How to use the allennlp.nn.util.get_text_field_mask function in allennlp

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github rloganiv / kglm-model / kglm / models / View on Github external
def _forward_loop(self,
                      source: Dict[str, torch.Tensor],
                      alias_database: AliasDatabase,
                      mention_type: torch.Tensor,
                      raw_entity_ids: Dict[str, torch.Tensor],
                      entity_ids: Dict[str, torch.Tensor],
                      parent_ids: Dict[str, torch.Tensor],
                      relations: Dict[str, torch.Tensor],
                      shortlist: Dict[str, torch.Tensor],
                      shortlist_inds: torch.Tensor) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]:
        # Get the token mask and extract indexed text fields.
        # shape: (batch_size, sequence_length)
        target_mask = get_text_field_mask(source)
        source = source['tokens']
        raw_entity_ids = raw_entity_ids['raw_entity_ids']
        entity_ids = entity_ids['entity_ids']
        parent_ids = parent_ids['entity_ids']
        relations = relations['relations']

        logger.debug('Source & Target shape: %s', source.shape)
        logger.debug('Entity ids shape: %s', entity_ids.shape)
        logger.debug('Relations & Parent ids shape: %s', relations.shape)
        logger.debug('Shortlist shape: %s', shortlist['entity_ids'].shape)
        # Embed source tokens.
        # shape: (batch_size, sequence_length, embedding_dim)
        encoded, alpha_loss, beta_loss = self._encode_source(source)
        splits = [self.token_embedding_dim] + [self.entity_embedding_dim] * 2
        encoded_token, encoded_head, encoded_relation = encoded.split(splits, dim=-1)
github allenai / allennlp / allennlp / models / coreference_resolution / View on Github external
the index (with respect to top_spans) of the possible antecedents the model considered.
        predicted_antecedents : ``torch.IntTensor``
            A tensor of shape ``(batch_size, num_spans_to_keep)`` representing, for each top span, the
            index (with respect to antecedent_indices) of the most likely antecedent. -1 means there
            was no predicted link.
        loss : ``torch.FloatTensor``, optional
            A scalar loss to be optimised.
        # Shape: (batch_size, document_length, embedding_size)
        text_embeddings = self._lexical_dropout(self._text_field_embedder(text))

        document_length = text_embeddings.size(1)
        num_spans = span_starts.size(1)

        # Shape: (batch_size, document_length)
        text_mask = util.get_text_field_mask(text).float()

        # Shape: (batch_size, num_spans, 1)
        span_mask = (span_starts >= 0).float()
        # IndexFields return -1 when they are used as padding. As we do
        # some comparisons based on span widths when we attend over the
        # span representations that we generate from these indices, we
        # need them to be <= 0. This is only relevant in edge cases where
        # the number of spans we consider after the pruning stage is >= the
        # total number of spans, because in this case, it is possible we might
        # consider a masked span.
        span_starts = F.relu(span_starts.float()).long()
        span_ends = F.relu(span_ends.float()).long()
        # Shape: (batch_size, num_spans, 2)
        span_indices =[span_starts, span_ends], -1)

        # Shape: (batch_size, document_length, encoding_dim)
github allenai / allennlp / allennlp / models / reading_comprehension / View on Github external
best_span : torch.IntTensor
            The result of a constrained inference over ``span_start_logits`` and
            ``span_end_logits`` to find the most probable span.  Shape is ``(batch_size, 2)``
            and each offset is a token index.
        loss : torch.FloatTensor, optional
            A scalar loss to be optimised.
        best_span_str : List[str]
            If sufficient metadata was provided for the instances in the batch, we also return the
            string from the original passage that the model thinks is the best answer to the
        embedded_question = self._highway_layer(self._text_field_embedder(question))
        embedded_passage = self._highway_layer(self._text_field_embedder(passage))
        batch_size = embedded_question.size(0)
        passage_length = embedded_passage.size(1)
        question_mask = util.get_text_field_mask(question).float()
        passage_mask = util.get_text_field_mask(passage).float()
        question_lstm_mask = question_mask if self._mask_lstms else None
        passage_lstm_mask = passage_mask if self._mask_lstms else None

        encoded_question = self._dropout(self._phrase_layer(embedded_question, question_lstm_mask))
        encoded_passage = self._dropout(self._phrase_layer(embedded_passage, passage_lstm_mask))
        encoding_dim = encoded_question.size(-1)

        # Shape: (batch_size, passage_length, question_length)
        passage_question_similarity = self._matrix_attention(encoded_passage, encoded_question)
        # Shape: (batch_size, passage_length, question_length)
        passage_question_attention = util.masked_softmax(passage_question_similarity, question_mask)
        # Shape: (batch_size, passage_length, encoding_dim)
        passage_question_vectors = util.weighted_sum(encoded_question, passage_question_attention)

        # We replace masked values with something really negative here, so they don't affect the
github XinnuoXu / CVAE_Dial / coherence / models / View on Github external
def forward(self,
                context: Dict[str, torch.LongTensor],
                response: Dict[str, torch.LongTensor],
                label: torch.LongTensor = None) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]:

        embedded_context = self.text_field_embedder(context)
        context_mask = get_text_field_mask(context).float()

        embedded_response = self.text_field_embedder(response)
        response_mask = get_text_field_mask(response).float()

        if self.context_encoder:
            embedded_context = self.context_encoder(embedded_context, context_mask)
        if self.response_encoder:
            embedded_response = self.response_encoder(embedded_response, response_mask)

        projected_context = self.attend_feedforward(embedded_context)
        projected_response = self.attend_feedforward(embedded_response)
        # batch x context_length x response_length
        similarity_matrix = self.matrix_attention(projected_context, projected_response)

        # batch x context_length x response_length
        c2r_attention = last_dim_softmax(similarity_matrix, response_mask)
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        An output dictionary consisting of:

        label_logits : torch.FloatTensor
            A tensor of shape ``(batch_size, num_labels)`` representing unnormalised log
            probabilities of the entailment label.
        label_probs : torch.FloatTensor
            A tensor of shape ``(batch_size, num_labels)`` representing probabilities of the
            entailment label.
        loss : torch.FloatTensor, optional
            A scalar loss to be optimised.
        embedded_premise = self._text_field_embedder(premise)
        embedded_hypothesis = self._text_field_embedder(hypothesis)
        premise_mask = get_text_field_mask(premise).float()
        hypothesis_mask = get_text_field_mask(hypothesis).float()

        if self._premise_encoder:
            embedded_premise = self._premise_encoder(embedded_premise, premise_mask)
        if self._hypothesis_encoder:
            embedded_hypothesis = self._hypothesis_encoder(embedded_hypothesis, hypothesis_mask)

        projected_premise = self._attend_feedforward(embedded_premise)
        projected_hypothesis = self._attend_feedforward(embedded_hypothesis)
        # Shape: (batch_size, premise_length, hypothesis_length)
        similarity_matrix = self._matrix_attention(projected_premise, projected_hypothesis)

        # Shape: (batch_size, premise_length, hypothesis_length)
        p2h_attention = masked_softmax(similarity_matrix, hypothesis_mask)
        # Shape: (batch_size, premise_length, embedding_dim)
        attended_hypothesis = weighted_sum(embedded_hypothesis, p2h_attention)
github benbogin / spider-schema-gnn-global / models / semantic_parsing / View on Github external
def _get_initial_state(self,
                           utterance: Dict[str, torch.LongTensor],
                           worlds: List[SpiderWorld],
                           schema: Dict[str, torch.LongTensor],
                           actions: List[List[ProductionRule]]) -> GrammarBasedState:
        schema_text = schema['text']
        embedded_schema = self._question_embedder(schema_text, num_wrapping_dims=1)
        schema_mask = util.get_text_field_mask(schema_text, num_wrapping_dims=1).float()

        embedded_utterance = self._question_embedder(utterance)
        utterance_mask = util.get_text_field_mask(utterance).float()

        batch_size, num_entities, num_entity_tokens, _ = embedded_schema.size()
        num_entities = max([len(world.db_context.knowledge_graph.entities) for world in worlds])
        num_question_tokens = utterance['tokens'].size(1)

        # entity_types: tensor with shape (batch_size, num_entities), where each entry is the
        # entity's type id.
        # entity_type_dict: Dict[int, int], mapping flattened_entity_index -> type_index
        # These encode the same information, but for efficiency reasons later it's nice
        # to have one version as a tensor and one that's accessible on the cpu.
        entity_types, entity_type_dict = self._get_type_vector(worlds, num_entities, embedded_schema.device)

        entity_type_embeddings = self._entity_type_encoder_embedding(entity_types)

        # Compute entity and question word similarity.  We tried using cosine distance here, but
        # because this similarity is the main mechanism that the model can use to push apart logit
github allenai / allennlp / allennlp / models / semantic_parsing / atis / View on Github external
def _get_initial_state(
        utterance: Dict[str, torch.LongTensor],
        worlds: List[AtisWorld],
        actions: List[List[ProductionRule]],
        linking_scores: torch.Tensor,
    ) -> GrammarBasedState:
        embedded_utterance = self._utterance_embedder(utterance)
        utterance_mask = util.get_text_field_mask(utterance).float()

        batch_size = embedded_utterance.size(0)
        num_entities = max([len(world.entities) for world in worlds])

        # entity_types: tensor with shape (batch_size, num_entities)
        entity_types, _ = self._get_type_vector(worlds, num_entities, embedded_utterance)

        # (batch_size, num_utterance_tokens, embedding_dim)
        encoder_input = embedded_utterance

        # (batch_size, utterance_length, encoder_output_dim)
        encoder_outputs = self._dropout(self._encoder(encoder_input, utterance_mask))

        # This will be our initial hidden state and memory cell for the decoder LSTM.
        final_encoder_output = util.get_final_encoder_states(
            encoder_outputs, utterance_mask, self._encoder.is_bidirectional()
github huggingface / hmtl / hmtl / modules / text_field_embedders / View on Github external
def forward(self, text_field_input: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], num_wrapping_dims: int = 0) -> torch.Tensor:
        text_field_embeddings = self._base_text_field_embedder.forward(text_field_input, num_wrapping_dims)
        base_representation = text_field_embeddings
        mask = util.get_text_field_mask(text_field_input)

        for encoder in self._previous_encoders:
            text_field_embeddings = encoder(text_field_embeddings, mask)
            text_field_embeddings =[base_representation, text_field_embeddings], dim=-1)

        return[text_field_embeddings], dim=-1)
github allenai / allennlp-semparse / allennlp_semparse / models / atis / View on Github external
def _get_initial_state(
        utterance: Dict[str, torch.LongTensor],
        worlds: List[AtisWorld],
        actions: List[List[ProductionRule]],
        linking_scores: torch.Tensor,
    ) -> GrammarBasedState:
        embedded_utterance = self._utterance_embedder(utterance)
        utterance_mask = util.get_text_field_mask(utterance).float()

        batch_size = embedded_utterance.size(0)
        num_entities = max([len(world.entities) for world in worlds])

        # entity_types: tensor with shape (batch_size, num_entities)
        entity_types, _ = self._get_type_vector(worlds, num_entities, embedded_utterance)

        # (batch_size, num_utterance_tokens, embedding_dim)
        encoder_input = embedded_utterance

        # (batch_size, utterance_length, encoder_output_dim)
        encoder_outputs = self._dropout(self._encoder(encoder_input, utterance_mask))

        # This will be our initial hidden state and memory cell for the decoder LSTM.
        final_encoder_output = util.get_final_encoder_states(
            encoder_outputs, utterance_mask, self._encoder.is_bidirectional()
github allenai / allennlp / allennlp / models / semantic_parsing / nlvr / View on Github external
def _get_initial_rnn_state(self, sentence: Dict[str, torch.LongTensor]):
        embedded_input = self._sentence_embedder(sentence)
        # (batch_size, sentence_length)
        sentence_mask = util.get_text_field_mask(sentence).float()

        batch_size = embedded_input.size(0)

        # (batch_size, sentence_length, encoder_output_dim)
        encoder_outputs = self._dropout(self._encoder(embedded_input, sentence_mask))

        final_encoder_output = util.get_final_encoder_states(
            encoder_outputs, sentence_mask, self._encoder.is_bidirectional()
        memory_cell = encoder_outputs.new_zeros(batch_size, self._encoder.get_output_dim())
        attended_sentence, _ = self._decoder_step.attend_on_question(
            final_encoder_output, encoder_outputs, sentence_mask
        encoder_outputs_list = [encoder_outputs[i] for i in range(batch_size)]
        sentence_mask_list = [sentence_mask[i] for i in range(batch_size)]
        initial_rnn_state = []