Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
send(message: String, recipients: List, senderId: Optional, enqueue: Optional): Send a bulk message to recipients, optionally from senderId (Short Code or Alphanumeric).
sendPremium(message: String, keyword: String, linkId: String, recipients: List, senderId: Optional, retryDurationInHours: Optional): Send a premium SMS
fetchMessages(lastReceivedId: Optional): Fetch your messages
fetchSubscriptions(shortCode: String, keyword: String, lastReceivedId: Optional): Fetch your premium subscription data
createSubscription(shortCode: String, keyword: String, phoneNumber: String, checkoutToken: String): Create a premium subscription
import africastalking
import unittest
from test import USERNAME, API_KEY
africastalking.initialize(USERNAME, API_KEY)
token_service = africastalking.Token
service = africastalking.SMS
class TestSmsService(unittest.TestCase):
def test_send(self):
res = service.send('test_send()', ['+254718769882', '+254718769881'], enqueue=True, sender_id='AT2FA')
recipients = res['SMSMessageData']['Recipients']
assert len(recipients) == 2
assert recipients[0]['status'] == 'Success'
def test_heavy_single_send(self):
count = 100000
phone_numbers = list(map(lambda x: str("+254718" + str(x + count)), range(1, count)))
fetchApplicationData(): Fetch app info i.e. balance.
import africastalking
import unittest
from test import USERNAME, API_KEY
africastalking.initialize(USERNAME, API_KEY)
service = africastalking.Application
class TestApplicationService(unittest.TestCase):
def test_fetch_account(self):
res = service.fetch_application_data()
assert res['UserData']['balance'] is not None
if __name__ == '__main__':
send(phoneNumber: String, amount: String): Send airtime to a phone number.
send(recipients: Map): Send airtime to a bunch of phone numbers. The keys in the recipients map are phone
numbers while the values are airtime amounts.
import africastalking
import unittest
import random
from test import USERNAME, API_KEY
africastalking.initialize(USERNAME, API_KEY)
service = africastalking.Airtime
class TestAirtimeService(unittest.TestCase):
def test_send_single(self):
currency_code = "KES"
amount = str(random.randint(10, 1000))
phone = '+254718763456'
idempotency_key = 'req-1234'
res = service.send(phone_number=phone, amount=amount, currency_code=currency_code, idempotency_key=idempotency_key)
assert res['numSent'] == 1
def test_send_multiple(self):
res = service.send(recipients=[
{'phoneNumber': '+2348160663047', 'amount': str(random.randint(1, 10)), 'currency_code': 'USD'},
mobileB2C(productName: String, consumers: List): Send mobile money to consumers.
mobileB2B(productName: String, recipient: Business): Send mobile money to a business.
walletTransfer(productName: String, targetProductCode: Integer, amount: String, metadata: Map)
topupStash(productName: String, amount: String, metadata: Map)
import africastalking
import unittest
import random
import time
from test import USERNAME, API_KEY
africastalking.initialize(USERNAME, API_KEY)
service = africastalking.Payment
class TestPaymentService(unittest.TestCase):
def test_mobile_checkout(self):
res = service.mobile_checkout(product_name='TestProduct', phone_number='+254718769882', currency_code="USD", amount=10)
assert res['status'] == 'PendingConfirmation'
def test_mobile_b2c(self):
consumer = {
'name': 'Salama',
'phoneNumber': '+254718769882',
'currencyCode': 'KES',
'amount': 892,
# Optionals
createCheckoutToken(phoneNumber: String): Create a new checkout token for phoneNumber
generateAuthToken(): Generate an auth token to us for authentication instead of the API key.
import africastalking
import unittest
from test import USERNAME, API_KEY
africastalking.initialize(USERNAME, API_KEY)
service = africastalking.Token
class TestTokenService(unittest.TestCase):
def test_create_checkout_token(self):
res = service.create_checkout_token("+254718769882")
assert res['token'] != "None"
def test_generate_auth_token(self):
res = service.generate_auth_token()
assert res['lifetimeInSeconds'] == 3600
if __name__ == '__main__':
import os
from flask import Flask, request, render_template
from flask_restful import Resource, Api
import africastalking
app = Flask(__name__)
api = Api(app)
username = os.getenv('user_name', 'sandbox')
api_key = os.getenv('api_key', 'fake')
africastalking.initialize(username, api_key)
sms = africastalking.SMS
airtime = africastalking.Airtime
payment = africastalking.Payment
def index():
return render_template('index.html')
class send_sms(Resource):
def get(self):
return {'hello': 'world'}
def post(self):
number = str(request.form['number'])
return sms.send("Test message", [number])
api.add_resource(send_sms, '/sms')
def main():
africastalking.initialize(os.getenv('USERNAME', 'sandbox'), os.getenv('API_KEY', 'fake'))
sms = africastalking.SMS
def on_finish(error, data):
if error is not None:
raise error
print('\nAsync Done with -> ' + str(data['SMSMessageData']['Message']))
# Send SMS asynchronously
sms.send('Hello Async', ['+254718769882'], callback=on_finish)
print('Waiting for async result....')
# Send SMS synchronously
result = sms.send('Hello Sync Test', ['+254718769882'])
print('\nSync Done with -> ' + result['SMSMessageData']['Message'])