How to use the aiokafka.errors.for_code function in aiokafka

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log.debug("Fetching committed offsets for partitions: %s", partitions)
        # construct the request
        topic_partitions = collections.defaultdict(list)
        for tp in partitions:

        request = OffsetFetchRequest(
        response = await self._send_req(request)
        offsets = {}
        for topic, partitions in response.topics:
            for partition, offset, metadata, error_code in partitions:
                tp = TopicPartition(topic, partition)
                error_type = Errors.for_code(error_code)
                if error_type is not Errors.NoError:
                    error = error_type()
                    log.debug("Error fetching offset for %s: %s", tp, error)
                    if error_type is Errors.GroupLoadInProgressError:
                        # just retry
                        raise error
                    elif error_type is Errors.NotCoordinatorForGroupError:
                        # re-discover the coordinator and retry
                        raise error
                    elif error_type is Errors.UnknownTopicOrPartitionError:
                            "OffsetFetchRequest -- unknown topic %s", topic)
                    elif error_type is Errors.GroupAuthorizationFailedError:
                        raise error_type(self.group_id)
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if not
                "Discarding fetch response since the assignment changed during"
                " fetch")
            return False

        fetch_offsets = {}
        for topic, partitions in request.topics:
            for partition, offset, _ in partitions:
                fetch_offsets[TopicPartition(topic, partition)] = offset

        now_ms = int(1000 * time.time())
        for topic, partitions in response.topics:
            for partition, error_code, highwater, *part_data in partitions:
                tp = TopicPartition(topic, partition)
                error_type = Errors.for_code(error_code)
                fetch_offset = fetch_offsets[tp]
                tp_state = assignment.state_value(tp)
                if not tp_state.has_valid_position or \
                        tp_state.position != fetch_offset:
                        "Discarding fetch response for partition %s "
                        "since its offset %s does not match the current "
                        "position", tp, fetch_offset)

                if error_type is Errors.NoError:
                    if request.API_VERSION >= 4:
                        aborted_transactions = part_data[-2]
                        lso = part_data[-3]
                        aborted_transactions = None
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async def _do_heartbeat(self):
        version = 0 if self._client.api_version < (0, 11, 0) else 1
        request = HeartbeatRequest[version](
            self.group_id, self.generation, self.member_id)
        log.debug("Heartbeat: %s[%s] %s",
                  self.group_id, self.generation, self.member_id)

        # _send_req may fail with error like `RequestTimedOutError`
        # we need to catch it so coordinator_routine won't fail
            resp = await self._send_req(request)
        except Errors.KafkaError as err:
            log.error("Heartbeat send request failed: %s. Will retry.", err)
            return False
        error_type = Errors.for_code(resp.error_code)
        if error_type is Errors.NoError:
                "Received successful heartbeat response for group %s",
            return True
        if error_type in (Errors.GroupCoordinatorNotAvailableError,
                "Heartbeat failed for group %s: coordinator (node %s)"
                " is either not started or not valid",
                self.group_id, self.coordinator_id)
        elif error_type is Errors.RebalanceInProgressError:
                "Heartbeat failed for group %s because it is rebalancing",
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            [(topic, tp_offsets) for topic, tp_offsets in offset_data.items()]

        log.debug("Sending offset-commit request with %s for group %s to %s",
                  offsets, self.group_id, self.coordinator_id)

        response = await self._send_req(request)

        errored = collections.OrderedDict()
        unauthorized_topics = set()
        for topic, partitions in response.topics:
            for partition, error_code in partitions:
                tp = TopicPartition(topic, partition)
                error_type = Errors.for_code(error_code)
                offset = offsets[tp]
                if error_type is Errors.NoError:
                        "Committed offset %s for partition %s", offset, tp)
                elif error_type is Errors.GroupAuthorizationFailedError:
                    log.error("OffsetCommit failed for group %s - %s",
                              self.group_id, error_type.__name__)
                    errored[tp] = error_type(self.group_id)
                elif error_type is Errors.TopicAuthorizationFailedError:
                elif error_type in (Errors.OffsetMetadataTooLargeError,
                    # raise the error to the user
                        "OffsetCommit failed for group %s on partition %s"
                        " due to %s, will retry", self.group_id, tp,
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def _check_api_version_response(self, response):
        # The logic here is to check the list of supported request versions
        # in descending order. As soon as we find one that works, return it
        test_cases = [
            # format (, )
            ((2, 1, 0), MetadataRequest[0].API_KEY, 7),
            ((1, 1, 0), FetchRequest[0].API_KEY, 7),
            ((1, 0, 0), MetadataRequest[0].API_KEY, 5),
            ((0, 11, 0), MetadataRequest[0].API_KEY, 4),
            ((0, 10, 2), OffsetFetchRequest[0].API_KEY, 2),
            ((0, 10, 1), MetadataRequest[0].API_KEY, 2),

        error_type = Errors.for_code(response.error_code)
        assert error_type is Errors.NoError, "API version check failed"
        max_versions = dict([
            (api_key, max_version)
            for api_key, _, max_version in response.api_versions
        # Get the best match of test cases
        for broker_version, api_key, version in test_cases:
            if max_versions.get(api_key, -1) >= version:
                return broker_version

        # We know that ApiVersionResponse is only supported in 0.10+
        # so if all else fails, choose that
        return (0, 10, 0)
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if res is None:
            payload, expect_response = res

            # Before Kafka 1.0.0 Authentication bytes for SASL were send
            # without a Kafka Header, only with Length. This made error
            # handling hard, so they made SaslAuthenticateRequest to properly
            # pass error messages to clients on source of error.
            if auth_klass is None:
                auth_bytes = await self._send_sasl_token(
                    payload, expect_response
                req = auth_klass(payload)
                resp = await self.send(req)
                error_type = Errors.for_code(resp.error_code)
                if error_type is not Errors.NoError:
                    exc = error_type(resp.error_message)
                    self.close(reason=CloseReason.AUTH_FAILURE, exc=exc)
                    raise exc
                auth_bytes = resp.sasl_auth_bytes

        if self._sasl_mechanism == 'GSSAPI':
                'Authenticated as %s via GSSAPI',
  'Authenticated as %s via PLAIN',
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_new_controller = _new_brokers.get(metadata.controller_id)

        _new_partitions = {}
        _new_broker_partitions = collections.defaultdict(set)
        _new_unauthorized_topics = set()
        _new_internal_topics = set()

        for topic_data in metadata.topics:
            if metadata.API_VERSION == 0:
                error_code, topic, partitions = topic_data
                is_internal = False
                error_code, topic, is_internal, partitions = topic_data
            if is_internal:
            error_type = Errors.for_code(error_code)
            if error_type is Errors.NoError:
                _new_partitions[topic] = {}
                for p_error, partition, leader, replicas, isr in partitions:
                    _new_partitions[topic][partition] = PartitionMetadata(
                        topic=topic, partition=partition, leader=leader,
                        replicas=replicas, isr=isr, error=p_error)
                    if leader != -1:
                            TopicPartition(topic, partition))

            elif error_type is Errors.LeaderNotAvailableError:
                log.warning("Topic %s is not available during auto-create"
                            " initialization", topic)
            elif error_type is Errors.UnknownTopicOrPartitionError:
                log.error("Topic %s not found in cluster metadata", topic)
            elif error_type is Errors.TopicAuthorizationFailedError:
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def handle_response(self, response):
        for topic, partitions in response.topics:
            for partition_info in partitions:
                if response.API_VERSION < 2:
                    partition, error_code, offset = partition_info
                    # Mimic CREATE_TIME to take user provided timestamp
                    timestamp = -1
                    partition, error_code, offset, timestamp = partition_info
                tp = TopicPartition(topic, partition)
                error = Errors.for_code(error_code)
                batch = self._batches.get(tp)
                if batch is None:

                if error is Errors.NoError:
                    batch.done(offset, timestamp)
                elif error is DuplicateSequenceNumber:
                    # If we have received a duplicate sequence error,
                    # it means that the sequence number has advanced
                    # beyond the sequence of the current batch, and we
                    # haven't retained batch metadata on the broker to
                    # return the correct offset and timestamp.
                    # The only thing we can do is to return success to
                    # the user and not return a valid offset and
                    # timestamp.