How to use the function in aiosmtplib

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few aiosmtplib examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github cole / aiosmtplib / tests / View on Github external
def test_quote_address_with_display_names(address, expected_address):
    quoted_address = quote_address(address)
    assert quoted_address == expected_address
github cole / aiosmtplib / tests / View on Github external
def test_quote_address(email):
    assert quote_address(email) == "<{}>".format(email)
github cole / aiosmtplib / aiosmtplib / View on Github external
async def rcpt(
            self, recipient: str,
            options: Iterable[str] = None,
            timeout: OptionalDefaultNumber = _default) -> SMTPResponse:
        Sends the SMTP 'rcpt' command (specifies a recipient for the message)

        Returns an SMTPResponse namedtuple.
        if timeout is _default:
            timeout = self.timeout  # type: ignore
        if options is None:
            options = []
        to = 'TO:{}'.format(quote_address(recipient))


        response = await self.protocol.execute_command(  # type: ignore
            'RCPT', to, *options, timeout=timeout)

        success_codes = (SMTPStatus.completed, SMTPStatus.will_forward)
        if response.code not in success_codes:
            raise SMTPRecipientRefused(
                response.code, response.message, recipient)

        return response
github cole / aiosmtplib / aiosmtplib / View on Github external
options: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None,
        encoding: str = "ascii",
        timeout: Optional[Union[float, Default]] = _default,
    ) -> SMTPResponse:
        Send an SMTP MAIL command, which specifies the message sender and
        begins a new mail transfer session ("envelope").

        :raises SMTPSenderRefused: on unexpected server response code
        if options is None:
            options = []

        await self._ehlo_or_helo_if_needed()

        quoted_sender = quote_address(sender)
        addr_bytes = quoted_sender.encode(encoding)
        options_bytes = [option.encode("ascii") for option in options]

        response = await self.execute_command(
            b"MAIL", b"FROM:" + addr_bytes, *options_bytes, timeout=timeout

        if response.code != SMTPStatus.completed:
            raise SMTPSenderRefused(response.code, response.message, sender)

        return response
github cole / aiosmtplib / aiosmtplib / View on Github external
encoding: str = "ascii",
        timeout: Optional[Union[float, Default]] = _default,
    ) -> SMTPResponse:
        Send an SMTP RCPT command, which specifies a single recipient for
        the message. This command is sent once per recipient and must be
        preceded by 'MAIL'.

        :raises SMTPRecipientRefused: on unexpected server response code
        if options is None:
            options = []

        await self._ehlo_or_helo_if_needed()

        quoted_recipient = quote_address(recipient)
        addr_bytes = quoted_recipient.encode(encoding)
        options_bytes = [option.encode("ascii") for option in options]

        response = await self.execute_command(
            b"RCPT", b"TO:" + addr_bytes, *options_bytes, timeout=timeout

        if response.code not in (SMTPStatus.completed, SMTPStatus.will_forward):
            raise SMTPRecipientRefused(response.code, response.message, recipient)

        return response
github cole / aiosmtplib / aiosmtplib / View on Github external
async def mail(
            self, sender: str, options: Iterable[str] = None,
            timeout: OptionalDefaultNumber = _default) -> SMTPResponse:
        Sends the SMTP 'mail' command (begins mail transfer session)

        Returns an SMTPResponse namedtuple.
        if timeout is _default:
            timeout = self.timeout  # type: ignore
        if options is None:
            options = []
        from_string = 'FROM:{}'.format(quote_address(sender))


        response = await self.protocol.execute_command(  # type: ignore
            'MAIL', from_string, *options, timeout=timeout)

        if response.code != SMTPStatus.completed:
            raise SMTPSenderRefused(response.code, response.message, sender)

        return response