How to use the agate.utils.issequence function in agate

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each value or list of values not found in the rows of the table.
    :param default_row:
        An array of values or a function to generate new rows. The length of
        the input array should be equal to row length minus column_names
        count. The length of array generated by the function should be the
        row length.
        A new :class:`.Table`.
    rows = list(self._rows)

    if not utils.issequence(key):
        key = [key]

    if len(key) == 1:
        if any(not utils.issequence(compare_value) for compare_value in compare_values):
            compare_values = [[compare_value] for compare_value in compare_values]

    column_values = [self._columns.get(name) for name in key]
    column_indexes = [self._column_names.index(name) for name in key]

    column_values = zip(*column_values)
    differences = list(set(map(tuple, compare_values)) - set(column_values))

    for difference in differences:
        if callable(default_row):
            rows.append(Row(default_row(difference), self._column_names))
            if default_row is not None:
                new_row = default_row
                new_row = [None] * (len(self._column_names) - len(key))
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def exclude(self, key):
        Create a new table without the specified columns.

        :param key:
            Either the name of a single column to exclude or a sequence of such
            A new :class:`.Table`.
        if not utils.issequence(key):
            key = [key]

        selected_column_names = [n for n in self._column_names if n not in key]

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def select(self, key):
        Create a new table with only the specified columns.

        :param key:
            Either the name of a single column to include or a sequence of such
            A new :class:`.Table`.
        if not utils.issequence(key):
            key = [key]

        column_types = [self.columns[name].data_type for name in key]
        new_rows = []

        for row in self._rows:
            new_rows.append(Row(tuple(row[n] for n in key), key))

        return self._fork(new_rows, key, column_types)
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def run(self, table):
        new_column = []

        for row in table.rows:
            if issequence(self._column_name):
                column_value = ''
                for column_name in self._column_name:
                    column_value = column_value + ' ' + row[column_name]


        return slugify(new_column, ensure_unique=self._ensure_unique, **self._slug_args)
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def distinct(self, key=None):
    Create a new table with only unique rows.

    :param key:
        Either the name of a single column to use to identify unique rows, a
        sequence of such column names, a :class:`function` that takes a
        row and returns a value to identify unique rows, or `None`, in
        which case the entire row will be checked for uniqueness.
        A new :class:`.Table`.
    key_is_row_function = hasattr(key, '__call__')
    key_is_sequence = utils.issequence(key)

    uniques = []
    rows = []

    if self._row_names is not None:
        row_names = []
        row_names = None

    for i, row in enumerate(self._rows):
        if key_is_row_function:
            k = key(row)
        elif key_is_sequence:
            k = (row[j] for j in key)
        elif key is None:
            k = tuple(row)
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Create a new table that is sorted.

    :param key:
        Either the name of a single column to sort by, a sequence of such
        names, or a :class:`function` that takes a row and returns a value
        to sort by.
    :param reverse:
        If `True` then sort in reverse (typically, descending) order.
        A new :class:`.Table`.
    if len(self._rows) == 0:
        return self._fork(self._rows)
        key_is_row_function = hasattr(key, '__call__')
        key_is_sequence = utils.issequence(key)

        def sort_key(data):
            row = data[1]

            if key_is_row_function:
                k = key(row)
            elif key_is_sequence:
                k = tuple(utils.NullOrder() if row[n] is None else row[n] for n in key)
                k = row[key]

            if k is None:
                return utils.NullOrder()

            return k
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def aggregate(self, aggregations):
    Apply one or more :class:`.Aggregation` instances to this table.

    :param aggregations:
        A single :class:`.Aggregation` instance or a sequence of tuples in the
        format :code:`(name, aggregation)`, where each :code:`aggregation` is
        an instance of :class:`.Aggregation`.
        If the input was a single :class:`Aggregation` then a single result
        will be returned. If it was a sequence then an :class:`.OrderedDict` of
        results will be returned.
    if utils.issequence(aggregations):
        results = OrderedDict()

        for name, agg in aggregations:

        for name, agg in aggregations:
            results[name] =

        return results

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Create a new table that is sorted.

        :param key:
            Either the name of a single column to sort by, a sequence of such
            names, or a :class:`function` that takes a row and returns a value
            to sort by.
        :param reverse:
            If `True` then sort in reverse (typically, descending) order.
            A new :class:`.Table`.
        if len(self._rows) == 0:
            return self._fork()

        key_is_row_function = hasattr(key, '__call__')
        key_is_sequence = utils.issequence(key)

        def sort_key(data):
            row = data[1]

            if key_is_row_function:
                k = key(row)
            elif key_is_sequence:
                k = tuple(row[n] for n in key)
                k = row[key]

            if k is None:
                return utils.NullOrder()

            return k