started = False
        self._state = GRPCStreamState.OPEN
        self._start_stream_event = None
        self._end_stream_event = None
github clamor-py / anysocks / anysocks / View on Github external
self._path = path
        self._subprotocols = subprotocols
        self._connection_subprotocol = None
        self._handshake_headers = None
        self._headers = headers
        self.message_queue_size = message_queue_size
        self.max_message_size = max_message_size

        self._reject_status = None
        self._reject_headers = None
        self._reject_body = b''

        self._stream_lock = anyio.create_lock()
        self._message_size = 0
        self._message_parts = []
        self._event_queue = anyio.create_queue(self.message_queue_size)
        self._pings = OrderedDict()
        self._open_handshake = anyio.create_event()
        self._close_handshake = anyio.create_event()
github sanitizers / octomachinery / octomachinery / utils / View on Github external
async def _aio_gather_iter_pairs(*aio_tasks):
    """Spawn async tasks and yield with pairs of ids with results."""
    aio_tasks_num = len(aio_tasks)
    task_res_q = create_queue(aio_tasks_num)

    async with all_subtasks_awaited() as task_group:
        for task_id, task in enumerate(aio_tasks):
            await task_group.spawn(
                task_id, task,

        for _ in range(aio_tasks_num):
            yield await task_res_q.get()
github standy66 / purerpc / misc / greeter / View on Github external
async def worker(port, num_concurrent_streams, num_requests_per_stream,
                 num_rounds, message_size, load_type):
    async with purerpc.insecure_channel("localhost", port) as channel:
        stub = GreeterStub(channel)
        if load_type == "unary":
            load_fn = do_load_unary
        elif load_type == "stream":
            load_fn = do_load_stream
            raise ValueError(f"Unknown load type: {load_type}")
        for idx in range(num_rounds):
            start = time.time()
            task_results = anyio.create_queue(sys.maxsize)
            async with anyio.create_task_group() as task_group:
                for _ in range(num_concurrent_streams):
                    await task_group.spawn(load_fn, task_results, stub, num_requests_per_stream, message_size)
            end = time.time()

            rps = num_concurrent_streams * num_requests_per_stream / (end - start)

            latencies = []
            for _ in range(num_concurrent_streams):
                latencies.append(await task_results.get())

            print("Round", idx, "rps", rps, "avg latency", 1000 * sum(latencies) / len(latencies))
github vxgmichel / aiostream / aiostream / View on Github external
def open_channel(capacity=0):
    asynclib = anyio.sniffio.current_async_library()
    if asynclib == 'trio':
        import trio
        return trio.open_memory_channel(capacity)

    class ClosedResourceError(IOError):

    senders = set()
    sentinel = object()
    send_queue = anyio.create_queue(1)
    maxsize = 0 if capacity == math.inf else 1 if capacity == 0 else capacity
    receive_queue = anyio.create_queue(maxsize)

    class ReceiveChannel:

        def __aiter__(self):
            return self

        async def __anext__(self):
                return await self.receive()
            except ClosedResourceError:
                raise StopAsyncIteration

        async def receive(self):
            item = sentinel
            while item == sentinel:
                if not senders and receive_queue.empty():