How to use the aicsimageio.constants.Dimensions.DefaultOrder function in aicsimageio

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def guess_dim_order(shape: Tuple[int]) -> str:
        return Dimensions.DefaultOrder[len(Dimensions.DefaultOrder) - len(shape) :]
github AllenCellModeling / aicsimageio / aicsimageio / writers / View on Github external
    def save(self, data, dims=constants.Dimensions.DefaultOrder, **kwargs) -> None:
        """Write to open file"""
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    def size(self, dims: str = Dimensions.DefaultOrder) -> Tuple[int]:
        dims: str
            A string containing a list of dimensions being requested. The default is to
            return the six standard dims.

        size: Tuple[int]
            A tuple with the requested dimensions filled in.
        # Ensure dims is an uppercase string
        dims = dims.upper()

        # Check that dims requested are all a part of the available dims in the package
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        # Convert the numpy array of lazy readers into a dask array and fill the inner
        # most empty dimensions with chunks
        merged = da.block(lazy_arrays.tolist())

        # Because we have set certain dimensions to be chunked and others not
        # we will need to transpose back to original dimension ordering
        # Example being, if the original dimension ordering was "SZYX" and we want to
        # chunk by "S", "Y", and "X" we created an array with dimensions ordering "ZSYX"
        transpose_indices = []
        transpose_required = False
        for i, d in enumerate(Dimensions.DefaultOrder):
            new_index = blocked_dimension_order.index(d)
            if new_index != i:
                transpose_required = True

        # Only run if the transpose is actually required
        # The default case is "Z", "Y", "X", which _usually_ doesn't need to be
        # transposed because that is _usually_
        # The normal dimension order of the LIF file anyway
        if transpose_required:
            merged = da.transpose(merged, tuple(transpose_indices))

        # Because dimensions outside of Y and X can be in any order and present or not
        # we also return the dimension order string.
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        dims: str
            A string containing a list of dimensions being requested. The default is to
            return the six standard dims.

        size: Tuple[int]
            A tuple with the requested dimensions filled in.
        # Ensure dims is an uppercase string
        dims = dims.upper()

        # Check that dims requested are all a part of the available dims in the package
        if not (all(d in Dimensions.DefaultOrder for d in dims)):
            raise InvalidDimensionOrderingError(f"Invalid dimensions requested: {dims}")

        # Check that the dims requested are in the image dims
        if not (all(d in self.dims for d in dims)):
            raise InvalidDimensionOrderingError(f"Invalid dimensions requested: {dims}")

        # Return the shape of the data for the dimensions requested
        return tuple([self.dask_data.shape[self.dims.index(dim)] for dim in dims])
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# the length of the sample chunk. When dask.block happens it fills the
        # dimensions from inner-most to outer-most with the chunks as long as the
        # dimension is size 1. Basically, we are adding empty dimensions to the
        # operating shape that will be filled by the chunks from dask
        operating_shape = tuple(operating_shape) + (1,) * len(sample_chunk_shape)

        # Create empty numpy array with the operating shape so that we can iter through
        # and use the multi_index to create the readers.
        lazy_arrays = np.ndarray(operating_shape, dtype=object)

        # We can enumerate over the multi-indexed array and construct read_dims
        # dictionaries by simply zipping together the ordered dims list and the current
        # multi-index plus the begin index for that plane. We then set the value of the
        # array at the same multi-index to the delayed reader using the constructed
        # read_dims dictionary.
        dims = [d for d in Dimensions.DefaultOrder]
        begin_indicies = tuple(image_dim_indices[d][0] for d in dims)
        for i, _ in np.ndenumerate(lazy_arrays):
            # Add the czi file begin index for each dimension to the array dimension
            # index
            this_chunk_read_indicies = (
                current_dim_begin_index + curr_dim_index
                for current_dim_begin_index, curr_dim_index in zip(begin_indicies, i)

            # Zip the dims with the read indices
            this_chunk_read_dims = dict(
                zip(blocked_dimension_order, this_chunk_read_indicies)

            # Remove the dimensions that we want to chunk by from the read dims
            for d in chunk_by_dims:
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    def size(self, dims: str = Dimensions.DefaultOrder) -> Tuple[int]:
        dims: str
            A string containing a list of dimensions being requested. The default is to
            return the six standard dims.

        size: Tuple[int]
            A tuple with the requested dimensions filled in.
        # Ensure dims is an uppercase string
        dims = dims.upper()

        # Check that the dims requested are in the image dims
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        dims: str
            A string containing a list of dimensions being requested. The default is to
            return the six standard dims.

        size: Tuple[int]
            A tuple with the requested dimensions filled in.
        # Ensure dims is an uppercase string
        dims = dims.upper()

        # Check that dims requested are all a part of the available dims in the package
        if not (all(d in Dimensions.DefaultOrder for d in dims)):
            raise InvalidDimensionOrderingError(f"Invalid dimensions requested: {dims}")

        # Check that the dims requested are in the image dims
        if not (all(d in self.dims for d in dims)):
            raise InvalidDimensionOrderingError(f"Invalid dimensions requested: {dims}")

        # Return the shape of the data for the dimensions requested
        return tuple([self.dask_data.shape[self.dims.index(dim)] for dim in dims])
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        # Check known dims
        if known_dims is not None:
            if not all([d in Dimensions.DefaultOrder for d in known_dims]):
                raise InvalidDimensionOrderingError(
                    f"The provided dimension string to the 'known_dims' argument "
                    f"includes dimensions that AICSImage does not support. "
                    f"Received: '{known_dims}'. "
                    f"Supported dimensions: {Dimensions.DefaultOrderList}."

        # Hold onto known dims until data is requested
        self._known_dims = known_dims

        # Dims should nearly always be default dim order unless explictly overridden
        self.dims = Dimensions.DefaultOrder

        # Determine reader class and create dask delayed array
        reader_class = self.determine_reader(data=data)
        self._reader = reader_class(data, **kwargs)

        # Lazy load data from reader and reformat to standard dimensions
        self._dask_data = None
        self._data = None

        # Store dask client and cluster setup
        self._dask_kwargs = dask_kwargs
        self._client = None
        self._cluster = None