How to use the angr.errors.SimValueError function in angr

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github angr / angr / angr / analyses / View on Github external
# Currently we always skip the call, unless the target function satisfies one of the following conditions:
        # 1) It's a SimProcedure that are in the whitelist
        # 2) It's a function that has no loops, and no calls/syscalls,
        # 3) It's a function that has no loops, and only has calls to another function that will not be filtered out by
        #    this filter

        # Generate a CFG
        ip = call_target_state.ip

        if self.depth >= 5:
            l.debug('Rejecting target %s - too deep, depth is %d', ip, self.depth)
            return REJECT

            addr = call_target_state.solver.eval_one(ip)
        except (SimValueError, SimSolverModeError):
            l.debug('Rejecting target %s - cannot be concretized', ip)
            return REJECT

        # Is it in our blacklist?
        if addr in self.blacklist:
            l.debug('Rejecting target 0x%x - blacklisted', addr)
            return REJECT

        # If the target is a SimProcedure, is it on our whitelist?
        if self.project.is_hooked(addr) and type(self.project._sim_procedures[addr][0]) in CallTracingFilter.whitelist:
            # accept!
            l.debug('Accepting target 0x%x, jumpkind %s', addr, jumpkind)
            return ACCEPT
github angr / angr / angr / procedures / win32 / View on Github external
return 4
    if prot & 0x20:
        return 5
    if prot & 0x40:
        return 7
    if prot & 0x80:
        return 7
    if prot & 0x01:
        return 0
    if prot & 0x02:
        return 1
    if prot & 0x04:
        return 3
    if prot & 0x08:
        return 3
    raise angr.errors.SimValueError("Unknown windows memory protection constant: %#x" % prot)
github angr / angr / angr / procedures / linux_kernel / View on Github external
def run(self, code, addr):  # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
        if self.state.solver.symbolic(code):
            raise angr.errors.SimValueError("Code value passed to arch_prctl must be concrete.")

        code = self.state.solver.eval(code)

        if code == 0x1001:
   = addr
        elif code == 0x1002:
            self.state.regs.fs = addr
        elif code == 0x1003:
            fs = self.state.regs.fs
        elif code == 0x1004:
            gs =
github angr / angr / angr / View on Github external
def reg_concrete(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Returns the contents of a register but, if that register is symbolic,
        raises a SimValueError.
        e = self.registers.load(*args, **kwargs)
        if self.solver.symbolic(e):
            raise SimValueError("target of reg_concrete is symbolic!")
        return self.solver.eval(e)
github ww9210 / Linux_kernel_exploits / fuze / concolicexecutor / View on Github external
def debug_state(self, state):
        b = self.b
            print '-----start dump_state-----'
            irsb = b.factory.block(state.addr).vex
            cap = b.factory.block(state.addr).capstone
            print '-----end dump_state-----'
        except angr.errors.SimEngineError:
            print 'angr.errors.SimEngineError'
        except angr.errors.SimValueError:
            print 'angr.errors.SimValueError:'
            import IPython; IPython.embed()
github angr / angr / angr / procedures / linux_kernel / View on Github external
def run(self, addr, length, prot): #pylint:disable=arguments-differ,unused-argument

            addr = self.state.solver.eval_one(addr)
        except angr.errors.SimValueError:
            raise angr.errors.SimValueError("mprotect can't handle symbolic addr")

            length = self.state.solver.eval_one(length)
        except angr.errors.SimValueError:
            raise angr.errors.SimValueError("mprotect can't handle symbolic length")

            prot = self.state.solver.eval_one(prot)
        except angr.errors.SimValueError:
            raise angr.errors.SimValueError("mprotect can't handle symbolic prot")

        l.debug('mprotect(%#x, %#x, %#x) = ...', addr, length, prot)

        if addr & 0xfff != 0:
            l.debug('... = -1 (not aligned)')
            return -1

        page_end = ((addr + length - 1) & ~0xfff) + 0x1000
            for page in range(addr, page_end, 0x1000):
github angr / angr / angr / procedures / win32 / View on Github external
def run(self, lpAddress, dwSize, flNewProtect, lpfOldProtect):
        l.debug("VirtualProtect(%s, %s, %s, %s)", lpAddress, dwSize, flNewProtect, lpfOldProtect)
        addrs = self.state.solver.eval_upto(lpAddress, 2)
        if len(addrs) != 1:
            raise angr.errors.SimValueError("VirtualProtect can't handle symbolic lpAddress")
        addr = addrs[0]

        size = self.state.solver.max_int(dwSize)
        if dwSize.symbolic and size > self.state.libc.max_variable_size:
            l.warning('symbolic VirtuaProtect dwSize %s has maximum %#x, greater than state.libc.max_variable_size %#x',
                      dwSize, size, self.state.libc.max_variable_size)
            size = self.state.libc.max_variable_size

        prots = self.state.solver.eval_upto(flNewProtect, 2)
        if len(prots) != 1:
            raise angr.errors.SimValueError("VirtualProtect can't handle symbolic flNewProtect")
        prot = prots[0]

            if not self.state.solver.is_false(self.state.memory.permissions(lpfOldProtect) & 2 == 0):
                l.debug("...failed, bad lpfOldProtect (write-perm)")
github angr / angr / angr / procedures / win32 / View on Github external
def deconvert_prot(prot):
    Convert from a angr bitmask to a windows memory protection constant
    if prot in (2, 6):
        raise angr.errors.SimValueError("Invalid memory protection for windows process")
    return [0x01, 0x02, None, 0x04, 0x10, 0x20, None, 0x40][prot]